Do you agree?
No. I liked botw but it should be lower. Nier should be higher.
Zelda should be 100.
Nah, these would be more accurate.
What didn't you like about nier user?
toobie is fat.
>timeless game that will go down in history for its sheer quality and beautiful presentation
>just another bland weeb game that will be forgotten in a month from now
Seems fair to me.
Why do you think it's a bland game user?
I know you're trying to politely start genuine discussion, but it's not gonna happen on Sup Forums
If only someone else outside of Sup Forums knew about nier.....
toobie a fat.
nier automata? more like near autism
Breath of the Wild is a solid game, but doesn't do anything notable beyond introducing Ubisoft towers to a 30 year old series.
Automata is a masterpiece that accomplishes things that few, if any, other games have. It's one of very few video games that has a narrative that could only exist in this medium, and it manages to make the player an active participant in the story in an emotional and thematically meaningful way.
Reviewers have garbage taste, so it's not surprising that the game with the higher pedigree scored better. Review scores don't mean a lot though. That's my personal opinion.
If you want to be objective about it, Automata has better combat, a better soundtrack, a better story, better characters, better art design, etc. It's a better video game on virtually every front outside being an open world fuckfest.
Zelda is more like a 90, and Nier a 80 2B honest senpai.
Seriously stop this arbitrary bullshit you INDIAN
You mixed them up.
People will still be talking about Automata twenty years from now, just like we still talk about games like Metal Gear Solid, Ocarina of Time, Planescape Torment, Deus Ex, etc.
Breath of the Wild isn't ever going to be brought up except in discussions about the Zelda series as a whole.
If you really think that about automata then you must also think that about undertale seeing as how they're practically the same thing
No. Zelda is too high for korok / one room shrines filled open world.
Try to be more subtle with your bait next time user.
I don't give a rat's ass about arbitrary weighted aggregates of arbitrary numbers that are generalizations of subjective opinions.
For me personally, I enjoyed parts of BotW but it was overall a disappointment. Whereas Automata is currently my GOTY. It could just be a difference in my expectations but it felt like Automata was a lot more sure of itself than BotW. BotW was stretched too thin, it had an ambitious concept but a lackluster execution.
>better art direction
>better gameplay
>with those fucking hacking sections
I've never played Undertale, but I know it doesn't have an online component. Thus I can safely say that your assertion is blatantly false.
But you literally described Nier automata
>plot tries to explore philosophical concepts but come off as shallow and pretentious
>tries to seem "deep" but still falls into anime cliches
>tries to have good action combat but in the end is shallow as fuck and unable to match up to platinium's greats
>tries to mix genres but do a lackluster job at the genres it tries to mix
I'm not very surprised that you had to resort to the bait meme as its obvious how much you enjoy memes, liking something that equates to weeaboo undertale.
Haven't tried Nier yet but I agree for Zelda
Those fucking hacking sections are still better than the wonky-ass, torpid combat in Breath of the Wild.
And yes, the art direction is way better.
as through the online component of Nier makes it a completely different game, undertale handles the same theme without needing online.
No, what it tried to be was a sequel to NieR, and it succeeded. BotW tried to elevate the Zelda franchise but lost a lot of its identity in the process.
>every bait thread is now genuine discussion
Nope it wasn't even a worthy sequel to Nier. The story and soundtrack both were inferior. The only thing that is improved is the combat but that is not the point of Nier
What? She has absolutely zero fat on her cute tummy.
What theme?
Remember, I'm not some tumblr reject like yourself, so I've never played Undertale.
Yes I agree.
Get over it.
>Nierfag this delusional
Are you seriously trying to argue for the art direction of Nier? Almost every game released in 2017 looks better. The game looks so bland almost all the time, tries nothing to hide its bad textures, and the enemy designs are weak. Also nice use of buzzwords that say nothing.
>plot tries to explore philosophical concepts but come off as shallow and pretentious
>pretentious this, pretentious that
What in your world counts as genuine query on philosophy?
I know it's a shit post but still.
>can't play games because Sup Forums might insult you
i'm sorry user
you're a complete hypocrite and I'm not sure you realize it.