Do you pronounce it "Sness" or "Ess En Ee Ess"? The latter are degenerates.
Do you pronounce it "Sness" or "Ess En Ee Ess"? The latter are degenerates
>there are people who don't pronounce Sup Forums veh
>there are people who don't pronounce /mlp/ milp
>there are people who don't pronounce ps2 pisstoo
The retard is you.
I just call it "Super".
Super N E S
I say the individual letters for both NES and SNES.
"Super Nintendo". Yet, for some reason, I always call its predecessor "En Ee Ess", except when explaining that "NES" stands for "Nintendo Entertainment System".
newfags call it SNES similar to Loch Ness
retarted oldfags call it S+N+ES (this same group also call the PS1 Pee Ess Ex)
cool people call it super nintendo
Brtifag here. It's called the snez. Not snesss. Hard Z. SneZ. Also we got the best version. Fuck that purple shit you got. We got the grey with coloured buttons
super famicom
"Super NES" or letter-by-letter.
You're a fag.
Its the first one, just like how the Playstation's shorthand is PSX.
>1988 here
We just always called it the super nintendo. SNES wasn't a thing until the internet came around, and then you'd hear "sness" or the letters spelled out
But we did call the NES the N-E-S or regular nintendo.
I pronounce it snes
It's pronounced Suh-ness, and Super Merrio
Super Nintendo.
Nintendo 2
Or Super Nintendo
called it a "sness"
that's your shit youtube-generation dicksucking
the only correct answer, same applies to "mega drive"
Super Nintendo
when I was a kid, there was just the "Nintendo" and the "Super Nintendo". The Super Nintendo was the cool one that my parents never bought for us, but we played a whole lot of Nintendo though
ess ness
super nintendo
The only people who say either never owned a Nintendo or a Super Nintendo