
>Landia EX keeps kicking my ass
>Need better equipment
>One apple left
I about to give up and summit myself to this little shit, wat to do?

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Go ahead. Just put a limit on how much you think the game is worth.

>999 of all normal fragments already
I regret buying the first edition of the three fragment volumes, it was a waate of apples.

So in what should i spend my apples?

You can actually die in a kirby game?

uh, yes.


You can die in literally every Kirby game except epic yarn

Never try the true arenas, didn't you?

I spent five bucks in total and never had any trouble whatsoever. Just beat Kind D-Mind today with like 400 apples left.

no matter what the fuck I do I can't beat kirby fighters on very hard
should I be abusing chese strats or something?

>playing fighters
>not crash team

just playing through my backlog, felt like doing some kirby and triple deluxe was enticing
don't make me come back there user

I wish the game had online play. It's so annoying to deal with the useless AI except the dealer's AI I'll admit is pretty decent. Like if I'm not the mage the computers will only stop time once if you're lucky. The knight won't shield allies. The hammer user keeps dying.

03 when?

Maybe you coud ask the magic mirror of friendship, surely it will lend you a hand.

the what?

I've only been using Sword Kirby. Which one is the most fun after Sword? Mage?

What should I buy?
>Drawcia Bursh DX
>Platinum Wand

I'm stuck with Parallel Landia

What part are you having difficulty with? A stage? An ability?

It's a pretty cool gadget, you ask for stuff and it makes your wishes come true!



Yeah, it can even give you your waifu!

I guess one look wouldn't hurt.

That was low, user, very low.

You really need to git gud, especially against that asshole Dedede

Mage it's the most useful since time stopping is too great. Healer is boring. Hammer has no mobility like you're in molasses.

Cool. Guess I'll focus on Mage and Healer next.

Post Homura Akemi

just that difficulty
I beat it on hard with every other ability
the stages aren't really a problem either
honestly I think what frustrates me more than anything is the item spawns. I'll be doing well and then a pep brew will spawn behind the AI fighters and all my hard work was for naught

>healer is boring

what role is best for the AI partners?

Beam Mage + 3 Hammers? I tried combinations with Sword but they all fall flat because the AI is fucking stupid with both sword and beam

It is, man. He is useful, but too boring to play it yourself.

he's got like twice as many attacks as mage and they're all useful aside from the normal jewel toss

His attacks doesn't do shit!

nibba I got a sub40 clear on parallandia with him you don't do the right attacks in the right situation

When something bad like that happens, just stall until you can get a beneficial item yourself.

Well, explain how git gud with healmore.

Tier list when?

Although I've heard that Fighters Deluxe is very case-by-case when it comes to strengths and weaknesses; i.e. an ability is good against some, but others counter it easily

Fuck that, I want my nigga Nightmare back. Just imagine this theme getting a glorious remaster.

It doesn't really matter when we all know Hammer is perfect.

Due to the lack of online, nobody actually bothered to make deep analysis of that game

normal jewel toss is basically never useful unless you want to extend airtime for jumping over stuff instead of floating
dash attack is good for closing distance since it doesn't go through enemies, rather it puts you in front of them
heal is a heal nuff said
upB can destroy projectiles and hit things that most other classes can't hit while on the ground
downB is quick burst damage on red/blue/yellow vials, full heal on green that can be shared with allies, use this if the enemy is only open for a second or to iframe through attacks since you are entirely invincible for the cast animation
bandage spin is your highest dps move, used this when you have long openings otherwise use triple jewel/mix vial
triple jewel is your longest range attack and safest to use since you can keep hopping and firing without having to stay immobile like beam

I've been loving all this Taranza bullying lately