I love you

>I love you

Why is this allowed?

I mean the 15 year old was already pushing it, but she is less than 10!

Never gonna support Atlus ever again

Other urls found in this thread:


What? Your little sister never said she loved you? You must've been one lousy 'nii-chan.

She clearly means it sexually.

After you fight the twins they give really direct sexual innuendos. Creepy

The Velvet Room attendants are born from a part of the protagonist's soul. They're literally you, so it's not that weird desu.

>we want the pedo doujin audience

Only because you want it to be sexual, you damn pervert.


Kind of weird to be quite honest family

>Never gonna support Atlus ever again
I'm gonna support Atlus even more from now on

why would a child mean that sexually? are you for real you fucking pedo

Joker's got good taste.

>its neo-Sup Forums getting mad at loli episode


"I love you " does not always mean in a sexual way.
And besides she is not even a human, stop being such a normalfag.

9 year old + 9 year old = 18 year old.


If that's true, than Maya is the most powerful human Persona user to ever exist. She had a lounge club inside her Velvet Room.



It's not the same in P1/P2. In 1/2 they're direct servants of Philemon (same residents between the 3 protagonists), in 3/4/5 the setup is different due to P2's events.

Sorry we don't have a mental illness like you.

>They're literally you

>Hey Kaneko
>I'm eating dont bother me
>The game ships in 5 minutes and we forgot to add a portrait
>I will just scribble something on this napkin
>Thanks. Oh by the way this will be the only recurring character and the face of the entire series in 10 years. Bye!

You sure? Everyday you complain about loli sound like denial to me. Like you want us to post lewd picture so you can proceed to ask for source.

I'm not a pedophile.

when do they tell you their age? they might be older than other romances in the game

Too bad.

How does this situation even happen?

>You know I really love fucking my daughter
>You too? Damn, we should really meet up and switch!

this needs to be edited into a post team-attack screen

>you'll never force your own loli to put her vagoo into a pipe so a dog can rip off her uterus

why even live

I got banned last time we had this thread
but yea lolis are cool

panda link?

How is the 15 year old "pushing it"?

MC is a second year so he's 16-17.

Wait, can you romance little girls in this?

Wait...where's my pipe?

OP probably self-inserted a little too much

Man I thought Futaba was 14 fuck this shitty dating sim

Lavenza is ageless and more mentally mature than the romancable party members. Not that it would matter, it's 2D, get your head out of your ass.

>tfw no more Caroline to kick you in

Lavenza date when?

my fetish

DLC or P5 Crimson

Hopefully DLC so I don't have to drop $60 for a fucking expansion pack.

I won't get the game until you can desu

It's going to be a standalone side story with a deluxe copy that includes Persona 5 with the costumes they added. Then people will claim Persona 5 is the worst version.


Not a full romance, it's story related. Regardless of what you did with the twins she's really sweet on Joker, she'll get some extra lines if you beat them in NG+ though. So you could also argue that Lavenza is the canon choice, she'll probably be the Aeon arcana.

I got P5 for cheap on PS3 so I'm not really bothered desu.

yeah yeah, it's all a setup

Bring back /l/


/l/ attracted actual pedophiles who shared cp.
Like who knew people attracted to prepubescent features were into that, right?


No it didn't, if you weren't a newfag you'd know that.

Those types had their own sites like 12chan and shit.

2D and 3D are very different animals, but you're right about people posting CP, it would mostly be shitposting out of spite.

Yes it did dumbass. Sink threads were a thing.



Pedo in denial

you can wear trenchcoat

shit gotta buy this vidya gaem now

epic hip swag relevant meme, it's the bees knees.

>can't date best girl
Atlus pls fix this

This, hopefully the next release will add a Lala-san s-link

>op projecting his issues onto cartoon characters

she's able to revert back to being twins if that's what you're into.

i'd like all three at once

>you can have lolidom threesomes with your GF whenever
Is there anything better?

First: she is not real.
Two: she can take many forms.
Three: she was born from part of your soul or whatever, so of course she loves you.
Elizabeth also canonically falls in love with Minato and goes on a quest to save him.
Its the same.

No you little shit, you can only have middle, or left and right.

I used to like waifu wars, but it feels wrong in p5 since there is so many top tier women in the game.

>the mom
>the dad
>their qt little daughteru
>the big bro/annoying pet

>so many top tier women

I don't think 4 counts as many

The dad molests the daughteru.

>get strength confidant to 10
>level 52
>fuse a level 94 persona


Can you do the special fusions ie Yoshi or Lucifer with strength 10 or is it standard only

You can fuse them. I just did.

Where the hell did you get this? Do I know you?

Which side is Akechi-kun on?

>most of the romance options are older women
>Velvet Room attendant ends up being a loli
What did they mean by this?

They know that deep down everybody wants little girls.

So Yu is the one into older women rather than Potter?

there are people browsing Sup Forums right now who are triggered by this image.

I'm sexually triggered

how hard are the twins? are they stronger than Elizabeth and Margret?

Pancake side

Then I have something for you.

>I like boys


>liking smooth tight cunny means you like boys

Easiest of the velvet girls. Still has some gimmicks like needing to beat them at the same time, and insta losing if you all get knocked down, but still easier than the older velvet ladies.

By that logic traps and futas aren't gay.

>this blur
glad I'm waiting for emulation.

>It's a normalfag is triggered by fiction episode

Do you still get Lavenza if you didn't get to the 10 Link with Strength?

Seems weird they'd get awakened if they weren't max bonded.