What went right? What about the sequels went wrong?

What went right? What about the sequels went wrong?

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The simple yet satisfying gameplay, the great art direction, the stellar soundtrack, the interesting and unique places to visit, and the amazing atmosphere is what went right, and the sequels not having any of that is what went wrong.

I think what turns people off the most is the need to carry around the chalice (meaning someone has to ride bitch in the Co-op, since you don't get Mog) and the co-op requiring 4 GBAs and 4 of those cords that had no other use besides the Tingle Tuner in Wind Waker. I think if more people looked past that, they'd appreciate everything else great about that game. It's still one of my favorite GC games.

Lilty Master Race.

Cables had a lot more use, man.

Oh and its actually Fem Selkie master race. Jiggle physics on a body like that, how did they get away with it. Had to rub one out as a lad when I played her too long.

The music, atmosphere, rich combat, multiplayer and cool gameboy connectivity stuff.

Really limited by the technology of the console and the need for nintendo to push crappy gimmicks. This is true for the DS prequel as well.

Didn't know the wii sequel was a thing...it looks like barf.

It's simple, but not easy. Stats aren't complicated, no fussing over damage numbers, magic always works in the same way. Having to time the melee attacks helped prevent the combat from being endless spam.

All of the maps are distinct and generally good with some amazing music all around. And you can basically go wherever you want instead of being lead by the nose around the world. Also it got fucking HARD on some maps during turn 3.

Pair the great gameplay with a cool and unique setting and a bunch of memorable characters and that was crystal chronicles. It's a shame co-op was so hard to do and they never fucking ported it to anything else.

Its diablo for console babbies.

>rich combat
>literally just strafing attacks and chaining A

Pretty spot on with the other stuff though. Excellent atmosphere and music. Years went by and things changed, it was cool. Gameplay wasn't bad at all, just simple.

I can appreciate blue hair and jiggle physics as much as the next guy, but I can't pass up those helmets, man. Look at that glorious shit. Plus, they're basically the dwarves of the setting, they're impossible to hate.

And maybe I was too hard on the link cables, but outside of those two games and the 3D Pokemon games on GC, I seriously can't think of any other use for them.

I beat the game hundreds of times with my niece and I never once not used Lilties.
Fuck. I would buy literally any console immediately if it got a port of FFCC.

>and they never fucking ported it to anything else
I would legitimately burn down an orphanage to see this game on 3DS or something with online play like Monster Hunter.

I see a lot of Liltie love. What's so good about them? Do they have an advantage gameplay wise? I know in game lore from what I read from NPC's they were some tough shit race even though they were small chicken lookin fucks.

>having your two best friends spend the night over
>get 3 player co op going.
shit was fun, wish it could have lasted


What went right?
multiplayer, top down raid thing
>What about the sequels went wrong?
presumably did none of that.

Where to start?
•Incredible atmosphere. It feels like a fairy tale, and everyone you meet is likeable, even the guys who steal your shit. The fables you hear at the start of each map and the stories read from your chronicle at the end of each year make it feel alive.
•Incredible music. This goes with the atmosphere but it's so good it bears mentioning. Where other RPGs go for buttrock, choruses and "epic" scores, Crystal Chronicles brought out ancient instruments to create a game that sounds just like it looks.
•Lore. It's a meme these days to talk about LORE but this game has it in spades. There are all sorts of things you can only learn by talking to NPCs,
•Teamwork. There is no MP system. All you need to fuel your most powerful spells is coordination. When you and your friends are working in harmony, there's nothing you can't do. That's a master class in game design meeting theme.
•Theme. You're not the chosen one. You're not the legendary hero. There's no over the top anime battles, magitek motorbikes and mountains of hair gel. You're just a group of people with a job to do, and in the course of doing that job you find yourself in a position to solve a lot of people's problems, and maybe even save the world.
•Setting. You've got four main races, all with their own histories and problems, and a scattering of monster races who have some depth of their own. What's more – and this is something almost every other Final Fantasy game fails at (CC's "sequels" are especially guilty) – the humans (in this case, Clavats) aren't the only focus. They're not even the main race, in the grand scheme of things. They're pastoral farmers with little ambition beyond raising a healthy crop and a happy family. It's the feathery midgets who are the militaristic empire that drives most of the story.

I could go on but simply put it's the best damn game to ever bear the Final Fantasy brand and it's sad that more people don't know it. Sadder are the sequels.




I can't speak for everyone, but I like them because they're essentially the "warrior" class, and the main weapon they use are polearms.

>yfw Blizzaga

I love this shit, it's like listening to a fairy tale.

This one took forever for me.

Lynari Desert I needed a walkthrough for.

Tida fuckin scared me, let you know what happens to your family if you fuck up.

Speakin of which, does mailing them shit at the end of every dungeon do anything? Also whats up with Mag Mell?

melee dwarves


>Meeting the preachers for the first time
>The Black Knight arc
>The Desert
>Learning about the history of each race
>Reading your letters from your family after each map
>Coloring your moogle
>That side-quest with the old lovers
>The overarching side-quest with the princess
>The cow racing
>The selkie jumping
>mfw I beat the game for the first time and that entire ending sequence showed up


I wish I had someone to play this with back then. Took me a fucking hour to be the final boss by myself because I didn't know I was supposed to use cure on the little memory orbs.

Strongest melee damage
Longest reach IIRC
Greatest variety of Focus Attacks
They are feathery dwarves and canonically the most powerful race, they rule the continent and have a gigantic capitol which is the largest city. They drove the gypsies off the mainland, caused the mages to wall themselves up in their city to isolate themselves, and dominated the humans who serve them as farmers. Lilties are the boss niggers of the setting, short or not, and some people dig that.

Yukes could turn invisible and had faster long-ranged magic casting.
Selkies could dodge and could charge focus attacks faster. Also tits.
Clavats could block with a shield and were sufficient at both magic and melee.
Lilties had the same guard as Clavat but had even slower shorter-ranged magic casting.

There was literally no reason to use a Lilty when they're just a worse Clavat.

My life as a king is fucking great

They have the highest base melee damage

Each race has innate advantages

Lilty: Highest base attack, and they get the Celestial Weapon, Longinus, which is objectively the strongest weapon in the game
Yuke: Fastest cast time + Blocking makes you completely invincible
Selkie: Fastest movespeed, charge focus attacks the fastest, also focus attacks have the longest range
Clavat: Jack of all trades, but also highest DEF in the game and they are the only race that gets shields, which also functions as an extra armor piece

>That last one for Mt. Vellenge

So fucking good. It's like your character is sending the letter knowing it's probably their last one. Really gives it a "suicide mission" kind of feel. Right into the heart of darkness.

Anyone else feel the main character was actually the bad guy in this scenario?

All this guy wanted was dinner and we just kill all his chefs. He doesn't even die he just runs off pissed.

his fault for having a myrrh tree in his house


>Tfw that swamp area
>Tfw only Selkie players can read the inscribed stones you find along the way because its written in their language
>Tfw you follow all the stones, and get to the boss, only to find out the people who left them there never found new land and presumably got killed by the zombie dragon

So much awesome shit in Crystal Chronicles that games just dont do anymore


>mfw I ruined my relationship with one of the siblings and never knew how to fix it

He seemed pretty civilized. Couldn't we ask to use it?


a monster is a monster is a monster

Are there any games that do intros like this? This shit is pure kino. I love how the music kicks in right as the title for the level comes up.

I rented this game and the entire time I played it I felt like I was missing some core mechanic.
Was it meant to be a co-op game?
At the time I even suspected some kind of online functionality that I was missing

It's the setting. That's actually all of it.

It's actually a pretty freaking depressing game with a somber tone all throughout. This is a setting where the entire world is literally poison and humanity is limited to small enclaves, with any venture outside being a life-threatening experience. You have the story of the one guy who tried to adapt to the poison instead of fighting it, whose ending fits more in a horror game than a fantasy RPG. There's no other game with atmosphere like this one.

And that's the reason why all the sequels suck. None of them share the same setting as it did, and thus felt completely different. To make a proper sequel they'd have to make the entire world poison again.

>people do this


Just send your family, something, anything at all after every boss, and do the obviously "good" replies

Its also worth noting that raising family happiness is like, how you get the good shit, like the 75% discount if you chose a merchant family for example, so its really not worth skimping

user, listen. Breaking and entering into a giant's castle to steal some magic shit is classic fairy tale material. When it's inconveniencing a monster baron vs. your family dying horribly of asphyxiation, the choice is pretty clear.

nice apples you got there...

Didn't the old man end up dying?

>tfw middle one is a guy

This game was a masterpiece

If you're playing singleplayer you can fuse magicite in your inventory and stuff, which lets you do stuff like Holy and Blizzaga by yourself

However, there are things you can only do multiplayer, like specifically you have to do 4 player to be able to cast the +2 spells

Why couldn't we have just cooked something for him instead?

God, if you want to do the whole questline for them, you HAVE to let them rob you

This is my only gripe about the game because there is NO fucking way to know that, literally none

For some reason I always felt that this was more like an entry from the Mana series, and not FF. Probably because of the combat


It IS Final Fantasy, user.

Just be glad the flamboyant homosexual wasn't the main character this time.

what was his problem?

>that sidequest where the Yuke chieftain buys a loaf of bread for some obscene price off of a grifter and lets it mold, theorizing about your own world what miasma does to it

Yukes confirmed for autists.

chalice really fucked multiplayer tho

Meteor Parasite

Because that's not classic fairy tale material.

Also he's pretty shitty to his cooks.

>crystal chronicles is the only final fantasy I've played
>it's also the least similar to every single other one.

>Tida village

Such a genius concept. One level sells the entire game. Makes you realize what happens if you fuck up, and makes you realize how perilous it is to live in such a world.

Chalice was a non issue, the aoe covers the whole screen, put it down, kill shit, be on your way

Though i kinda liked the chalice

>all these years later people STILL don't realize the """bucket bitch""" can and should just drop the chalice when combat starts

It's tactical, my lad. There are miasma reducing accessories if you really hate being constrained to the circle.

Not if you allocated properly:
>Lilties and Clavats on the vanguard
>Selkies throwing oil and water and shit
>Yuke on chalice duty, chunk it down and fling out spells right as the melee guys get up to fight

But yea, being the chalice bitch sucked if you needed to pick up some items. You usually had to beg resources off of everyone else during crafting.

>black knight killed by the guy who was avenging the guy who he thought the black knight killed but its actually who the black knight was

i was playing with 3 people and we all wanted to wander off in our own direction so it was a bit of a chore

We designated one person as the "loot man", who had all the good items and would give them out for upgrades.

it never occured to me. but is the character designer for this game the same guy who did dark cloud?

that was the whole point of the chalice, user. to prevent that.

Well posted, friend

I want to go back to 2004, FFCC bros

There's somethin about the disc, bros. One of my fave GC discs to just look at...

The world and all the details about it, especially the narrator. The sense of adventure. Neat idea for stat upgrade, more interesting than the usual "kill shit, get exp, level up". Miasma was a annoying but also interesting challenge (very little impact in single play, unfortunately).

Removed the stuff mentioned above.
Combat got too "spam basic combo until it dies" for its own good.
SE really just wanted to use the art design again since it is cheaper than creating whole new designs for a cheap DS game or an experimental wii project. Pretty much the reason why FF still exists.

Lol, i loved this shit

It was so fucking tragic though, holy shit, like talk to the kid after he kills the black knight, he mentions his mom crying when she looks at the armor (which they apparently kept), and hes unsure why

The guy who killed the Black Knight was his son. He believed the Black Knight killed his father, but in reality he did. If you talk to him afterward, he says, "Every time Mama looks at the Black Knight's armor, she cries."

Even if you could do that, itd be a terrible idea, theres enough enemies in later years that youd want the help at most if not all times

>this entire game

mate we were 10 years old we didnt know that

>his favorite food wasn't fish

never gonna make it to mag mell on those kind of tastes


Donna Burke is still alive and working ffs, she was in MGS5 hope to god we can get another true CC game before she dies in like 40 or 50 years


>that guy who had a poor relationship with his dad

>not knowing the food meta

Food gives you temp bonuses, i always had meat as my favorite food just because, but later i found out it gives you a temporary STR boost, which is choice, so that is what youd want as say, a Lilty

I've played this and the GBA remake of I. I'd like to see FFI in the style of FFCC. The classes even kinda fit the races: Clavat as Red Mage (and Knight), Yuke as the other mages, Selkie as Thief/Ninja, and Lilty as Monk and base Fighter (no magic).

>one party member had bakers as his folks

Hell with that, bread for everyone. Everyone likes bread.

>no mainline FF set in early Crystal Chronicles universe
>no HD remake with online multiplayer because Crystal Bearers killed the franchise forever
truly the worst timeline

Merchant family for life

Goddamn they are OP though

And literally any family can give bread, just give them wheat seeds and when they grow the wheat theyll make bread for you for a while

>HD remake
>Not proper secuel with more weapons and bigger dungeons

Wii U was THE console for a Crystal Chronicles sequel/remake. The first time the console was revealed it was the first thing I thought of.

But now it's come and gone and we haven't had anything in the franchise for like, what, 6 years?

It's depressing.

Id be fine if they just like, made it HD and added content

Why dont more companies do this

Or even just DLC for older games, if be okay with that i think

a proper sequel isn't possible because the source of the miasma was destroyed.

Game was open and shut.

Holy fucking shit I just looked up when CB released. 2009. God I feel old. It's been 8 years, not 6.

Merchant / blacksmith family were mandatory. I remember the smithing father could craft all the way up to mid tier stuff right off the bat, while the early villages couldn't do piddlin' shit for the longest time.

>crafting a fire ring for the Yuke so he could spam right out the gate
Shit was nice.

All I can say is that they're lucky this song is good

Is there even a point to having like, a Farmer or Fisher family? Like literally at all? Iike even Tailor and Alchemist families have really good uses but thise other two, damn..

Immersion? What's a village without its subsistence families?


>tfw middle one is a guy

bucket muster race

God damn this makes me sad I gifted a nephew my GameCube.

Who else loved Crystal Bearers?

I did