How does Sup Forums feel about Ratchet and Clank?
How does Sup Forums feel about Ratchet and Clank?
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all of the main ones are fun
Going Commando is one of my all time favorite games.
I ship Ratchet and Angela
Is the HD collection really that bad? I do have my PS2 originals, but it would be convenient to have the HD collection.
Mr. Zurkon and the Groovitron were a mistake.
Great games until A Crack in Time
Crack in Time is still good, or at least decent.
I think it's the best of the PS3 ones personally, it was after Crack in Time that I think it got bad.
The reboot, while having issues,
is still okay despite that video, which has valid points.
It's not unplayable bad, but there are some pretty noticeable graphical issues. Unless you wanted to get Ratchet Deadlocked. Cause that port is an abomination
ACiT was not a bad game, but it was just really different and the start of the awful writing we see in the 2016 reboot. As for the reboot, I had fun with it but there are some extreme problems
The original was a great game. The only problem was lack of strafe. I personally like the lack of any experience system as it encourages you to use what weapons are useful for the situation as opposed to the weapons you haven't upgraded yet. The health upgrade systems later were useless because you still only take 4 hits by the end anyways. I'm not saying it is bad to have exp, but I personally find that it made no difference apart from aesthetics. Less is more sometimes.
Graphical and audio problems
I personally think ToD was better, although neither were great. CiT is overrated IMO;Those stupid fucking tribal aliens are the only thing I remember in terms of characters.
What type of graphical and audio problems? I never heard of this before. I actually bought the HD collection already and it's in my backlog because Sup Forums said it was a good port.
All the first game needed was to have a lock on ability and it would have been the perfect hybrid of a shooter and platformer with a solid story built around the theme of consumerism and corporatism
As the series progressed, the focus shifted slowly from being a shooter/platformer hybrid into a shooter with platformer elements and the series had become the very thing the original games had parodied, especially the later Future games
The movie game is fucking mediocre as an R&C game, with it's best moments being ripped from the original and the new levels being boring
The first game was a pure platformer with a shooting gimmick though. It didn't need strafe. The enemy AI was not designed around that. You were also not encouraged to use guns for all encounteres. The wrench was a viable weapon for the entire game. You know you can throw the wrench like a boomerang in R&C1 and use it for ranged attacks too you know?
Guns are for firing off shots as you close the range and charge an enemy then whip out the wrench and melee them to death.
In the later games the wrench became nothing more than a tool for opening doors and smashing boxes, when it was a legit combat weapon in the first game.
I wish Insomniac actually removed strafe from the series again and made another game with the R&C1 mechanics. I mean R&C2 was great and all but every other game in the series except for Deadlocked is just a worse clone of 2 and I am sick of R&C2 clones at this point, and you are right that they have gotten more and more shooter focused as well while R&C2 itself was very balanced.
>emulation is fucked
>remasters are fucked
>don't have a CRT
How the fuck am I supposed to play this?
Get a CRT?
HD is playable from what I hear.
I can emulate the first on at about 40FPS software mode on my dual core i7 laptop. If you have a desktop with a good processor or graphics card then you should have no problems. The PCSX2 devs fixed a lot of stuff this year too, only problem I have is framerate due to a relatively weak computer
Works in PCSX2 now!
Nth for the Hacker in R&C3 was shit
It wasn't THAT bad. I liked it more than the Tyhrraguise.
I'm still mad about how they dropped the "realistic" graphics and the darker plot of Tools of Destruction in A Crack in Time.
There was a bug in the second PS2 game that made the game crush after spending too much time in the desert area. I lost everything I collected too many fucking times.
Beside that, I love it.
The three first ones were my childhood.
Lost interest with Gladiator and haven't played one since.
Shit, I must have blocked that thing from my memory
Good trilogy
2 is the best
im actually surprised on the amount of people who hate the new games because they fucked up the story. i didnt even know their were people who actually paid attention to the R&C stories.
The most underrated game of the whole series
No. Angela's best porn is when she's sucking or getting fucked by a human.
It's playable but very sloppy. The music looping is fucked (on every single level there is an audible gap between loops of the music), there are a few breakable objects that are no longer breakable (doesn't affect skill points but still fucked), the final boss music of the first game simply doesn't play at all, and there are graphically glitches here and there.
There's probably a lot more but as I said, it's perfectly playable, but not a good port.
I don't think it's the only reason, but yeah, i'm shocked too.
I'm of the opinion that the PS2 games are the best, but the PS3 main games are still fine.
In many ways Tools of Destruction is a better game than R&C3 but nostalgiafags won't admit it.
Tools of Destruction could've used another once over in terms of bug testing and some of the levels are a bit linear without much going on.
I agree though.
i always thought tools of destruction was unanimously considered a good game, what the fuck happened?
Tools of Destruction and a Crack in Time are both good in my book, I hate that people have turned on them myself, the problem shit is stuff like All 4 One, Full Frontal Assault, and the shift to 30 fps and overly rehashing shit like Into the Nexus and the Reboot do. Even then, a bad mainline Ratchet game is still fun to me, that gameplay loop the games have is just enticing. Nothing touches Going Commando though, and I am with the anons that want the platforming focus the first two games had to come back.
Loading times all over are slower. This means that planet transitions might be longer, helpdesk messages are delayed and music skips when it's supposed to loop.
Some effects are missing and some are kinda broken. PS2 had an unusual blending scheme which is hard to reproduce both accurately and quickly, so they had to drop part of it and it shows in some effects having visible rectangular borders.
Thankfully there were no gameplay affecting bugs that I noticed, but you can't unsee when something is wrong
I didn't really mind the future series, but the reboot story was just abhorrent.
>but the reboot story was just abhorrent.
Blame the movie.
It does leave me wondering where Ratchet goes from here though.
>tfw the sonybros memed you into playing the reboot
jesus what the fuck went wrong with this game
even the PSP game is better than this shit
Either a worse remake of Going Commando, or death. They're already played their hand.
I like the series
It feels like a 'New' take on the classic platformers.
You never see simple humor in games these days like the series has, sometimes its nice to laugh instead of always playing games with dark gritty atmospheres or such.
Insomniac has been quiet on any more games...either their whole studio is working on the new spiderman game or I hope they'll announce something else later.
The first game starts out good and turns dogshit terrible later on
Going Commando is pretty much perfect
Up Your Arsenal is great
Deadlocked felt a bit too easy
Size Matters was hot rancid garbage
Haven't played anything beyond that, but did watch the movie and oh my fucking god I could go on for hours about everything wrong it
I would rather no story than a generic fucking goody boy pixar hero trope.
>The first game starts out good and turns dogshit terrible later on
Really? I'm replaying it and loving it, when does it go to shit? Been years and years since I played and beat it. I remember Veldin and Drek being fuck hard but that's really it.
I fucking loved the giant Clank level in Going Commando, I wish there was more like it in other games.
A follow up to Into The Nexus. I remember Insomniac said the remake is a one time thing.
some of the best humour and weapons of the series
shit is one of the GOAT co-op games imo
Played this back in the day it was fun
I hope we get no more reboot shit and a new game on PS4 continuing where Into The Nexus left off
I want Nefarious and Tachyon back
I love R&C but I think its time to end it. The games are only getting worse
>when does it go to shit?
It begins going to shit around half way into the game
The storm planet is a nightmare and the fight against Drek is insane in a very bad way.
If you want to beat the game without ripping your hair out, grind for the R.Y.N.O.
We'll see after Insomniac drops the new Spider-Man game.
All right, let's discuss the shitty gameplay instead.
>absolutely awful weapon arsenal
>based on the first game, while having less fucking content
>shitty sidekick characters
>smaller planets
>awful minigames
>battles have no strategy, making it pointless to reuse maxed weapons since every weapon is viable
>the groovitron is game breaking
>short as fuck
>i don't like it
Have you played the game on hard mode?
It's better than people make it out to be, but still a little too short and a little too easy to me. That fucking soundtrack though.
I do remember it getting ridiculous, and I never got the R.Y.N.O. in one, beating Drek was...I do remember being very very frustrated, but if I did it as a kid I should be able to do it now...I think. I do intend to get all Gold Bolts and get the R.Y.N.O. this time around though so we'll see.
Hard mode in the reboot is honestly very easy. Reboot Ratchet is actually one of the easiest Platinums i've ever gotten, if not the easiest.
I have never beaten going commando, I lost all interest because of the fucking yetis and ice leviathans planet
I love love love the series, and it pains me so much to see its trademark humor being dragged through the mud.
They cut down on the edgy humor ever so slightly, starting with the Future series, and capstoned it by completely fucking ratchet's clank's character arcs in the ass with the reboot.
I love the original trilogy and even deadlocked to an extent. Tools of Destruction and Crack in Time were both good games, but the story got a little out there from the themes that the originals tried to play off (universal narcissism, the effects of corporate greed on the populace of the galaxy, etc.). I did not play Into the Nexus or any of the mobile games.
The reboot is a harsh kick to the groin for long-time fans, and while I can see some people enjoying it if its their first R&C game, it lacks the humor, the well-designed character arcs, and most of the aspects that made the combat in R&C 1 memorable and fun, despite all of the original's flaws. All this bullshit just so they can sell toys and movie tickets to kids. Its a big fuck you to long-time fans, and I hope they learn from the movie's commercial and critical failures that their old fanbase is who they should be catering to.
>The storm planet is a nightmare
>mfw having to do all of that solo after getting used to having Clank for so long
I wasn't ready
>every weapon is viable
>a bad thing
Please for the sake of Sup Forums's post quality kill yourself.
I did
Literally just strafe and jump around sideways constantly while shooting.
The only difficult part that I had with the game was that one boss fight with the jetpack and only because I had ammo problems.
Also, groovitron
>I want Nefarious
Please no. Nefarious is creatively drained it's almost intolerable.
I understand why, but you should push past it, Going Commando is...actually in my potential top 10 games of all time.
Nefarious is great. That said...he is very very overused.
It's a bad thing
>buy a weapon
>get it to level 5
>never touch it again unless it's for a boss fight
There's no strategy, any weapon allows you to steamroll through the game. Why should I switch to a maxed weapon instead of grinding my other weapons in order to achieve a 100% file?
I blame R&C for making me a degenerate
And there's the issue.
>Final boss of UYA
>Second to last boss of ACIT and was pretty much the main bad guy anyway.
>Highjacked R&C1's last boss in the Reboot
He needs a break.
>Ratchet + Clank 1 original
>Ratchet + Clank actually communicate with each other, and they each have a character arc
>Ratchet + Clank 1 reboot
>they barely talk to each other and don't even look at each other in those "cutscenes"
Fuck the people who thought Ratchet was too mean in the original. Heaps better than generic goody wannabe hero.
>Highjacked R&C1's last boss in the Reboot
I will never not be mad about this, what they did with Drek was so fucking dumb
Yeah, who needs unique situational weapons like the visionbomb and the suck cannon when I can just use a random weapon and beat the game with just it
Hell, the people who say he was really mean are fucking WRONG AS SHIT, replaying the original you quickly realize that Ratchet only becomes "mean" after Clank nearly gets them killed.
Ratchet doesn't start hating clank, he starts hating Quark, and he only comes to his senses after he gets his revenge.
They seem ok, but for me they've always missed this "something" that would make me stick to them.
The first three on PS2 were pretty amazing then Deadlocked happened and it was a steaming pile of dogshit. Never had the chance to play the PS3 ones but I did try the remake and they fucked that one up too.
Is Zurkon such a big mistake?
Too memey and very overused
Ratchet also becoming who he was in later games also feels earned compared to the first game. Honestly one thing i'm relearning is that Clank was honestly very naive but wised up, and Ratchet was hot headed and mellowed out. It feels nice to go back and see that.
As long as they keep using him. Yes.
Tools of Destruction was the beginning of the downturn for the series. It was at that game that Insomniac started to talk themselves way too fucking seriously with the story. I mean really, Ratchet is the last of his kind and Clank is actually a fucking Timelord?
Also none of the weapons have been as good as the ones from GC and UYA
I fucking love her song. Both the music video and instrumental boss theme.
What happened to the soundtracks anyway? I like those PS3 games, but they really started dropping the ball hard around then.
>then Deadlocked happened and it was a steaming pile of dogshit
Man Gladiator wasn't that bad,the lack of clank was a bummer but the combat and arenas were tight as hell and the focus on such a small arsenal of weapons makes all the guns great to use
Tools of Destruction was the blandest Ratchet and Clank game Insomniac has ever made
Deadlocked is fun as hell, I wish I had gotten to play it online, but I never had access to PS2 internet as a child.
Quest For Booty and the reboot edge it out in blandness, at least to me.
>Ratchet is the last of his kind and Clank is actually a fucking Timelord?
Yeah this always bugs me. Clank, who just so happens to be a timelord, just so happens to crash land right next to Ratchet, who happens to be the last of his kind (oh Angela? yeah forget about her lmao). It's just unrealistic.
Original trilogy is great
ToD and CiT are still pretty good even if they have really dumb shit like space janitor clank.
Everything else is pretty ignorable.
The Gaming Brit really did turn a lot of people onto the original and off of the reboot, didn't he? Not that he was wrong at all, but i'm seeing a lot of his exact point parroted here.
>oh Angela? yeah forget about her lmao
What is the official explanation about this? It has always bugged me out.
My only real issue with is that it implies that Clank was always he going to be that way. When the original game showed that he was a freak accident creation at a factory.
She went to another dimension I think? I think it's a shame, of all the romances Ratchet has had, that one was my favorite.
time janitor*
I was fucking saying the game could have been much better last year when the game came out
I hate how the game lacked weapons and the story was shitty due to Ratchet and Clank getting less attention than Qwark
It was a really good video. I do still like the reboot but that video helped put the issues I had with it so clearly. It's been so long since I last played the original, I almost forgot about this scene until I was reminded of it in the video
Definitely feel like playing the original again now, even without the strafing.
He inspired me to dig out my original PS2 copy and hook up my CRT again. Getting used to it without strafing was rough, and I still end up trying to every now and then, but shit holds up better than I would've expected.
They went for more orchestral.
Og trio composer went there with ToD, then got replaced with other guys by ACIT
I miss the shock ravaged from ToD.
Shit was sexy. Just whipping fuckers.
I tried ordering this game off amazon twice and both times something went wrong. fucking hell
i love the original three. how are the ones for the ps3? are they any good?
>remasters are fucked
If you're fucking autistic I guess, but otherwise they're fine
Daily reminder A Crack in Time is the best game in the series.
Yeah, Tools of Destruction and a Crack in Time are good time.
Going Commando my friend.
Adding that particular qualifier is a bit redundant on Sup Forums
>Going Commando
I liked R&C Size Matter for the PsP why was it bad I actually enjoyed it.
The racing mini game was cancer in that game though