Is the combat cookie clicker tier?
Genuine question from someone who hasn't bought it yet
Is the combat cookie clicker tier?
Genuine question from someone who hasn't bought it yet
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I don't know what the fuck that means. It's a hack and slash. That should be sufficient enough to answer your question.
Sounds like you have to both hack AND slash.
Instantly 100% more interactive.
It's just generic Platinum fare. There are some intricacies to the combat but they are 100% not needed because the game is so easy and there is no ranking system what-so-ever for combat, it's an RPG first.
More hack n slash than typical Platinum. Way less combos, less stylish, more mashy. It's still decent compared to the original's but with very low enemy variety only the bosses seem to pose any real challenge to you.
it's about as deep as dynasty warriors
You are overleveling pretty fast, so the gameplay is boring shit.
then why the fuck is it so popular?
I think its due to that series having that loyal fanbase.
hype is real
Because it's FUN.
This game looks so bland and soulless. Why do weebs worship this?
taro has a cult of personality so people will buy his game because they like his stories. some people like hack and slash. 2Bs ass.
you really have no idea, do you ?
Daily reminder that the tutorial was too hard for the master race.
Pff...Clueless to the ways of Taro I see...Pull up a seat and witness the thread, newfag, you might learn something.
because most casuals here aren't used to Taro's writing so they blow the hype way out of fucking proportion. It honestly has the worst cast of characters since SO4.
The only legitimately good thing about the game is the music.
play on hard, everyone who's complaining about it being too easy switched it to normal on the prologue because of artifishul dificultee
If you're a platinumfag the game will be the most frustrating experience of the year by far. Hard is severely unbalanced if you dont get good chips and early game can be torture. Combine this with checkpoints in bosses that are before the talking and you'll have to wait in some cases even 3 to 5 minutes of just listening and getting one shotted trying to learn the bosses pattern.
In normal the game is laughably easy, so in gameplay is not the greatest thing ever. People hyped it for Yoko Taro and his weird stories and 2B ass.
Played the first Nier in 2012, enjoyed it
It has some fun ideas like weapons staying in the world longer than the character's attack animations last, but the balancing is pretty off making normal way too easy and hard way too hard.
No I really don't. I feel like I would fall asleep while playing it.
The controls are great, so it feels good to do the actions and stuff, but it's not that well balanced nor does it have all that much depth to it. If you play on normal it will quickly become so easy that you just button mash and healchug your way through everything and it feels mindless. If you play on hard mode the fights will be more challenging and you can't just button mash anymore, but it also comes at the cost of frustrating moments because holy fuck did they overtune hard mode and there is nothing between that and normal mode. Some things will OHKO you and other hits will just take out 80% of your health. Once you get some melee and ranged defensive chips though it will resemble a decently balanced game.
Don't go into hard mode until the tutorial chapter is over though, there are no save points in it and you have to start the whole thing over if you die, and you definitely will die.
I'm picking up Nier soon. Is the Drakengard series worth checking out as well?
literally you can beat everyone with projectiles in 5 sec on normal and in 5 min on hard.
It's actually one of the least bland and soulless games of this whole decade. Don't judge a book by its cover, friendo.
Only if you want to see more of Taro's crazy stories. They don't have feels in them like Nier though, they're just batshit crazy.
definitely not, if you want to know more about it watch a lets play on it, the gameplay is atrocious and it should only be reserved for the highest tier of tarofag
Nier's universe is tied to drakengard's, so start with drakdengard 1, skip 2, and play 3 if you want, then play nier
Play or emulate the first one, at least try it. Some people like it and others hate it. By far it has the most strange story of all Taro games.
Play 2 ONLY if you enjoyed the first one, since Taro was only as a producr there i believe, but had no involvement in the development.
About 3, grab it cheap, It's more like a barebones hack and slash more than a barebones dynasty warriors / panzer dragoon.
No, there's a certain level of strategy to cookie clicker.
>watch a lets play on it
Fuck off. If you haven't played it you haven't experienced it at all.
I have played it user. But the average person shouldn't bother with drakengard unless you REALLY like taro games. Which if you just played automata, you might not be completely sold on yet
You can just spam heals and projectiles and beat every enemy in the game. When you start hacking it's even more easy. The combat in general is subpar in comparison with Bayo or MGR, but the story and the music makes it worth it.
What is the point of heavy attacks in this game ? Especially when as light sword is easier to upgrade so does more damage and hits more often
I kindof like hack and slash games. They're a good stress reliever. Plus the better ones offer a lot of room for playing for style and having fun with your playstyle, and this is probably the best hack and slash I've played. Play on harder difficulties if you want a challenge, they offer plenty.
Also this games priorities clearly lie mainly on story. It just so happens that the gameplay is really fun.
Gesamtkunst. Taro's games are more than just games, without forgetting the game, which stands in stark contrast to the cinematic experiences that frequently forget they are first and foremost a game and just use the gameplay to fill the void between story segments.
Taro's games are the epitome of "Individually, very few of the constituent parts of the game are particularly high up there on their own in terms of quality, but they synergize together so well that they create something greater than the sum of their parts."
Basically, if you're willing to set aside your usual expectations for games and lower your bar for quality a little bit, you can find something really special in this that comes out well ahead of what you might have expected going in to it. And I personally think it's worth being willing to do that, as I also think Taro is one of the few genuine video game artists, though admittedly more in that crazy and wacky "try to find out and see everything you can possibly do with the medium" way than in the Platinum "honing their craft to perfection" way.
That these two very, very different artistic entities came together to collaborate... this alone had my hype levels through the roof, but in line with keeping my standards and expectations leveled out, I still found a game that far exceeded what I ever thought I'd find in the medium.
It's not a game for everyone. Nobody's tastes are the same. But I do feel that this is one of the best arguments the medium has for its value as a canvas for art. This coming from someone who typically values gameplay over story and finds such absolutist ideas as "all video games are art" distasteful.
Watch the story on youtube, there is literally no point in playing DoD
Yeah, I agree with you on that. I just don't approve of telling people to watch let's plays instead of playing games themselves. Either play them or skip them entirely. The experience from simply watching it isn't the same at all so it's completely missing the point anyway.
It's an out of print PS2 game. Emulate it, I don't care.
why are you responding to the idiot that blames the Jews for his small penis
The Iron Pipe makes heavy weapons incredibly redundant. Put some chips in taunt and critical up and you're unstoppable
Then again the experience from playing Drakengard is pretty horrible.
>most casuals arent used to Taro Games.
Man I love this meme
Because dumb tasteless weebs.
The game is pretty garbage.
Hello anons.
My favorite platinum game, action game in general, is Transformers Devastation. You think i'll like this one?
I don't understand what makes it so good either, it just grows on you.
Thing is that the characters aren't super fleshed out but you still find yourself caring for them.
I'll admit this was first Taro game but I was genuinely surprised how much I actually cared about 9S when route A was coming to a head. Usually my layer of Sup Forums cynicism keeps me from being attached to characters too hard but I half willingly let this game get past me.
Some of it WAS totally overly sentimental but so much of the game SELLS the melodrama that even when the game goes for an emotional low blow I wasn't offended.
The combat isn't bad, its just not balanced for a challenge, the dodge has so many invincibility frames its crazy, enemies can become too weak after you do sidequests but the overall presentation of everything is great.
I found a few things we're too convoluted for their own good, thought I had missed some dialog or that there was a huge plothole, but coming to these threads helped me fill in the blanks.
Taro definitely can try too hard to hit emotional moments, but there were so many emotional moments when I was so sold by the music that I felt compelled to present my gut to him, so that he could punch it.
Calling /thread on your post is the equivalent of laughing to your own jokes when youre alone.
Also game is good as fuck considering the games that have come out the last years
>then why the fuck is it so popular?
Gameplay is enjoyable even if it's not amazing
Narrative is really good
Music is really good
Philosophical and existential themes
Extreme feels
Powerful ending
>considering the games that have come out the last years
Then stop playing japshit exclusively, dumbass.
>Philosophical and existential themes
That's redundant, and its nihilism and trans humanism.
Taro's not good at subtlety, and his stories are more than occasionally reliant on "getting it" later on, especially with supplementary material or context from earlier games. But I'm more than willing to forgive that just because of how interested I am in the worlds he's crafted.
>threading your own post
You have no idea what that word means
Is it really transhumanism if the them is trying to be MORE human? It feels on the opposite end of the spectrum.
Also ALL of Taro's games are nihilism. It's kind of a running theme.
>It honestly has the worst cast of characters since SO4.
Why are people pretending DO3 had a better cast?
The game won me over at the robot orgy. There's a robot orgy, by the way.
They're just more moves to your moveset. Large sword gives you a 360 degree sweeping attack. Spear gives you attacks with a wider angle of damage and some distance closers and a long range attack. etc.
Also bracers with large sword on heavy is GoAT.
The power of anime butts. Also see: Persona, Neptunia, Senran Kagura.
I just finished my first run through for ending A, and I'm at level 30. Is that about right, or am I overleveled?
Shit, I'm on my first play through and I just got to the part where you have to find 9S after the big Goliath in the ocean. I'm level 42
stop threading your own post faggot
why are people calling this a "weeb" game? Every 3x3 thread I go to everyone who puts automata in their mosaic always has western games next to it. this whole east vs west thing to begin with is so autistic
Depends if you are using melee defense and hp chips
What are chips?
I went in expecting some Evangelion shit, which I also had to put together after the fact to "get." But when I put that together, it was one cohesive piece and anything else was minor details.
Nier:A was almost that, I've said before in these threads that if there was a director's cut that added like 3 cutscenes and 3 quests to route A/B that highlighted 9S's bigot and hypocrit status a bit more so that him going crazy was a little more gradual then it would be better. I just thought that the pretty good sidequests were written separately from the main quest and that was why 9S seemed so dense in the main quest, not that he was spooked so hard he was in denial. Maybe I need to play it in English, idk.
Not even gonna mention A2, we all know what she needs.
>pointless fishing
>no watermelons
>fucked up with spears
>no Laura Bailey
It's worst Nier game
Not that user but I think that's about right. I think I was like 30-50-70 at the respective endings of A-B-C.
>why are people calling this a "weeb" game?
They're of reduced intellectual capacity and are only able to form opinions in simple terms
What the fuck have you been doing man? The whole game will be a joke from now on.
because obviously all games made in japan are cat porn simulators and hyperdimension uguu
You don't really want to be higher than level 50 by the time you finish chapter C. At least if you want to do all the hacks with 9S without killing the boss before the cool stuff happens.
That's about right. You don't really get overleveled through route A unless you've got completionist obsessions and do content which is obviously over your level and use EXP bonus chips.
You're getting baited, lurk moar
Nier Automata is anime game dude
Fun is just a buzzword when you can't actually think of any real reasons as to why the game is good, don't use it.
Fun is just a buzzword is just a buzzword.
I'm just a completionist. I've been doing all the sidequests and everything as 2B. I went back to the place where you first see Adam and Eve to farm the level 38 enemies for a while. Beat all the golden enemies, beat the level 50 suicidal robot in the canyon. Completed the entire robot monk quest (lvl 60 in his last form).
I want to clean A2.
Then don't play it, you miserable contrarian faggot. It's popular and successful enough without you so just fuck back off to your cowadoody and get on with your life.
Why are you even in this thread?
Vidya got REALLY big in the mid 2000's and for a while the only exposure these people had to japanese stuff was anime reaction images and memes about old fashioned weaboos.
It takes actual effort to look into things and see that jgames and anime have more to them than that.
I like the analogy of a pond. Shit like Dragonball is a balloon floating over the pond, Toonami shows, Ghibli, and 90's nostalgia shows are like islands. Eva's like a fucking huge bubble right below the surface (because you can't show its entirety on Toonami) and below that you have a mixture of airing anime with cutesy shit and stuff these people would actually like if they stopped relying on meme's and unfounded opinions.
What's annoying is you'll hear people complain that weebshit used to be better in the 90's and if you ask them about god-tier shit like Satoshi Kon movies and Patlabor 2 they won't have any idea what the hell you're talking about because they're just below the surface of the pond. Hell, Eva and Berserk of all things get that treatment from time to time.
Please define what cookie clicker means?
What newfag lingo is this?
Did you mean cookie cutter?
people around seem to fall asleep . u dont seem fun
Did you beat the rabbit robot with 2B?
You can play the game normally and still be a completionist, just at a steady rate instead of frontloading everything. I don't know about you but if I had played the game like that I'd probably start feeling burned out before I could even finish it.
What can I say. The rest of the game difficulty wise is going to suck now.
Best tip I can give you is don't kill the bosses quickly since they have dialog throughout a fight and if you just straight up massacre them in 5 seconds you won't see any of it.
Ideally you should use cheat engine to lower your level.
You could've held off on most sidequests since they're shared between the first two playthroughs. There's like 10 that are unique to each playthrough though. Moreover you have chapter select after Route C so you can't miss anything.
I'm on my second playthrough with 9S, The combat in the first playthrough was just becoming alright but now I feel like I have to rush to get my heavy sword back that I paid 180k to upgrade for nothing as it is replaced by that tedious hacking
Just use a save editor and lower your level if you are to high
I didn't really know that I'd get to play again as other characters until I was already doing this stuff. I tried to go in as blind as I could so I wouldn't ruin anything. I just ran around to explore and do everything in the game. But then I saw starting seeing stuff on here about playing as 9S.
But I guess if side quests are shared through the first 2 play throughs then there's no point at doing it all on 2B huh.
With 90% drop chips you can literally get 10k for every killed robot. Money is garbage in the game.
You can finish 9S route in 3 hrs if you rush it, 50% of it new content too
theres some cool new sidequests with 21O and resistence members that give good lore too
Just make sure you finish your sidequests before you move over to the next playthrough. It saves completion, not progress.
Also, the grapple makes 9S alot more fun.
>You can play the game normally and still be a completionist
I played like him pretty much, the thing is you don't know if you can permanently miss something in the game before you play it, if you avoid spoilers and go in completely blind. You don't know you don't miss quests if you don't do them in route A, you don't know if there are any special events which can only be triggered at certain points, you don't know there's Chapter Select at the end. In the first Nier you would permanently miss out sidequests if you advanced the plot beyond a certain point and you couldn't do them in further routes, only if you completely started the game from scratch again.
Grapple on 9s?
I figured itd be more of a 2Bish program
>You can permanently miss something
No you cant theres a way to trigger that even later
9S feels more limited at first, but there's more to him.
Because it's a Platinum game, and all Platinum games are designed exactly the same.
>Taro's games are the epitome of "Individually, very few of the constituent parts of the game are particularly high up there on their own in terms of quality, but they synergize together so well that they create something greater than the sum of their parts."
Hah, I get it.
Gestalt Psychology