Seriously, do you have Sony or you actually don't want a PS4?


Other urls found in this thread:

There's no Ape Escape 4, user.

Yes, I have Sony.

Not even memeing, I genuinely consider non PS4 owners subhuman


hey guys

>ubisoft tower climber #33564
>64 metacritic
>good game
>never heard
>indie shit
>movie game
>don't care about racers
>gravity rush two times???
>58 metacritic
>63 metacritic
>not exclusive
>we know nothing about this game
> indie artsy shit incarnate
>open world survival meme
>vita remake
>actually good game
>not exclusive
>not exclusive
>minecraft clone
>minecraft clone 2
>weebshit, atleast give me an english name for the game you fuck
>53 metacritic
>looks okay
>54 metacritic
>not exclusive
>looks okay
>looks shit
>actually a good game
>looks like indie trash
>idgaf about ff
>looks like another generic third person sony exclusive

amazing list user. Maybe if you stopped padding your list with filler and literal garbage I wouldn't be laughing at you.

Woah! It's almost like people buy consoles for multiplatforms mainly and nintwndo devices for first part nintendo games?! WHAT THE FUCK EH?

delete this
we bought only exclusives

Hmm, really makes you think

>xbox exclusives higher up the xboxes best sellers than playstation exclusives are on the playstations best sellers


Hmm, really really makes you think



And uncharted sales alone equals 2 of the Xbone exclusive sales coming in at #4 highers than Halo's #5 spot.

When more people choose to use a platform you are gonna get the filler people dominate those sales, no one is really buying xbox's or WiiU's how is this a diffivult concept?? Why do so many anons think exclusives matter? Hardly anyone gives a fuck about them, i thought we knew this?

this is why scorpio will win. Multiplats were always on top

>xbox exclusives higher up the xboxes best sellers than playstation exclusives are on the playstations best sellers

Read it again

Hmm? Whats you reason though? Why will it win?

>Deep Down
I wish

Haven't bought a Sony console since the PS2.
PS3 pretty much shares it's good games with x360 and pc. Demon souls emulation is improving.
PSP has a great emulator that even works on android phones
PS Vita has no_games_meme dot jpeg
Getting a PS4 Slim/Pro seems like a good deal, lots of exclusives and support from devs. Tell me why I should/shouldn't get a ps4 or wait until the Vita 2 or PS5

The thing for me was the 360 never had PSone classics, the ability to read PSX discs or Tekken 5:Dark ressurection Online.

>The autistic nintendofag still post this image

Did you legitimately sit there and type out all of that shit?

I'm so sorry man. Hey, want to play some games together? I don't like to let people be so sad and lonely.

Took me two minutes, how much time did you spend making that terrible list?