Sonic totem thread. I am always around but i missed the thread edition

Sonic totem thread. I am always around but i missed the thread edition.

Other urls found in this thread:

His shirt was also sold, supposedly.




nice one, please post your totem collection.



That user better make a protective shrine for it

He owns the masterwork of the most autistic man that has ever lived

>mfw i was outside smoking some dank and missed it

>make a protective shrine
Yeah! Protect it at all costs!

hope he sterilized it


I want to protect that totem's smile


wouldn't that lower the value?


How the ever loving fuck would someone pay 25 grand for a fucking t-shirt

Jesus fuck I am mad.

can someone make an edit of Sonic Forces with the totem destroying the city?

spare me, totem

spare me, totem

oh fuck, spare me, totem

Why would people pay $4 million dollars for a contemporary Mega Man-esque game?

As of last count, the OP got 356 (You)'s. He spent $1500.
$1500 / 356 (You)'s = $4.20 per (You)

spare me, totem

he better burn the totem before the autism that chris contained inside of it is let free into the world again

So this is what passes for OC nowadays.

That was a collective 4 million. This is a single payment of 25 grand.

spare me, totemchu

legitimately looks like a cursed object. I wouldn't keep that in my house.

that dank 4/20 CWC signature will be worth something someday mark my words

What madness possesses a man to spend $1,500 on an autistic womanchild's (male) Sonic totem?

spare me, totem

>wouldn't keep that thing in my house
Check the basement

I wonder if you would be able to flip the totem for a better price once Chris kicks the bucket.

>the totem has the concentrated autism of a billion high pressure hugboxes trapped within it
>'lol burn it that wont cause any trouble'
Think we might have a harbinger of the endtimes lurking in this thread guys.

he did it ironically
thats why he is not retarded at all

spare me, totem

>chris cursed the totem with autism magic because he knew the old people who would spend 1500 dollars on a sonic totem are the people who trolled him


Why the fuck are you mad?

I've heard that if you sleep in the same room as it it will make your dick bigger and you last longer in bed.

That's just what the local Shaman told me so take it with a grain of salt.

Autism and disposable income.

damn why? WHY?!?!

Spare me, Totem

I guess in the end, chris wound up on top. It only costed him his dog, his mental well being, his dad, his home and his gender.

What are the chances that he still thinks he should've gotten the art senior award because of that totem

>Not being one of the keepers on Sonichu
>When Chris dies, people from around the world will rise to look for the sacred six Chris artifacts to resurrect their dead master.

We must assemble the autistic trio.
>Sonic Totem
>Sonichu medallion
>Sperm covered shirt

Spare me, totem

spare me, totem

spare me, totem




While the problematic trolls slept off their revelry, I hexed the totem with every twisted incantation I could muster, imbuing it with the weight of my autism and my contempt for their cruel trolling. At the witching hour, the totem pulled with preternatural force, dragging board and poster down into the depths. They must have cried out, but no sound escaped the swirling black rangeban.

Man, if I could sell a shirt for $25 fucking grand. Like, if it were just that easy.

>Free shipping

Seems reasonable.



spare me, totem

spare me, totem


spare me, totem

>there were 23 bids

spare me, totem

spare me, totem

Is this why people equate the Sonic franchise with autism? Because of one person's fascination and terrible fanfiction with the source material?

They were asking him to paint the arms blue and send it back

Spare me, totem.


>one person

Chris might be the worst of them, but if you think he's the only one you must be new to the internet.

Original thread link where?

>people fuel this madness willingly
There is no hope in this hell, no hope at all.

spare me, totem

There is no God here, only the Sonic Totem.

well there's the deviantart autist too

>pure energy of the curse-ye-hame-ha is infused in the totem


spare me, totem

What do I need to do for an ironic $1,500?


Sonichu is a masterpiece.

>the deviantart autist

Which one? There's only like 10,000 of them on the site.

Is he the king of /v?

spare me, totem

I thought he got arrested?

Hey, thanks buddy.


The hand-written certificate of authenticity makes me genuinely mad for some reason.

Is Chris Chan dead and they are selling his things, or is the money going directly to him? If 2nd option I will be upset at the buyer

So did the person who bought it actually pay for it or did they just screw Chris out of it?

No, but the totem is.

spare me, totem

The latter.


He's more akin to a god than a king.

spare me, totem

spare me, totem

spare me, totem

spare me, totem