Yo, let me pirate this heart senpai
Yo, let me pirate this heart senpai
>not starting with "Don't mind me, just pirating this heart"
Is this a dragonheart game?
lol im such an nerd
Reccommended skin/nude mod?
I wanted to do the resampled skin mod with the chest scar remover mod but the resampled skin mod isn't supposed to work with other mods that use game_main.arc. Thinking of merging them but I'm not 100% sure it will work
DDG is dead so I can't go and ask them sadly
It's pretty simple once you think about it. This is assuming that each mod has its own separate set of files that don't overlap. Just do it like this:
Extract the main game arc file. This should leave you with lots of folders.
Install each mod; this is usually done by extracting any arc files that the mods are included in and finding the files that they specifically modify, and replacing the extracted .arc files with those in the mod.
Install the skin texture files last so they don't get overwritten by any other skin textures.
Alternatively, the mods could just have folders and other files that you have to place in the right location in the files you extract from the game_main.arc.
So when will they announce Dragon's Dogma 2?
that dragon sure looks fuckable
Nameless pls
Do I get to keep the original heart? No? THEN IT'S NOT PIRATING IS IT?
You don't.
You just get immortality instead.
Up until someone else really wants their heart back and manages to get it back.
You already stole my heart, dragon.
the original Phantom Thief
I sure wouldn't mind shoving my dick up his ass if you know what I mean
You'll not gainsay my terms are more than generous!
I don't get it, explain more clearly would you
>ftw no orcs in Gransys
I want to take my Sword of +4 Penetration and sheathe it into his scabbard if you know what I mean
He's actually a rapist that wishes to be raped.
Roleplay raped or actually raped?
>4 magick rebalancer
>spam ricochet hunter
Raped to death.
how to get most GAINS, Sup Forums?
well, time to make some movie pawns
Get some pawns that help you get buff.
The only mods I would be interested in are to remove the scar, remove the dumb filters when your health is critical and to let your pawns shit get dragon forged so I don't get stuck playing the same class because that's just boring. I know the scar removal is a thing, but what about the other two?
My 200 hour savegame just got corrupted, how do I motivate myself to do everything again?
>A dragonheart sequal with Dragon's Dogma gamepalay taking place during Bowen's dragon hunting years.
Would Buy.
I cant fap to death
Dont mind me, just pirating this wine.
Also OP is a fag.
damn it, why are you so right
If only people knew how to mod this fucking game.
>Don't mind me, just pirating this currency.
Best waifu
>spears in official art
>spear carved into a mountain side
>no spears in game
>dead woman
That's like a double minus
>Do you accept the terms of service? Y/N
>lmao imma spam levin for 5mins
Has anyone ever wished they could marry the current dragon that's giving them the wish?
I wonder how that would play out.
If you were the Arisen would you just chill in Casardis with your Pawn harem?
>Reccommended skin/nude mod?
>I wanted to do the resampled skin mod with the chest scar remover mod but the resampled skin mod isn't supposed to work with other mods that use game_main.arc. Thinking of merging them but I'm not 100% sure it will work
Unpack your resampled skin mod and edit the proper files (pl_common01_BM.dds and pl_common01_NM.dds in model/pl/textures).
Repack and its done.
I'd rather marry Grigori and start raiding the whole world