Popular media sites are popping up online for LGBTQIA gamers. Facebook Group “Gay Geeks” has over 47...

>Popular media sites are popping up online for LGBTQIA gamers. Facebook Group “Gay Geeks” has over 47,000 members and counting. There, you can read other memes and videos. Also you’re free to chat and add friends.
>On Reddit, visit r/gayming for the latest in news and overall fun posts. And don’t forget to visit #gaymer on Twitter for like-minded users. You can even use Craigslist to make gaymer friends, but we HIGHLY recommend using the “Strictly Platonic” category.
>Gamers are also more diverse than the general population in America. Approximately 3.8% of Americans identify as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual with less than 1% identifying as transgender. However, a whopping 36% of gamers identify as gay or lesbian and 4% are transsexual. In addition, 63% of all gamers would consider having intimate relations with a member of the same sex if they were attractive enough.

Why are gamers so gay?

>63% of all gamers would consider having intimate relations with a member of the same sex if they were attractive enough.

I'm straight but if a hot trap wanted my dick, I'd give it to them

Because these chicks don't even know the name of my band.

>However, a whopping 36% of gamers identify as gay or lesbian

bull fucking shit

>40% non straight

Ahahahaha. No.

that because "gamer" is a self identified term. it includes people who don't own a console or gaming PC but play Pokemon Go.

>taking polls on degenerate Western leftist sites full of attention seeking dipshits
>totally valid statistics for the entire gaming population
The majority of gamers worldwide are nonwhites who hate gays and live in societies where fags are kept down.
White and kike leftists who suck gay dicks are an insignificant minority that nobody cares about outside of shitty urban areas in North America and Western Europe.

Do you think there will be only more and more gaymers?

first day on Sup Forums i see. we're a gay board and proud

20th century progressive gaming.

Sup Forums is prison gay and even that only goes as far as fapping to trap porn.

i had a coworker bring up pokemon go to me back when it was a phase.. she's a nerdy chick but not into books or games (idk what she's into then, math???), it was so cute hearing her talk about how excited she was about it. that said, i definitely wouldn't consider her a gamer lol

i like video games and i like sucking cock. What's the big deal?

>In addition, 63% of all gamers would consider having intimate relations with a member of the same sex if they were attractive enough.
Who did they poll, Sup Forums?

I think they got the chicken and the egg thing kind of backwards, gaming has been pandering more to LGBT. That being said even before that gaming was a bastion for social outcasts, so I think the statistics were probably skewed even then, just less so

who's this slut?

> No community for gay aquarium owners
> No community for gay Honda enthusiasts
> No community for gay snorkelers
> No community for gay hydroponics gardeners
> ...plenty of communities for "gaymers"

Why is this?

>gay Honda enthusiasts

Bit redundant.

>63% of all gamers would consider having intimate relations with a member of the same sex if they were attractive enough

I'm not surprised.

Traps are gay, after all.

>In addition, 63% of all gamers would consider having intimate relations with a member of the same sex if they were attractive enough.

so Sup Forums, what did you answer when they questioned you?
also its pretty impressive that they managed to ask everyone

>gay Honda enthusiast

the moment you call yourself a 'gamer' means you are basing your identity on playing vidya
none of those other hobbyists are retarded enough to do that

>gay geeks
>faggots making up numbers and statistics

Everything about this is fucking stupid. Of course it's going to hit bump limit though.

>hating Hondas

found the amerifats rolling coal in a jacked up pick up truck with a confederate flag and trucknuts

I know up to LGBT, the fuck does QIA stand for? Queer In Action?

Does any cute girly boy wanna be my boyfriend
I'm 18 years old, not fat but not very attractive. I've got an online job and make a less than livable wage but I live with my parents
Please be very girly, no facial hair

intersex, asexual/gender

hell yeah motherfucker

anyone here fucked with a trap?
I did

Movier isn't a term, why is gamer?


I'm a faggot but I couldn't even read farther than that.

Can't pronounce gamer without gay

I don't understand this obsession with the gays lately

What the fuck does your sexual orientation have anything to do with your hobbies

"aww fuck I'm gay I can't enjoy video games now" - said by no one with a functioning brain

well one is an active the other is a passive hobby

I used to trap myself, I'm pretty androgynous overall.

I only did in in the bedroom for my ex girlfriend(not tranny) though.

t. straight dude

What's so wrong with liking men? They're cute.

we want bros who will game it up with us
plus sex is fun

Wowee! Better click on this thread and get offended!
*gets offended*
Grr Im angry >=(

I fucking hate this gay fucking dog.
I'd fucking rape his asshole so hard and teach him a lesson.
Stop fagging up my board since 2011 fucking gay ass dog.

>implying the third world matters more than YOU ESS AYY and Yurop

I was about to fucking question that, where the hell did the "IA" come from? I know the "Q" is somewhat recent too, but at least I know what that stands for.

I dunno.
Isn't Sup Forums like 50% gay?
It sure seems that way with all the gay sissy crossdressers, unless those are girls pretending to be crossdressers.

You'd be surprised at the amount of faggots that spawn in third-world countries.

intersex, and asexual

their inclusiveness will be their undoing.

I is for intersex and A can stand for ally and/or asexual depending on who you talk to.

I prefer the gays over hues desu.

>Dude starts hitting on you on discord

>read memes and videos
What did they mean by this?
On the topic at hand: cute girls (male) >>> sluts with vaginas

>I fucking hate this gay fucking dog.
>I'd fucking rape his asshole so hard and teach him a lesson.

you're giving me mixed signals here buddy

Haha, and 50% of gamers are female right?


how do I find something like this around me and bro down play games and experiment

The girls (males) are pretty slutty desu.

nothing, but people like swinging their penises around, gay or straight

Butt rape is a pretty good way to teach someone a lesson.

>tfw want to trap myself up but no gf to enjoy it with and too masculine

Brazil here. Literally 10% of the population is trans. It's great, you Americans are missing out

>tfw no handsome gay american friend to discuss video games, life and bara furries together.

Slavs gonna slav I guess.

I was upset for a while after I saw Goldshire on Moonguard.
I mean yes it's ERP. No shit. I expected ERP.
What I didn't expect was -how many- people were into the trap/futa meme.
If so many so-called "straight" men prefer their partners to have a dick, then what the hell does "straight" even mean?
Well, whatever it means, I'm staying away from ERP. Seems nobody likes yuri or lesbians.

>a subculture of a subculture based on sexuality
No way this will lead to uncontrollable shitstorms and drama.

>implying that's hard to find

I'll be your boyfriend user.

I know a redneck with a lifted ridgeline. He even has those extended rearview mirrors.

He's completely obliterated every mailbox on my road several times because he's fucking retarded.

Hol up.
Your gf was into crossdressing boys?
Huh. I thought girls weren't into that kind of thing.

You could go to the femboy gen on /lgbt/ there's blockers and shit that won't leave you infertile.

Also go to anime or comic cons, the chicks there are deviants who want welcome trap dick.

there's a fair amount of girls who are into girly men

I don't want to risk my health just for a bit of sissy pleasure

You know the crazy bisexual weeb girl stereotype?

That's my ex, that's the kind of girls who like trap dick.

There are lots of women with fetishes like traps, you just gotta look for them.

I'd be worried I'd find a cute guy and scare him away because I'll sperg out about how shit his taste of games are. I saw a guy with a Danganronpa shirt and it was just swelling up inside me.

There's no health risk besides infertility if you use the wrong shit, which the gen will help you with.


Every time I see this fucking acronym it picks up another letter.

At least it'll be the amusing kind of shitstorm.

We get the niche isolationist narcissistic autism that you find in long-running /vg/ threads
combined with the way faggots are somehow simultaneously a jealous bunch AND a slutty bunch and end up at odds with each-other as a result
plus everywhere there's gay shit, it becomes a goddamn magnet for more gay shit one way or another.

how long until it's LGBTQIAOP?

>You know the crazy bisexual weeb girl stereotype?
Yeah, but I thought it was just an exaggerated trope, not something that actually exists.
It exists?
Guess that's why I hear so many fucked up stories coming out of weeb conventions.


Many cons have orgies, Nyanners "kinkshamed" the shit out of some weird detroit con orgy.

Weeb girls are nymphos, and most honestly very plain(not hambeasts)

A lot of people go to cons just to hook up.

I thought Queer was made as an "Other" synonym just to stop this nonsense?

The more I hear about it, the more I'm starting to think that Normies aren't actually normal at all, instead they're autistic about sex and social status in the same way most spergs obsess over video games.

What the hell

Gamers are stupid and have to based their identity around computer games

maybe, but I'm not sure he'd learn the lesson you intend to teach him...

>Not making your own hole.

god that bitch was so fuckin' ugly, gramma lookin' ass face wrinkles

I decided to check out /r/gayming and it all looks like a parody board.

Why don't they just use Sup Forums like I do?

Perhaps I'm either too dense or too jaded, but what were you expecting?
It's called /gaymers/ so of course it's about people shamelessly shoving GLBT-acceptance into gaming.
Did you expect trap ERP?
Try Sup Forums for that.

Maybe .36. No idea why gays and trannies think they exist way more than they actually do.

its the cool thing nowadays, rather than have some semblance of personality, you project everything about you with what you like to fuck.

Hello there, I see you have a "INSERT GAME" Shirt. I too like that game-


9/10 the girl is bi.

>can confirm
>she watching me type this while watching weird weekends on a streaming service

>you project everything about you with what you like to fuck.
So if I want to fuck the murder child of rising numbers, how do I be obnoxious and loud with that? How do I make that my personality? Doesn't seem like there's enough there to make a personality about.

Lemme help you out senpai, quit teasing that poor user.

Hol up, that's not Marty's canon penis.

What kind of games do "gaymers" even play?

league of legends

Call of Booty

So you're gay?

That's not what a trap is, mongoloid



Why do they keep adding letters? Wasn't it just LGBT until they decided to add the Q? Where the fuck did the IA come from? What letter is next?

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