You'll never explore a fully customized mother base

You'll never explore a fully customized mother base.

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still don't understand why no country didn't just bomb that shit

Who cares?

PW motherbase was so much cooler looking and comfy then the TPP motherbase. I think TPP MB was far to spread out to FEEL bigger as it progressed.

thats the whole point of MSF going nuclear

there was really no reason to explore MGS5 MB after you met paz and the sidequests
everything looked the same, it took four minutes to get between areas, and there was nothing to do like in the maps

Supposedly the struts were separated to give consoles the posibility of unloading the farthest ones and not having too many loaded at the same time.

It also got taken down in minutes since everything was so close together.

well its there own fault for sinking the metal gear to the ocean floor and not just putting it under a giant cardboard box during the inspection.

Peace Walker is the epitome of comfy.

MSF MB is the ultimate "NO NORMIES ALLOWED" seaborne clubhouse.

Vocaroo related

>it took four minutes to get between areas

Not if you used the cardboard box.

>ywn be given some of their handmade gallo pinto

Peace Walker tapes are some of the best shit ever made, ever.

working in MSF would be worth the horrible death by cypher to see Kaz and BB CQC'ing naked in the dorm showers, then the hallway over Kaz fucking too many bitches.

No homo i think it would be a glorious sight.

but they literally did



>On the deck in a cardboard box, sipping Narc and reading Solidus
>Looking up, you notice Paz sunning herself
>You cannot leave as she would assume you were peeping
>Strangelove approaches Paz, nervously

MGSV was a bad dream, user. Everyone knows that BB went straight from the Carribean to Tselinoyarsk.

Best of all was her attempts to remain a hardass, to no avail.

I'd rather be passionate and knowledgeable about my interests than concern myself with impressing normies through apathy. Enjoy wearing your mask.

That was to make it harder to bomb tho

MSF MB had more soul, too, as did the members. I liked how MGSV had more unique characters to acquire and their skills more drastically effected mission capability, though, beyond the comprehensiveness of the pre-mission SALUTE brief.

A long time ago, I'd ripped and cleaned the audio of a bunch of tapes and music from various games in order to record them on real tapes. While I was at it, I went ahead and increased the audio quality a little bit to match MGSV's and then formatted them so that they were able to be imported into MGSV. I have every tape from PW, some from GZ, and some music from various games. I'm gonna start posting some of the tapes.

Miller 07

Eh, too troublesome. If there's a request I'll post it, but otherwise I'm not going to upload shit noone wants to listen to.

it's because konami forced them to release it on PS3 and 360, so the long distance between struts worked to both mask the loading times but also prevent too much from being rendered at once.

>MSF dudes still wear their masks even when it's casual

It kinda bugs me to be honest.

Here's a photo of Strangelove and Hal.

This is the person The Boss was based on, Charolette Rampling is her name I think.



Here, have a phone background.

Anyone know if the blue Medic patch on the front of Alligator's vest there is a real patch? It looks like a blue EMT patch mixed with a MED patch.

I actually use this. Thanks for posting it though.

Found something similar, the gray version is like it. The one in the pic is more blue.

>Big Boss is a manlet

>Big Boss in MGS3 is tall as fuck
>BB and Alligator in this photo are the exact same height and are standing basically identically
Really fucks you in the brainpussy

He was 5'10 in MGS3

>People hating on MGSV
The gameplay of it was damn good.

Ignore the story. Kojima can't write anymore.

What? how did you get that?

MGS3 he towered over Pres Johnson who was tall himself and in MGS4 he's taller than Solid.

Ground Zeroes showed he can still do the traditional MGS formula, he was just very bored of it by that point. MGSV was mainly about breaking every convention possible in terms of story and structure.

It also accomplished nothing Peace Walker didn't do better already.

Regarding narrative, that is.

well it's obvious by MGS4 he wanted to be done but it's never panned out that way. i think by the time Big Boss was fighting flying robots in Costa Rica it would be pretty obvious Kojima was just going to use the franchise to do whatever the fuck he wanted.

>big boss 5ft 10

Lyndon B Johnson was 6ft 4. BB was about 6ft 5.

Ur a wozurd erry

Lesbo magic is real

>Alligator's vest
Pardon me?

The Medic is the one on the right, who was Alligator from Peace Walker. Been a while since I looked into it, but I remember that being the case.

I think I remember seeing it in the wiki.

Solid was around that height in MGS1 then got bumped up to 6'1 in 4.

That's bullshit. The whole point of the medic being Venom twist was that you, the player, was the one becoming Big Boss. Having it be some other arbitrary character that the player has no connection with completely invalidates that point.

Literally anything involving Alligator is 100% headcanon.

>The Medic is the one on the right, who was Alligator from Peace Walker. Been a while since I looked into it, but I remember that being the case.

Interesting. I'll keep that in mind, seems like there's not a lot of consistency.

The most effective person in MSF was you and the best soldier you get in MGSPW canonically is Alligator. It's with this mindset that Alligator was identified.

I thought it had basis in mechanics and such with the idea being that you play as any of them and so "YOU" are all of them with their skills making the difference on paper. YOU, the human behind the controller, are Alligator, Vulture, Wolf, etc but Alligator is the best operative YOU can inhabit in MGSPW.

"fact" is hard to say. The above is the reasoning. No matter what, YOU AS A PERSON are the one "Venom" refers to regardless of who's behind the mask in that photo.

He's more like 6'. EVA's radio info says she's 5'10 and Snake isn't much taller than her. Also, like any Japanese game, they don't track of this stuff. Kojima probably didn't even know how tall LBJ was.

I think you're right. Basing it off EVA was a better idea, thanks.

MGS4's codec screen says Snake is 180cm, or 5'11.

Goddamned Patriots, obfuscating heights

>tfw been playing as a manlet for all these years

MSG is even worse now, jesus christ.

Bud, Alligator was my favourite soldier too, and I wanted him to be Medic. But did you notice that his medicine skill is an E?

I did not, thanks for that correction. Really shot that GAMETHEORY (tm) to shit.

I always played as a hacked self-insert or hacked versions of characters from past games, like RAT PT 01 members.

>Konami said during multiple MGSV previews "every player's Mother Base will be different"
>There is no customization at all in the final game except color and the order you expand pre-made elements
>mfw FOB could have been the ultimate multiplayer game if you were allowed to make a completely custom base

He was 5'10 and 6' in his MG1 and MGS1 bios respectively, so you could say he had a growth spurt and shrunk. Said manlet could take down just about anyone in the world, anyway.


I really would have just liked Mother Base to be more fleshed out in TPP, like some interiors or more soldiers walking around and doing training or just hanging out. Instead we get a ghost base.

MSF MB had killhouses, ranges, airfields, galleys, a Swedish-style sauna, fitness facilities, all kinds of sick shit referenced over and over and some of it was observable or able to be taken part in.

Also don't forget the boats and helicopters and shit. Even just in the menus it felt really alive, all the more so during the Zeke and missile defense fights.


please post it,user

I'll just upload it all at once for anyone that wants it. If this thread is still alive by the time I'm done, I'll post it here. Otherwise I'll make a new thread with "MGSPW Tapes" as the OP with the link included. Is google drives preferred?

Google drive would be great,thanks
Or you could make a thread,i'm pretty sure Sup Forums is interested as well

Peace Walker tapes will be ready momentarily, bud.

I'm also the cunt that's been shilling MGO2's revival, I'll probably add it to the OP and make it Metal Gear-centric thread.

Here ya go, my man. Every MGSPW tape cleaned, edited, and combined into flowing conversations and titled appropriately.

The reason there was so much distortion, other than "muh tapes," was because they didn't record in a soundproof studio for some of them.

Holy shit, it streams right there. This is great.

Thanks a ton,man

Never played a Metal Gear game, where should I start?

No problem. I made it specifically for the benefit of fans like us. Glad it's still getting some mileage.

metal gear 1

MGS: VR MIssions, then MGS1 but read the briefing files for the previous missions from MGS1's menu. The briefing files are dramatized writings based on the previous games and are much higher quality than the games themselves narratively speaking, providing great context.

Then play these:

Peace Walker
MG Rising

With these, you'll have context for everything you come across and should receive the proper impact from the narrative. Each game explores a theme. I was designing a cover for my Legacy Collection that involved aspects of the themes, lemme see if I can find it.

Start at 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then 5, you idiot.

What's the different between Metal Gear Flaccid and Metal Gear Solid?

Metal Gear Solid 1 or Metal Gear 1 and then just work your way up the series in release order.

>VR missions
>PW before MGS4
>listing Rising
Nigga what?

Post the one where BB is standing on a cardboard box.

The way they were released, obviously.

Your mom.

Also, make sure to use your CODEC often. The best writing is in the execution of each game's theme and the interaction between the protagonist and his team.

VR Missions is important to the plot of MGS. MGS VR Missions being played first will have him go into MGS1 familiar with the controls as a seasoned soldier should be, but also to provide context for Meryl's statements in MGS1 and Raidens' in MGS2.

PW before MGS4 because it's a direct continuation of MGS3 and spoils nothing at all from MGS4, and any true fan knows that MGS4 needs to be your last entry.

Rising is just fun, and when the full series is over, playing around in-universe is fine. It also happens after 4.

Chill, nigga. I got this.

Metal Gear is too old to hold up. Revolutionary for their time and still very interesting, but reading the dramatization included in the briefing files of MGS1's menu section will provide a more consistent experience. In addition, to play them as they were meant to be, you would have to use the Legacy Collection on PS3 or MGS3 Subsistence on PS2 so that you get properly translated versions. The original translation and gameplay changes are really drastic.

Oh, there's also spoilers in VR Missions as a separate disc. I meant to say to play the ones in MGS1's main menu which have no spoilers and then you're free to fuck around with MGS VR Missions as a separate entry as you please. They're fun.

MG1 is the MSX/Famicom game
MGS1 is the Playstation game

Forgot to mention, MGS2's documents include a novellization from the point of view of a team member in MGS1 in the form of a tell-all. It's an interesting read and expands upon the events a bit more.

Thanks m8s

Sure thing, bud. I know you'll enjoy it. Have fun, my dude, just remember to take your time, call people on the CODEC once in a while, and really take it all in.

Oh, and if you're not going to play MGS1 on PSX with the original case, remember the CODEC Frequency 140.15

It'll come in handy later. It was an attempt by Konami to combat piracy by making you have to look at the physical case of the game in order to progress further.

What did you guys think of the animations and art style of the cutscenes in MGSPW?
I only played the PSP version, I thought both were great

It was an interesting way to resolve the conflict of the PSP's limited hardware and the desire for well-animated cutscenes.

It gets the point across and allows for the exact portrayal of what was intended without otherwise being compromised.

I think they were good.

Portable Ops also had them.

They were okay, but the interactive thing was kinda awkward. And having played Portable Ops they weren't exactly anything special or unique since it was more or less the same.

Man, now I kinda want to do a MGS marathon. Haven't really played them much lately since MGSV kinda ended up souring my love for it a bit, along with every game since MGS3 having been a bit of a disappointment, even if they are enjoyable in their own way.

Do it, man. Playing MGSV will cause a newfound appreciation for the older games.

Has for many, including myself.

>t. Outer Haven Twitch channel viewer

Try playing the games instead of watching them and maybe your opinion will stop sucking.

Debating whether I should try and get through MG1-2 first. Never been able to play through them and I feel kinda bad about it.

It's not my fault you're too retarded to understand the importance of context to the games despite the games explicitly throwing it in your face repeatedly, such as MGS2's final CODEC sequences.

Do you really think there's twitch streamers reading intel documents in the menus of the games?

Try playing the games with both eyes open and stop projecting, casual shitter.

Go for it. They're fun, it's just that the novelizations in MGS1's menus properly add context and shit to the actions that go down, imparting the intended impression rather than being limited by its ability to present itself at the time.

Plus Holly's pretty top tier.

MG1 is kind of lame but MG2 is a legitimately good game. It's cool to see Kojima and Pals refine the motif and design over three iterations.

I played them in release order because I'm not an underage YouTube reddit-wiki consuming faggot like you. That's the way God intended.

Is PW good or not? Whenever I see people talk about it, it's either love or hate with no middle ground.