After 2 months can we say...

after 2 months can we say, without fear of making bad publicity to Nintendo and subsequently make its console fail since they are selling a lot, that Breath of the wild wasn't that good, 7.5 at best?

Yes, we can.

No, it was excellent and at least worth a 9.5

Kill yourself


It's a 7/10 on a 1 to 10 scale, which basically means "good / great".

10/10 would buy remake again

B-but a-user yyou can't say t-that....! It's a Nintendo game!

Once you've reached a certain point in your combat skill, inventory of weapons, and shrines completed, the game just kind of plateaus for a short period and quickly becomes a chore to play.

I'm not a fan of Zelda beyond the originals (though I've played all the new ones in some capacity), I skipped the Wii U, the DS and 3DS were mediocre at best and I never picked up actual Nintendo titles for them.

I have 95 hours in BOTW and I can safely say it's a 9/10. It's hands-off approach and huge world with tons to see and explore was exactly what this series needed.

>g-guys... its been a while. I-it's bad, right?.
>r-right? right?

every fucking 20 minutes with you faggots.


I've never had buyers remorse as bad as this game plus a switch, jesus I can't believe I actually fell for the nintendo meme


94, shit, I die at the door

ok why not


>implying it's not worth it
C'mon step it up!!


I only know who 20 % of these are


>people have been calling the game shit since day 1
>retards say otherwise
Nothing matters anymore

I liked parts of it but it fell flat in a lot of areas. Specifically the areas that I play Zelda for. Shrines were garbage and I hope they never return.

Fuck you
Zelda was 11/10 and if you don't think so then you didn't play the game

No one but trolls are with you on this.

Zelda is praised by the overwhelming majority of people who gave it the attention it deserved.

>its good because [things that are not unique to it and no semblance of objective comparison to other things]
>its bad because [things that are unique to it while comparing it to other things]

There's only one single correct group here.

>copy assassins creed and slap zelda in the title
>this is considered goty
daily reminder folks, its okay when nintendo does it

Have you even played both games? Assassin's creed's structure is nothing like Zelda's, even if you look at how the towers work

Assassins Creed actually has structure.

Literally what did you mean by this? Also way to make your previous point invalid

>zeldas under Miyamoto 9/10
>zelda under Koizumi 11/10
>zeldas under Aonuma 5/10

congratulations! Now the zelda series has more shitty titles than good ones

I've played it enough to know its dogshit and I dodged a bullet by not buying a switch. Why don't you fuck off to your echo chamber zelda containment thread on vg, nintentoddler

>aonuma has directed the franchise for 22 years

BotW gets a 9.5/10 from me. If it had better dungeons it'd get 10/10. I fucking love the game and I look forward to the DLC story and dungeon.

Sure, but please get that ugly fuck out of my face

No one fucking cares, write a metacritic review and blog the details on your tumblr.

>it's 2021

fuck off


>being this mad at people liking a game he doesn't like

How does it feel to be 16 years old? I forgot since I was 16, 14 years ago... But I doubt I was this childish.

Man why has the quality of falseflags gone down the shitter? Was it the creation of wojacks?

I don't mind that Nintendo took ideas from other games but I do mind that they didn't expand on any of them.
Is there a single thing in this game which you can call truly original?
It just felt like I was going through the motions while playing it. Nothing felt new.

crying wojak to be specific

Sorry you didn't like this game as much as some other of us.

For me it's a solid 10/10 and the only Zelda game I've ever 100%'d.

Great game, feel like there was too much empty space in the world, but If they make a sequel in the same style it'll probably be much better as it's a first attempt.
Areas like the lanaryu promenade are amazing and I wish there was more like it, even castle town is just reduced to grass fields since it's all completely destroyed and not even ruins to explore.
Sorry for the phone screenshot

Did you use a guide for korok seeds? I've been stuck at a little under a hundred to go for about 4 days and I have no goddamn idea where to look.

It does mix up all sorts of things inside, there is no one game with that many features as BotW, although individual games might have some elements of it. If you are going through the motions you must have been trying to approach it with the mindset of open worlds like the Witcher where it's more linear than not, or you are just severely lacking creativity


Imagine if there were three or four dungeons in the game as interesting as Hyrule Castle to explore.

I disagree. 7.5 using the modern scale of game ratings seems overly harsh.

>It's my fault the game doesn't do anything new or exciting

Imagine if Hyrule Castle was at least actually a dungeon.

>Just copy pasted the two.
Even MSPaint is getting worse.
I miss when you edgy teenagers were at least actual nerds. Not intentional memewanking chucklefucks.


About time someone agrees

It was, it was just all about combat instead of puzzles.

No, I'm just saying its normal to feel that way if you're playing it like most open world's although the game encourages you to go out of your way

it's literally the only game to have a console attach rate of 104%

xD us Sup Forumslacks...

>BotW was low effort garbage
>expects high effort memes

sony always wins, baby

>the game encourages you to go out of your way
How does it do that?

Fuck of Aonuma, so glad you're filthy hands did not touch Hyrule castle, making it the best dungeon in the series

This isn't true at all lol

there's absolutely nothing "low effort" about breath of the wild, that game has the attention to detail you only get with shit like MGS2
kill yourself, lazy talentless cunt

only if you sonybros can admit that every single one of your exclusives are overrated as fuck too

By putting most points of interest away from the main path? Eventide, the Mazes and Mount Lanaryu are both away from all story sections, or not required at all. If you go straight from divine beast to divine beast like going from story point to story point like in most open worlds you will miss quite a lot

Get rid of weapon durability, gimme back some of my items like the hookshot, and add 5-7 legit dungeons and this game would literally be perfect.

Oh an fuck hiding the coolest shit behind amiibos. Fucking jewtendo.

Easily 9/10. Would be 10/10 if the performance wasn't shit and you could dye all the clothing.

>get rid of
That will need severe retooling of the enemies and the weapon rewards

I disagree, but they should increase it by 2x and make switching easier

>a series of corridors is now a dungeon
>no map to get, no treasures to find, no keys to unlock doors
It's literally just an extension of the overworld. Putting a ceiling over your head doesn't change that.

zelda has always been low effort garbage on nintendo's part. reminder that this is considered a "hard puzzle in the final dungeon" to zelda fans.

>the game encourages you to go out of your way by putting the fun out of the way and making it not required at all so you will miss a lot
Am I being memed on?

By putting korok seeds everywhere

Needs the hookshot so you can glide like rico

>"hard puzzle in the final dungeon"
>"hard puzzle"
literally who has said this

The autism in that image makes me physically ill, and I actually AM autistic. Professionally diagnosed and all.

Getting too old for this board. I'm 30.

>littering the world with an abundance of unimportant collectables

Well, you start with the map of the place, and it does have unique dungeon treasure, the Hylian Shield.

How is that statement wrong? If the game places those away from the main path doesn't it encourage you to go out of your way?

Why in the fuck would you even go out of your way to mention MGS2 when you know full well not a single thing in botw even comes close to fake melting ice cubes?

No user if I hide something from you I'm not encouraging you to do anything.

>implying dungeons aren't always a series of corridors with shitty, braindead puzzles in between to bore you to tears

>being this butt hurt about the game of the decade

your little insecurities are charming. botw is a 9/10 and you need to accept the fact that it's not going away.

Except it's not hidden. You can see them from pretty far away, especially since you climb on top of tall structures often.

What's your point?
It doesn't matter if they are hidden or not that has zero to do with your incentive to explore them.

>fire keese chases you
>starts raining
>it dies

since the next game probably won't have a sheikah slate I'd totally be all for getting some items like the hookshot in its place during whatever the next games starting area is

What is yours?

Do you not feel the desire to visit a strange looking structure? Why are you even playing open world games then?

>shoot arrow through torch
>arrow lights on fire
>firey arrow melts ice
>this was in ocarina of time 19 years ago

How about real melting ice cubes?

Game of the generation so far. Stay mad, Sony-cucks

Uh but you do melt ice cubes in breath of the wild. You do so by holding a fire weapon near them, although retards spam fire arrows

Maybe the first few times when I don't know what it is.
After that I assume it's another shitty puzzle or battle arena that will give me more health I don't need because the food system is completely out of balance and broken.

Why are you playing a game when it sounds like you could have just as much fun staring at dirt in the ground uncovering worms and beetles you never knew were there?


>torches don't melt snow
amazing tech

hey you seem to know a lot about hard zelda puzzles, can you please help me with this brain teaser been stuck here 2 weeks.

Huh? Have you seen how the labyrinths look from the outside? How do they even resemble shrines?

Also nice strawman.


wait a minute that floor