
this is from the new homepage.


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Welp looks like even warhammer is cucked now

>my shitposting thread got deleted on /tg/ so imma go post it again on Sup Forums

Fuck off

wtf i hate warhammer now

They know that the 99% of their current players (white men) are just as cucked as star wars fans.

They will buy it no matter what they do, they are trying to appeal to other markets.


while this is entirely true it doenst make this shit any less wack


Considering the game is dominated by white males they needed to do something like this. Time to boycott or let your shit become feminized like Starwars. I wonder how strong and amazing the first female space marine will be.

too bad the "wider market" doesn't want anything to do with the game
>what do you mean i have to put together my figures
>what do you mean i have to paint them
>why is it 60 dollars for 5 small plastic figures, that's not even a playable army

I have never seen a black man or a woman play Warhammer.
Usually its some fat white guy.

at least they have it right that the female is playing tyranids.

>GW don't understand their audience
No shit, didn't they originally own Fantasy Flight Games?

>This triggers the (((white boy)))


Good grief. Couldn't they have found someone enthusiastic? Those two look like they're dead on the inside.

I don't get it. Are they releasing a new edition too soon?

I have a female friend who plays Warhammer and other tabletop games

Why is the table so bloody high up. Where does anyone play where the table is almost shoulder height

no they just had a partnership

then they were merged with some french company and GW stopped with all licensing with them entirely

Is she ugly?

is Sup Forums seriously mad about a black guy on a pic instead of a game becoming shit?

I want Sup Forums and retards to get out of this shitplace

honestly I've never met a nig that played Warhammer, but every nig that I've met who was actually into nerdy stuff was cool as fuck. probably because they were able to break out of the ghetto mindset and didn't give a fuck.

that being said, stop worrying about white chicks getting BLACKED. it's still the same as it was before. only trashy white chicks go for black guys. other white chicks don't actually want black guys, they just pretend they do because it's trendy.

Games Workshop is literally on their deathbed anyway. Thanks to 3D printers becoming more accessible with every year.

>it's always a white female and black male
>rarely ever a black female and white male

40k sucked ever since they retconned the emperor into a cold, uncaring father figure because one of the writer's had daddy issues


Why does Sup Forums hate evolutionary progress?

How come it's always a black guy and a white girl?
Why not a Mexican girl and a Chinese guy?
Why not a Korean guy and a black guy?
Why not a middle eastern girl and a white girl?
Why not a white guy and an indian girl?

Why is it always a black guy and a white girl?

Because 90% of all rapefugees are males in their 20s


>Implying niggers and women play warhammer
Why are they marketing the game towards inferior life forms

Women do play warhammer.
Usually nids.

Fake and gay

That nigga would not be smiling if those genestealers were within charging range of his troops.

Didn't they already do enough damage with that Sigmar shit? Are they actually trying to go out of business or something

I thought about this the other day, see how lately they've been putting black dudes in every piece of media?
With niggers you see how they always try to appear all gangsta and shit because that's how media portray them, maybe this is some sort of ploy by the someone out there to try and make them drop that shit?
>"Instead of picking up a gun come play WH40K,see you can do it too just like this actor."

No idea why they try and do that shit with women though.

1) Refugees are always african males - No exception
2) European natives are white
3) Female blacks are ugly as sin and you don't put ugly people on your ads
4) Nobody cares about china

>Refugees are always african males

>Female blacks are ugly as sin
ayo hol up you rayciss ass cracka

Where are the muslims?
Are they racist?

You dumb faggots are overacting again.
That is literally just a single fucking picture in the new GW page about 40k.


move phase? on nids? The actual fuck

>white males
>dating anything

Has anyone read Fall of Cadia and Return of Girlyman and can give me a quick rundown