Where on this tier list should I start?
Where on this tier list should I start?
WRPGs are all trash
All shit, play a JRPG.
Try getting references with a non-shit tier list for a start.
Start with shit tier and you can appreciate the better games more
there's no real appropriate place to start
you could start with the old dnd games before going to the new dnd games, to watch how the systems evolve, but who cares
you could play ultima underworld to figure out what arx fatalis drew inspiration from, but who cares
pick something at random and go
Always Arcanum
Start in god tier and play every game in that tier, so when you move down to high tier eventually it seems like shit in comparison so you can turn into a grump angry Sup Forumsirgin and shitpost on Sup Forums all day about how much video games suck and about how all new RPG's suck and everything that isn't a 10/10 GOTY is literal trash not worth playing and how much you hate kikestarter shit and how just one minor nitpick can ruin an entire game for you.
Okay, okay, I'll start with Bioshock 1. Happy?
New Vegas, Elder Scrolls.
Then start with simpler cRPGs like might and magic.
And if you're good with that THEN jump into stuff like baldur's b8 planescape torment dude sex and system shock and gothic.
If you jump right into those and you dont have a solid wrpg backing you're going to get fucked. Still possible though
Why is Pillars of Eternity not on this list?
Because this tier list was made pre-Gamergate
Play all the good casual WRPGs then play fallout 1 and slowly build up from there.
Bioshock isn't on the list, I recommend starting with PST so you can better smugly look down in derision at other plebs on the internet who haven't played it.
Act now and you might still be able to shit on people who only played the HD edition too and you will be able to roleplay as an oldfag on the internet, as well as roleplaying in game.
There's such a huge amount of completely different games from varying genres and eras of video games in that tier list it doesn't really tell anything useful at all.
Just play a game that you've heard a lot of good stuff about
> Gothic 1 & 2 in high
I woulda preferred God but maybe my central European nostalgia blinds me
>Bioshock isn't on the list
Exactly. Since Bioshock isn't even enough of an RPG to be on this list, I figure it could be worth playing as a stepping stone before I actually start getting into RPGs.
Aside from Deus Ex, the most complex RPG I've ever played was fucking Final Fantasy 7.
That's a shitty list, I don't even know what EYE is doing on it.
>you might still be able to shit on people who only played the HD edition
Is there even a way to tell who has played HD or the original? From what I know, HD changes next to nothing
I'm pretty sure morrowind in god and gothic1&2 in high was just to spite old gothicfags
>gothic1&2 in high was just to spite old gothicfags
you obviously didn't play them for more than 10 minutes.
If you are actually gonna do that, I suggest starting with System Shock first, or SS2 even of 1 is too hard to get into immediately.
SS2 is on the list but shouldn't be, it's only half a RPG just like Bioshock is and BS1 is a spiritual successor to SS2 anyways but SS2 is a much better game.
The reason I say this is because BS1 apes the story of SS2 so if you go back to play the superior SS2 afterwards you will realize you already know the story. Better to just play SS1, then SS2 then BS2. And maybe BS1 later to see an alternate and not as good interpretation of SS2's story.
Bioshock 1 is basically a casualized dumbed down remake of SS2 but set underwater instead of in space.
is Gothic known in America?
here in the German sphere we all played that shit, whether you're 40 or 14 now
It doesn't but oldfags are still shitting on the HD edition regardless.
Just play whatever you want and make up your own opinion.
Planning on playing Sacred 2 or Alpha protocol next.
I know that Bioshock is an inferior System Shock 2. Even Yahtzee, the guy who sold his soul to gush over Bioshock Infinite, knows that.
I just thought that by preparing to play a game by playing its inferior sequel first, I'd be more able to handle the superior predecessor without getting upset and abandoning it like I did with STALKER.
american are mostly too dumb to appreciate wrpg
Used to be back in better days.
Now everyone who played it either left this hobby or is stuck to outlying places like here.
what's wrong with Diablo 3, besides not being Diablo 2?
the biggest fault I can think of is how it doesn't have the same handcrafted look as other RPG's (2), and maybe the writing, but what else is there?
WRPG's aren't that hard really, I don't think you'd have to prepare. Especially not with Bioshock since it's almost a straight up FPS game just with some loot collecting here and there.
If you want to start with an easy to get into WRPG, start with some of Bioware's old stuff. Nu-Bioware is trash but old Bioware was actually good and their games easy to get into. I guess you could say Bioware makes good entry level WRPG's. Try out their 3D stuff like Knights of the Old Republic, Mass Effect 1 or Dragon Age 1. Then move onto some more in depth WRPG's after that.
Also you should go back to Stalker. Stalker isn't really an RPG though it's its own weird little thing and it can be very unforgiving at first when you are in the hobo stage, but then becomes significantly easier once you reach Stalkan stage.
lots of people that got into videogames because of skyrim tried it on vanilla and hated the fact that you had to complete it 4 times and inferno was hard as fuck
the game carries that stigma
because there isn't a tier lower than shit on the list
>Witcher 3 that high
>Kotor 1 in same tier as Kotor 2
>Mass Effect 2 anywhere near to any of the Gothics besides 3
>Risen the same as fucking Gothic 3
>Kingdoms of Amalur >good
>Fallout 3 >decent
>Gothic in the same tier as fucking Fallout 3
>Fallout >average >in the same tier as Risen 2
This list is downright broken.
>Gothic II not god tier
Shit list
You can greentext all you want, this I what I felt about those games.
Didn't really like Gothic, Fallout that much and both Risen, Amalur and Gothic 3 were pretty fun to me. KOTOR1 was far more polished and less broken than KOTOR2, even though the potential was there.
Fallout 3 was fine really, not exceptional, but alright for one playthrough.
despite the usa inventing the rpg as we know it and contributing the most to the genre. we really need flags on this board
>WRPG's aren't that hard really
I refer you to my previously mentioned abandonment of STALKER.
>Also you should go back to Stalker.
...I'll try. I can't really remember why I ended up abandoning it anyways.
reason why I said "mostly".
Yes, we truly need another racist board where americans can circlejerk, it's not like Sup Forums was about anonymity anyway
>God tier should be
Fallout NV
KotOR 2
BG 2
ME 2
Unfortunate they never made another Jade Empire game based in the place Hou came from.
Stalker is considered a more "hardcore" (I hate to use the term) game, and some parts of Stalker are extremely difficult. If you aren't already into realistic shooters and very hard games, it will be hard. WRPG's are a large genre that consists of hardcore shit and super easy casual shit as well.
As I said about Bioware's games they were all entry level and easy as fuck. There are some lengthy tutorial sections to help you get to know and understand the RPG mechanics. Mass Effect 1 might be the easiest to start since it's got real time shooting, though it's definitely not a shooter game. So some people think it's clunky because they thought they were buying a shooter and not an RPG.
Kotor and DA Origins are more traditional and the tutorials will be helpful for you to figure out how to get the hang of them.
Bioshock wont prepare you for anything at all. It's just a straight up first person shooter but instead of picking up ammo you will be picking up all this random junk as well. It's literally just Press X to pick up shit.
that list gave me eyecancer
>Where on this tier list should I start?
Play some of the older games. My personal favourites are Albion, Lands of Lore, Betryal at Krondor, Ishar 2 and Wizardry 7. They're still pretty good, and more complex than you'd expect from games made in 90's.
Also Dawn is cute, but Zanthia is superior Westwood waifu.
nice bait
>Bioshock wont prepare you for anything at all. It's just a straight up first person shooter but instead of picking up ammo you will be picking up all this random junk as well. It's literally just Press X to pick up shit.
Now that you mention it, I have played Human Revolution, and I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be just like Bioshock all the way down to the mishandling of the IP.
And yet, Human Revolution is on that tier list, along with fucking Invisible War, a game that Ross Scott has shown deserves more respect than it gets. The heck?
user, I know the Dark Brotherhood is great but it's not enough when nearly everything else was shit.
yeah... implying skyrim isn't the best rpg that came out in the last 8 years
It's that shitty fucking list that doesn't have Gothic as god tier, disregard it completely
Only Gothic 2 belongs in god-tier. Gothic 1 belongs in mid-tier.
The list has pretty retarded placements, I'd take it with a grain of salt.
Human Revolution was actually an enjoyable game, if you really want to start with a FPS/RPG hybrid I'd say play that over Bioshock any day, at least DX:HR is still actually an RPG and has conversation mechanics, and stat-like upgrades.
And with regards too Invisible War I found it to be a clunky but enjoyable sorta mess. If you go in expecting it to be bad and knowing it wont hold up to the original DX in any way, you find it's actually alright and you can have fun with it, it's just a mid tier game that people had way to high expectations off. It's actually a bit underrated.
>Human Revolution that high
>Sith Lords that high
Drop those down to low and the list is fine.
>mid tier
>not in atleast high tier
>He calls KOTOR2 "Sith Lords"
>dungeon siege 1 & 2 being that low
terrible list
That is such a shit list dude, it's not only wrong but it's all over the fucking place. Get some taste.
I refuse to associate the 1st game with that abomination in any way.
Dude, the rest of the internet is fine with calling Dragon Age 2 "Dragon Age 2". Suck it the hell up.
Hell, I call FE13 "FE13" instead of Awakening because I hate how fucking generic the subtitle is, even though labeling it like that would probably make it sound less like a Fire Emblem game.
Really good list with the exception of Morrowind being that high. Even at release it felt pretty average. I'd start at lower quality games and then move upwards. Last game I'd play would be Planescape as in my opinion it's the pinnacle of the genre. Wouldn't bother with anything in low tier though, trying to play all these games would take you like 2 years
So are turn based JRPG's. Bloodborne is cool, tho, the only RPG (besides Jade Empire) i like.
weeaboo trash
Well memed.
>Japanese "rpgs"
>where there is literally no roleplaying, decision making, or number management at all
>every single one is turn based
Yeah really good rpgs my dudes
>gothic 2 not in god tier
u wot