ITT: Spoil a videogame without revealing the game name or other words that would otherwise make the game obvious

ITT: Spoil a videogame without revealing the game name or other words that would otherwise make the game obvious.

eg. at the end of the game it's unclear if you're even human anymore. All your bones are broken, skin charred to a crisp, and your heart stopped beating, yet the suit keeps you alive.

You fight the guy in the city and then he dies shortly after

The man who wanted your group to fail was the traitor. If it wasn't fucking obvious.

The game is basically a giant Conway's Game of Life, with your life "automated" without outside input. The people who created you became extinct long ago.

You hit the enemy until they die, then you desolate their corpse.

Your existence is part of a sentient painting by a woman who wanted to remix the previous world.

this better not be what I think it is. Fuck you

The villain falls off the platform and then you go for a helicopter ride

Sounds fun. Game?

Your brother was never in prison, he just wanted you to join him on his adventure. He works for the bad guy.

the doggo was the bad guy

You find a hidden message on the wall

... and so he left, with everything but his humanity

You were on a mission to kill yourself the whole time.

my life


Defeated the bad guys trying to turn on a giant water fountain so you can turn it on instead for the exact same reason they were

It was the detective the whole time


Adachi is the killer.

adachi isn't really a detective mate

tfw Persona 4 got spoiled for me on Sup Forums when i was nearing the end of november ingame


Crysis 2

Fuck that, you're going home

the high school detective is the bad guy
he already had powers
he then tries to kill you with a gun

you punch god really fucking hard in the face because he made your daughter cry
you die

Earth saves the day with God and then a dog has babies 50 years later or whatever.

You were the bad guy all along

heavy rain

No way fag

Sigma is Zero.

Half life?

You wanna put a bangin donk on it

Your dad is revived just to kill someone and to tell you that you should die, and he dies again.

Goddamn Megaman games.

crysis 2 was such a letdown and shitty game desu