What went so fucking wrong?
What went so fucking wrong?
>bought it on release
>have probably put less than 100 hours of gametime into it
Got mine for free still enjoying it today
Still better than Vita.
i bought it for mario makers and never bought another game on it
tried to coast off the success of a toy, but tried to become a proper gaming platform
wasn't good at either of those things
>new paper mario disappointed
>new mario tennis disappointed
>new xenoblade disappointed
>new FE and SMT dissapointed
>new 3d mario disappointed
>new star fox disappointed
>new itagaki game disappointed
If it wasn't for W101, Bayo2, and Splatoon, I would have considered the WiiU completely worthless.
I stopped playing Splatoon because if I lose another ranked match I'll go back down to B+.
Never buy Nintendo consoles. Always buy Nintendo Handhelds.
Vita has one game and it's merely an enhanced port.
I liked those 3 games, Xenoblade and #FE
Mario Kart was also good for a long time
The controller being nearly the size of the console itself is what went wrong. Incredibly uncomfortable and not suited to longer gaming sessions.
And Wii U only has shovelware like pic related
Marketing was shit, and the media being hungry for Nintendoom blood sure as hell didn't help.
By the time the design was locked in tablets had become ubiquitous and the whole thing was outdated at release.
Nintendo spent the entire generation upscaling their teams, that shit goes slowly if you care about getting quality employees.
Weaker hardware was required to keep budgets down, but it also meant the console couldn't get free ports.
The 3DS wasn't doing so hot at launch and required attention that took away from WiiU software development.
It actually had some amazing games, just not enough of them. No third party support will always cause this. A lot of my favorite games this generation are on PC, but also PS4 and Xbox One. Nintendo will always be about a few exclusives, but it just isn't enough to keep the system alive.
>the media being hungry for Nintendoom blood sure as hell didn't help.
>drones still think there's some anti-nintendo bias even when Skyward Sword was getting completely unwarranted 10/10's
>Bought one on release
>It was fun for what it was
>Droughts of games for months at a time
>Had to wait all over again for VC
>Had to pay for them again even if you transferred from your Wii
>Just and abandoned one day
My top three most played games are Smash at like 400+ hours, Monster Hunter 3U at like 200+ something, and Wonderful 101 at like 154 something
>captain toad
>no results
Best game on the system in my book.
Also the Virtual Console kinda kicked ass despite being only Nintendo consoles. If only they had brought GB/GBC games to it~
>Also the Virtual Console kinda kicked ass
Are you fucking kidding me? It was terrible. We didn't get N64 games until fucking 2015, and even then we didn't get good ones like Star fox until 2017. Barely any of the good GBA games are on the eshop, and none of the DS ones are.
underpowered meme hardware, retarded tablet gimmick that you CAN'T TAKE WITH YOU.
on top of that the first party titles are usually the worst of their respective series:
>color splash
>star fox zero
>mario 3d world
>mario party 10
donkey kong and mario kart were alright. zelda is good too but it's on switch now.
only good part about it is the fact that it's so piss easy to hack and get the games free.
The Vita still has better games though.
I don't care about N64 games, as in, not a single one. That was a trashfire of a console. U VC had big support from Capcom & Konami which ensure their SNES & GBA had a load of awesome shit beyond Nintendo rehashes. Shame no one but Nintendo put out any DS games though, MM ZX, Star Force, Okamiden, Ghost Trick, Contra 4, Castlevania DS games, and others would've rocked.
>I don't care about N64 games, as in, not a single one
Well that's nice, but you were trying to say the Wii U VC is good, and it clearly isn't.
N64 has no good games, therefor Wii U VC is better without crappy shovelware weighing it down.
stupid opinion
The Dude's meme magic
Do you have no irl friends? go and play some local multiplayer with somebody
Fuck off
>people buying shit they don't actually want
capitalism sure is fucking working lads
>complain about not getting enough playtime out of his console
>doesn't actually want to play games
>fully hackable
>at least 10 great games worth playing
Absolutely nothing.
Wii U doesn't have good multiplayer games
>>at least 10
only way you can get to a number that high is if you include garbage like Star Fox Zero and Color Splash.
And no, Hyrule Warriors isn't good either.
Anybody wanna play some Mario kart instead of shitposting?
>a main series starfox game
I don't think you know what that word means
Its shovelware-tier in terms of bad of a game it is.
I think you just don't like fun in general user, why did you even buy a console with zero games you want?
Why would the fuck would I want to do that when Deluxe comes out next week and makes this one obsolete?
How does this stop you from enjoying the game?
I bought it for Bayonetta 2 and Smash Bros, and ended up hating Smash because of all the fire emblem shit
Because my VR score is worthless after this week so there's no point in trying to increase it.
>Never buy Nintendo consoles. Always emulate Nintendo games.
>Because my VR score is worthless after this week
Why not play for fun? I barely touched the online multiplayer, mainly played local and never cared about ranked play
>Why not play for fun?
losing isn't fun.
>push digital
>8gb / 32gb hdds
Emulation is shit my man. You either play games on the platforms they were designed for or you don't play then at all.
Emulation is so shitty I'm pretty most people who emulate don't ever finish a game they are emulating.
At least you can play the first 5 minutes at 4K/60fps.
I stopped playing Switch and plugged in the Wii U again. It gets a lot more use.
>Release the console with not a single game worth playing
>Few good games suffer unusually long droughts between them, even for a Nintendo console
>Refuse to release a single mainline nintendo IP on it until the very end
>When it finally gets Zelda, Zelda gets ported to a console with a brighter future.
The only Nintendo console I legitimately regret buying
>It gets a lot more use.
such as...?
Naming it Wii U.
Hardly the worst problem with the console
Which game are you referring to?
Super Mario Maker and Netflix. If Switch had Netflix I would probably still be using it. Games on both systems are lacking, though.
I seriously dont see how people enjoy Mario Maker.
From a business point of view it's literally the biggest problem. There are people out there who believe the Switch is the follow up to the Wii.
>tfw bought it at release for full price
I ended up using it a lot though, I bought a ton of games for it. Plus my old Wii broke, so I can use it to play my Wii games.
More games than switch
That really has more to do with Nintendo's piss-poor marketing than any bad naming choices. I think people overblow the Wii U's name out of proportions (Nintendo never really had a good naming sense to begin with).
Would you recommend buying a Wii U for $300 that comes with Smash and Splatoon as well as homebrew so Wind Waker and Breath of the Wild
bought one a few months ago and hacked it
it's pretty fun and having the tablet a room away is sick. i wish you could project your pc or different console on the tablet screen though
$300 is pretty pricey, and those games are 3 and 2 years old respectively and their communities are mostly dead
>having the tablet a room away
Do you have towels for walls? I can't even take mine to the bathroom without the signal cutting out.
>i wish you could project your pc or different console on the tablet screen though
there's a homebrew app for that I think, haven't used it myself though
Especially Smash?
I'm torn between buying a Wii U or building a PC
I unironically thought the handheld thing was just an add-on to a regular wii until relatively recently.
Nah, it only takes a few seconds to find a match.
>$300 PC
I hope you really like indie games.
I don't understand how people on Sup Forums could think this
Did you not see that the games were in HD? How the fuck did you think the Wii was putting out HD resolution?
I obviously didn't have one, nor did I ever play on one.
You never saw Smash videos posted on Sup Forums or anything?
>watching other people play games
A complete and utter failure of marketing.
Had some good games but not enough.
I'm glad I got one and have enjoyed my time with it, also not having to buy a switch, which somehow looks worse, just to pay zelda, so it came out okay.
Also being able to watch a stream on the TV while using the gamepad to shitpost was nice.
Shit, I wish I had skipped the Wii U and just bought a Switch, its going to get all the good games anyways.
my wii u is like 2 inches from the wall and my bathroom is right next to it. i looked for an app like that and didn't find anything
I unironically thought this for at least 2 years after it came out and some people still don't know. They should have labeled it more in commercials.
bad marketing, nogames, fucked up localizations which also had bad marketing.
I had to get on the homebrew appstore through my Wii U to find it, not sure if this is what you're looking for.
I have over 1k hours in just MH3U
Over 300 in Mario Kart 8
Similar numbers in Smash.
Bayo 2 was a lot of fun, Donkey Kong was fucking great, SM3DW was very fun
monster hunter is a game for subhumans.
remove yourself from the gene pool
>Wii U doesn't have good multiplayer games
oh sick. i wonder if i can watch anime on it
Wii doomed the Wii U.
While Wii technically won its generation by a wide margin, it did so at the cost of core gamers. And the casuals who bought the Wii never bought a Wii U.
Who else here buying the seven-year-late Darksiders port next month?