I'll start
ITT: Only God-Tier VNs/Date-sims
>starting a thread with an unrelated image
What a blunder.
>women being stronger than most men in game
Couldn't get into it because of this desu
>women physically stronger than MC
>still get most of them to beg for your dick
Literally muh
>one girl rapes you on another girl's route
If that doesn't get you diamonds you need to get your dick checked
No woman in this series is stronger than Yamato's cock.
Umineko is kino
The dating sim that got me into dating sims.
My nigga
I very highly recommend the Koihime Musou VN. If you've ever watched a harem and thought to yourself "Why doesn't he just fuck them" that's pretty much what it is.
Forgot pic
what are some other good ones
>two dead lesbians want you to make lesbiantopia
This , although you are the matchmaker instead of a heroine chaser. Then there's Flowers le Omelette du Fromage. And Cripple Fucker, of course.
I miss maji de friday threads.
thankfully /qa/ got their just deserts.
/qa/ had to be one of the most cancerous things ever. I have no idea why the mods let it last so long.
You faggots have shit taste
They can't beat the cock. Nobody can.
>plot armor that would make even most fanfic authors cringe
>boring shit
>one-sided romance where the protagonist has no agency whatsoever
>a surprisingly touching and fun story
>one of the most offensively stupid rape scenes in all of VNs
There you go I just described the 5 main routes of Majikoi. It's a 6/10 VN at best. Couple of decent routes (mainly Wanko's) but otherwise not worth it.
Pic related is what VNs are all about.
Clannad anime > VN
>one of the most offensively stupid rape scenes
Oh so you're a retard then. It's fiction, how do you get offended by fiction? It didn't even end up being a negative thing, since the girl didn't regret it happening. You're being a baby.
>it's a "Tumblr gets triggered by rape" episode
>And Cripple Fucker, of course.
Great taste, user.
School Days is one of my favourite VNs, and so's Euphoria.
I didn't say offensive, I said 'offensively stupid'. Learn to read, faggots.
>this post
>Complaining about plot armor in Majikoi of all things
user are you serious?
I honestly can't play any other VN after Majikoi. It's either too edgy, has too much drama or moeshit.
Majikoi has a perfect balance between comedy, action, lewdness, great cast, protagonist and art style.
Bout to fire up this bad boy
Is this on the same level as umineko/higurashi? I'm trying to fuck my brain up
That wasn't a very good way to phrase it then. I would absolutely agree it was retarded but her whole route was meant to be retarded. Do you remember how that route ended? It was designed to be stupid fun and if you read it with that intention then it was a good time. If you took her route seriously when it was basically non-stop porn that's your fault.
If you can somehow keep your suspension of disbelief going through a story like that then power to ya. I have my limits though, and it was somewhere around about yukie helping the president of japan fight a giant mecha with a katana. I try to not take it seriously, but that's just too much.
Good but not as kino as Seacat, i advice you to lower your expectation if you looking for seacat's experience
>it was meant to be retarded
Okay, user.
Sekien no Inganock. The artwork and music is great.
Like I recommended earlier you should read Koihime Musou if you haven't already. It feels the closest to Majikoi of anything I've read.
I don't know how someone can actually try to take majikoi that seriously.
And really, you are gonna talk about stupid things but bring up Euphoria as your pick for a good vn? Really?
The memes were great.
The ending is Their dad transforms himself into a JRPG boss via some kind of magic and they burst into his fortress in germany fighting tanks and an assortment of weird fighters to eventually double drop kick him to gain his approval to marry. Before that it's non-stop sex where they get drunk and fuck her body guard in the ass to prove it feels good.
And you think this was meant to be taken seriously?
>Someone else played GA here
I'll be damned
Do it user
Speaking of that rape scene, has anyone played majikoi R and seen what the it was changed to so it could be played on consoles?
Considering Konami own the franchise, you might as well give up any hope on them right now.
Why does there a saber with red hair and a saber with a cute new haircut and fuck me eyes
where do I go after Umineko lads
Ryukishi spoke to my soul and I don't think there is an author alive who can follow him up
>>one of the most offensively stupid rape scenes in all of VNs
Which one was that?
Hail to the King
He's referring to when Chris is going to to back to Germany so Yamato sneaks into her room at night and fucks her to make her his woman
Its not rape when there's consent.
>need to read two boring 40 hour slogs to get a full understanding of what is ultimately trash
this is a thread for good VN user
>High chance of getting translated in only one year or less after the japanese release
Why is mangagamer so based?
Momoyo is love.
That's not rape; that's attempted pregnancy with an intent to marry.
What's the penalty for that charge, your honor?
I read the Lacrosse shit for Unlimited and the robot parts of Alternative. Although I was more interested in the fact that the MC introduced fighting game mechanics into robot piloting than anything else.
You're right this thread is for mostly trash from what I can see. Shouldn't have posted kamige here.
Mandatory hand holding in duotary confinement.
Momoyo is sex incarnate.
Kamige? I've never seen MuvLuv referred to anything close to a "God Game". Maybe a Ninge.
>crossed bangs
why is this so fucking hot jesus christ
Digits 4 Muramasa
Also Eve Burst Error is pretty god tier familia
muvluv is just the poor man's gunparade march
Good translated vns;
>Da Capo 2
>Da Capo 3
>Wanko to kurasou
>Canvas 2
You seriously comparing a comedic VN to a fetishtic nukige?
Koihime had some really nice loli scenes. Usually lolis just have some kind of inherent knowledge or aptitude for lewd activities that activate as soon as they see a dick. But here he had to teach her what a dick is and how to properly stroke and suck it. Something that isn't done nearly as much as it should be.
>you are gonna talk about stupid things but bring up Euphoria as your pick for a good vn? Really?
I don't see how that's hypocritical or anything. It plays by its own rules with a sense of consistency so when the plot twists do occur they don't come across as some sort of asspull.
>Wanko to kurasou
I might be talking smack about the plot, but Maji does have some great character designs going on.
It has good everything scenes. They worked hard to make all of the scenes appropriate to the characters which is why there isn't any of the cumming 10 times fucking them into unconsciousness nonsense. All of the scenes feel like that's how it would actually work with the characters involved.
Give me some sad shit to read
Why isn't there a scene with her and benkei
Homeless Joshi Gakusei
>tfw no after story
Can you fug this one?
shit route just like that minefield bitch Miyako
You know it
Who had the worse route Wanko or Purple girl?
Breaking Kazuko's heart was an ultimate sin
German girls.
>Purple girl?
Miyako is like bluish purple, might means her
Best buds
Everything about her is shit
>No Kara no shoujo
Wasted opportunity.
>Plothole ridden Snail simulator being god-tier
A3 Never ever pls translate faster
Did I stumble into fucking /vn/ again? Damn Majifags are everywhere.
get ready for slowest pacing ever and going through 4 shit endings in order to get that god tier true end
You have five seconds to name five VNs that are comfier than pic related. Protip: you can't
>results: 0 (zero)
What's the point of this thread? Is this like those "awful cosplay" threads where people post good cosplays, just with VNs and the other way around?