MGR was honestly a lot more fun

MGR was honestly a lot more fun.

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so wuz ur mum last nite

Bayo is a less interesting character too

Honestly, it was. Bayonetta is still pretty hood, though.

Of course it was, it didnn't have Kamiya's retarded idea of "fun" holding it back.

I just can't get into the score system. It's completely broken and unfun.

Bayonetta has always just been an "alright" action game. It's fast and fluid, but it gets interrupted a LOT by cutscenes and QTE's, and it's not that hard overall.

Also, I'm not really a fan of the art direction and character design or the story. It's not interesting to me.

I feel you my dude
Bought a ps3 basically just to play this and Demons Souls, but what really got me hooked was Demons. I didn1t quite enjoy the setting, the art direction or character design. MGR, or even the Devil MaY Cry series are way more fun.

Not our thing, I suppose.

Bayo 2 doesn't have all the random insta-kill QTEs

I also fell for the "bayonetta / mgr is awesome" meme

shitty boring games where you repeat segments over and over for a score... who plays these games and whats wrong with them

Yeah it's a general improvement to one we all know it. It also doesn't punish for failing to mash buttons fast enough, thank god.

>mgr require less buttons to press
>its more fun

really initiates my pecans

MGR has all of the mechanics in bayonetta -witch time but +zandatsu and parries

gr8 b8 m8

Bayonetta has parries
Also Wicked Weave and Dodge Offset

MGR also has dodge offset.

>MGR has no dodge offset
Lmao did you even buy the evade move?

Also Bayo doesn't have parries, she has a block but no imediate means to counter those blocks otehr than your regular attacks.

Why is the maximum volume on PC so low only for this game?

They're still p good game

Bayonetta has much, much more fun combat.
MGR, however, realized all those amazingballs set piece cinematics are better played than watched and allowed you to play through them instead of having you watch it play out like in Bayo.

He's right about the story though.

>Playing P3
>Talking about the end of the world
>Wait, what about our EXAMS? WE HAVE TO STUDY!

That's not how people should act.
Also anime has the worst cliches and jRPGs love to follow them.

>Bayonetta has much, much more fun combat.
I don't know man, that camera enemy is really boring to fight.

Bayo has a better combat system, but then it dilutes the action with all those shitty cinematic setpieces and button mashing QTEs. Also, the camera can get real fucking wonky, having it fixed during some encounters would have been much better

After I completed it for the first time I only go back for the boss battles. They were the only marginally "fun" part in the game.

And fuck isla del sol and route 666.

>mfw the camera during the second fight in Route 666

I honestly think that the boss fights are the worst part of the game, since they throw most gameplay mechanics out of the window and replace them with even more QTEs and button mashing

i agree. finished mgr multiple times on all difficulties. didnt beat bayo once. got up to the part where you're speeding down a highway or some shit on a motorcycle before i just stopped playing.

Is it actually humanly fucking possible to max this thing out?

I was considering buying it on a sale but I guess I won't now. I didn't even finish the demo back when it was on PS3 but thought maybe I just didn't see something in it back then.

MGR on the other hand, what a fucking blast, start to finish.

At least the meme that Bayonetta is on the same level as DMC which was made up by nintenbros when Bayonetta 2 got released is now finally debunked on the general Sup Forums consensus.

The worst is fucking Jeanne, if you don't max the counter she hits you. I fucking hate button tapping so I just put some cloth over my thumb and spam rub it with barely any friction.

I did it once
There are some good bosses, but most are just like a shittier, more gimmicky Metal Gear Excelsus in terms of mechanics

But in boss fights you actually has a fight that lasts for a while with multiple stages. Running around in an empty town with the same enemies time after time and interrupted every other minute with cutscenes is boring.

I gave up on this game after the bike section.
This was the grandest piece of shit I ever let myself shill into. The combat could have been good, it could, if not for jumping trough hoops. Like you have 3 attacks that are so immensivly powerful, all other are just filler if you dont time correctly. If I could I would bind those 3 attack to 3 buttons and mesh them ad infinitum. What a shitty clunky combat system, ninja gaiden black pisses all over this shit game, since every fucking move has a purpose.
Fuck you v, glad i pirated this piece of shit.

Bosses are the worst, Bayonetta combat shines with the aerials and juggling etc, spamming combos on bosses that you can't control the movement of is boring.

git gud you little bitch

Why does Luka get more ass than you do, user?

Luka is a pure virgin boy

If you don't enjoy the SoL stuff in persona then just play mainline SMT lol

I like Bayo, but the bike section is irredeemable trash

What's the best boss?
>more gimmicky Metal Gear Excelsus in terms of mechanics
Sounds fucking awful.

>Bayonetta combat shines with the aerials and juggling etc
Can someone explain to me what I'm not seeing in aerials and juggling etc.? I have never found that shit to be fun in the slightest. Whenever those DMC webms got posted with the long air juggle combos it always just looked kind of lame to me desu.

When you expect a cuhrayzee game and get a movie instead you know something is fishy.

suck a shit covered stick faqboi, your game is fucking qte cutscene spam 3 attacks ad infinitum irredeemable milf fever trash composed by a bald gay porn japanes actor you shiteater. git gut my asshole nigger

Using large combos with accurate timings in mid air to completely dominate and enemy is fun desu.

>What's the best boss?
But then you have tons of button mashing QTEs during the fight, and the fight is after the most dreadful sequence of the game a fucking rail shooter sequence

Until you reach late game and 50% of enemies can't be juggled/can interrupt/have stupid hitboxes. Have fun.

I should unlock the 3 hours accesory before getting into trophies, right?

really activates my orangutans

No wonder PCasuals like rising more, its way easier and has a more simple combat system.

Seriously you guys are a disgrace, make a "fix" like with dark souls already.

is that because you have to actually learn combos and not just spam your slashy slashy until the absurdly telegraphed attacks come in?

>Final boss
>Perfect fight
>Shit camera gives me depth perception problems
>Hit planet
>Lost platinum trophy
I didn't pick it up again after that

What a piece of shit

is DmC better too?

It's just upsetting such a good game has nintendo's leash around it's dick

Right, you have to spam your wicked weave until the absurdly telegraphed attacks come in, huge difference

Pacing always gets ignored among plebians but it's pretty much the most important aspect of any kind of entertainment. Bayonetta is just a complete failure in that department.

Jeanne and Rodin (secret boss)

The problem is not with aerials and juggling, but because of how linear they are (mash this nodes while dodging those projectiles), while the combat revolves around player creativity. Compared that to MGR and DMC's bosses in which you are completely free on what to do with the bosses

This. It would be a much better game without all the padding between fights. I want an action game, not a shitty platformer/racing game/rails shooter

It has really fun combat if you bother to learn it rather than spamming a 6 punch weave combo.

>game is fun
>would be better without cutscenes

Basically it.

I'd say MGR was more enjoyable but the combat simply has less opportunities for fun.


>miss a verse
>during the final boss

what the fuck

I'l add that MGR has better bosses with more ways to approach them though, Jeanne is the best boss because it's not a giant thing with two or three attacks I have to dodge and then spam the most damaging combo on.

Game is also more fun on infinite climax or with the no witch time item, witch time is too stronk.

its funny how casuals don't grasp the fact that bayo actually has depth compared to MGR, which is as shallow as a puddle

bayo is pretty much the greatest action game ever made, which is only rivaled by maybe DMC3, but because dipshits don't like the character design they shit on it kek, like its actually shocking that people are this stupid

don't get me wrong, if you just don't like the game so be it, but saying MGR is better is fucking hilarious desu senpai

MGR is hack'n'slash for babbies, so, sure bruh
DMC3-4 and Ninja Gaiden Black-2 are still the best

>Not being able to hit 45 button presses before torture attacks end.

Not sure if this is bait or mental retardation.

credits part where you get to play while it's rolling actually count as a verse and you have to pp it

thanks for the you, fag

God Hand>any Ninja Gaiden and DMC4


MGR has better boss fights

>Half a game
>12-mission long tutorial
>shit weapons

MGR being shallow is a fact, but the rest is bait

God Hand is beat'em'up, dumb faggot
But you're right, it's one of the best in the beat'em'up genre

Bayonetta has the best combat but as a game the bosses, cutscenes and generic enemy fights let it down.

The best parts are Alfheims, if I could actually get to grips with the combat more it would be my favourite game, MGR was just a better all round package not that I don't love Bayo, unlocked Jeanne and fought Rodin and everything.

MGR only loses a little bit of depth of compared to Bayo. Same difference.

Cam you elaborate? Is it because of the combos etc.?

God hand had tons of flaws but if somehow there's a way to redo it I'd buy it in a heartbeat

>MGR has better boss fights
>Half a game
>12-mission long tutorial
>shit weapons
Shit opinion, discarded
Get the fuck outta here MGR baby

ninja gayden is criminally overrated

What differentiates a beat 'em up from an action game like Bayonetta?

>God Hand has a ton of flaws
The only one I can think off is infinite wall kick and that it's too short

>but if somehow there's a way to redo it I'd buy it in a heartbeat
It's called romparadise

It's because I suck mad cock at every other action game and I still got the max rank in every mission at Revengeance difficulty just by learning when to press light attack

fine, ignore me :*(

user just because you played DMC3-4 and Ninja Gaiden Black-2 as a child it doesn't make them perfect games.

Platinum's best game is Wonderful 101

Your free to disagree but you'll still be wrong

- Minimal execution techniques (Nothing like dodge offset/JCs)
- Small enemy variety pool
- Ripper Mode trivialises the ranking system
- Spamming parry is viable for getting instant kills in revengeance (Bayonettas parry can be spammed but you can't spam it mid-string to get a riposte like in MGR)
- Small weapon variability, and some weapons totally break the game (armour breaker/fox blade)
- No varied combat styles everything is up close

But as opposed to what? I think I've only played like 2 hours of DMC3 some years ago but that's it. What do the other hack and slashes do to make it more challenging or deep or whatever?

Try to play some old beat'em'ups to tell the difference
Also I can't understand why no one recommends that underrated shit, it's fucking awesome

Look, man, I understand that DMC4 Dante pretty much has the most depth in the genre with all of his stuff, but Pandora and Lucifer are shit-tier weapons with 2 useful moves for each (Pandora's gatling gun and laser, Lucifer's rose throw and air combo)

Also Nero is babby tier and we have to spend time with the 1 weapon-1 gun-press O to awesome for over half the game is criminal

>bought W101 for a friend
>they lost their Wii U like a week later

I wanted someone else to vicariously live through as they played it, fuck

Nice reading comprehension there bud

Fuck mission's 80 to 99. The ones with the 2 big guys are almost impossible.

>most people use swords or new weapons in late game
>never know the potential for massive fun with double scarbourough fair

>Not our thing, I suppose.
That's exactly how I feel about this game too. I can see Bayonetta being an objectively better action game than MGR, but I have have more fun with the latter honestly.

Variety. Basically the amount of things you can do and how you can express your creativity in combat for both efficiency and style

DMC3 did this the best with the amount of setup it has (5 weapons, 5 guns and 6 styles that all act differently)

I mean a proper sequel/reboot/whatever that fixes what's wrong with the game, senpai

The flaws I can remember are the camera and slightly unconventional controls. But I was 10 at the time so maybe my memories are wrong. Still had fun tho.

>I can see Bayonetta being an objectively better action game than MGR, but I have have more fun with the latter honestly.

I think this basically sums it up.

less is more, honcho. big stupid MASH X TO DO AN EPIC TORTURE ATTACK is not good.

Nah, Lucifer is good at anything
And it's still better than any shit PG made

Torture attacks take too long and ruin pure platinums, they're the least fun part of the combat. Bayonetta simply offers massive variety for the meat of the actual combat.

You don't have to do torture attacks at all
Also score depends on your killing time, and with torture shit it's longer of course
Stop being a shitter

If your defense is "You have to play it sub-optimally to create your fun", your game is shit