As someone who's never played FF before, where do you recommend I start, Sup Forums?

As someone who's never played FF before, where do you recommend I start, Sup Forums?

you have to start from the first one (on the NES) and go through them all or else the story won't make any sense

RNG says 15 because it literally doesn't fucking matter where you start

I unironically agree with this twat, I reccomend playing from the first game through them as it allows you to appreciate how the series has developed over the years to reach it's peak with 9. Having a renaissance with 12 and then slowly falling to shit.

XV. Best in the series and perfect for newcomers and veterans alike.

IX is slow as fuck with a shitty random final boss.

4 on DS or PSP, either version is great.
Go with DS if you want voice acted cutscenes and more of a challenge, PSP for the classic graphical style and easier difficulty. Also PSP version comes with the sequel, which is nice.

FF1 and 3 on the NES were pretty unexceptional, 2 was outright shit. Feel free to skip them and start 4 instead. 7 and 10 were gateways for many of the fandom so they're recommended too.

FF15 is way too different from the traditional Final Fantasy formula to recommend for newbies. Maybe try it once you've played everything else and are looking for something fresh and different.

Ignore the trolls. Skip everything until 4. Then skip the following.

>10 series
>the mmos
>13 series

If you're gay and want to roleplay afuc boi or fujoshit, play the rest after 4, but understand they are FF games in name only to increase sales.

If you value..
>.. actiony but relatively deep gameplay
12, 13-2, 13-3, Type-0, Dissidia
>.. customization
3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13-2, 13-3, Type-0, Tactics, TA, TA2
>.. emotional story
6, 7, 8, 10
>.. political story
12, Tactics
>.. sprites
5, 6
>.. moody atmosphere
>.. fairy-tale atmosphere
>.. music
6, 7, 13-2
>.. overall experience
6, 7, 10, Tactics

tl;dr - any PSOne era title will do.

IX because it is not too difficult and it takes a lot of things from the other games. Plus the graphics aren't complete shit like VII which actually turns a lot of people off of playing. X also isn't a bad place to start considering it's more modern and has a HD remaster.

Wrong. You missed the opening text being almost word for word the FF1 text? The fact that it's a story about 4 heroes sent on a journey by the king going, kingdom invasions, them collecting the favor of magical beasts, weapons and the crystal, and touring the lands while a plague is slowly killing the world? Even monster designs are straight up using the Amano design .The FF1 parallels are very apparent, Ifrit is even sitting on a skull throne like Chaos is in the amano artwork and Noctis is the king of light, and the four of them as the warriors of light 10 years later against the winged behemoth is like that one FF1 anano art too.

XV is more FF than every other game in the series.

Anything from III-VII + IX-X is fine. VI and VII are ideal starting places. Or even Bravely Default/World of Final Fantasy, if it has to be really modern.

Try some and if they don't click, go for something else appealing, you can always return later, when you're (possibly) hooked.

>unironically shilling Type-0
Fucking cancer

I mean in terms of gameplay.

Battle system is something that changes in every single FF and XV is no exception. XV is the best FF with better game design than the rest of the series while staying true to the foundation of the series.

ask some one else is a good start

>Skipping V
>Skipping one of the best job systems in the series
I mean i understand the story is really cookie cutter and nothing special but you have terrible taste

Spot on chart.

Instead of starting on a specific one, just play what you're interested in. Though consider the following:

Best Versions
FF1 - Origins on Playstation
FF2 - Gameboy Advance
FF3 - DS or Steam
FF4 - PSP Collection for fun & story, DS / Steam for actually challenging JRPG
FF5 - Gameboy Advance
FF6 - Gameboy Advance
FF7 - Steam or mobile for boosts on top of plain game
FF8 - Steam or mobile for boosts on top of plain game
FF9 - Steam or mobile for boosts on top of plain game
FFX - Nab one of the HD collections on PS3/PS4/Vita, or else emulate on PC
FFX-2 Same as above
FFXI - Play on Asura as either free trial or paid account for best XI experience
FFXII - Emulate the Zodiac edition, or buy the upcoming HD remaster of it
FFXIII "series" - Best if you have a PS3 due to excess HDD usage on PC, and dulled graphics on 360
FFXIV - Research the servers before you jump in, and enjoy the new unlimited free account up to level 35
FFXV - It exists, and if you can play it, you'll probably have fun with it

Is that you FFXV-kun, as FFXV is objectively the worst final fantasy, hell I completed all of the 13 saga but I couldn't force myself to sit through 15 to the end. If I wanted shitty action orientated gameplay I would play any number of different series.
The game felt disjointed as fuck and the only thing it had going for it were some pretty sights but even that was overshadowed but the sheer amount of empty wastelands.
Just face it the game was not good, and no amount of shilling will change that.

Don't, it's shit. Play actually good series, like grandia or breath of fire.

>Skip 10
>Skip 13
>Skip 15

Geez, look at this shit taste.

Type-0 is great. Story is the only thing that might be worse than FFXV, but FFXV's story is a half told disconnected mess so it's not really a high point in either game.

>Skip 5
Fuck you 5 was a great game, did the job system right imo.

Not that guy, but FF Type-0 suffers from camera problems, 1 dimensional characters, horrid voice acting and graphics that either look really good on the main cast to meh on anyone outside of it.

Both Ff13 and FF15 do a better job than Type-0 if we are comparing FNC games.

I might be alone but I enjoyed FFV's story. It's not the best told nor is it crazy complex but it's fun enough to carry you through the game. It gave me light Dragon Ball vibes.

>NES version
No, he should play the latest PSP/Android version of FF1. Better balance for meme teams, localization is up-to-date and more content.

i was at your position not long ago.
i was just browsing the final fantasy games on steam and just picked up FFIV.
i cant say its a great start for the series because its has some of the most chalenging boss battles in the whole series, but it was still very enjoyful and satisfying.
i would say that if you like 3D more then 2D you should play 3-4-7-8-9-10 (all from the steam)
if you like more the 2D then play 3(gba/snes)-4(gba/snes)-5-6.

>I might be alone but I enjoyed FFV's story

I'm with you bro.

Ignore all other posts

my list is the truth

1.- I (PSP Remake, the definitive version) - Fast paced, simple gameplay. Lovely sprites, and music.

2.- IV (PSP Remake, the definitive version) - Great characterization, battle system heavily improved, great variety of jobs, simply amazing music, interesting villain

3.- VI (SNES Version) - Good battle system, it doesn't stray far away from IV in this, amazing plot, amazing music, good job variety, huge cast of characters, you can play as a shakespearean samurai, pretty good antagonists

4.- III (PC Release) - Decent story, passable cast, AMAZING gameplay and stupid ammount of jobs that every character can use (you can mix up abilities, like having a samurai with white magic)

5.- Tactics (PSP release with slowdown fix patches) - GOAT Gameplay, GOAT music, GOAT plot, GOAT difficulty spikes, GOAT characterization, GOAT setting, just incredible

6.- VII (Steam release) - Not a big fan of it but i cannot deny it was what made FF big in the west. Materia system is great, combat system is excellent, weak antagonist (no one would like sephirot if he was bald man with a moustache), lots of nonsense, almost as much as IV

Bonus: II (PSP Remake) - Usually a hated game, but it has some good stuff: somber story, decent antagonist, passable cast, and the best music in all of mainline final fantasy games, i'd recommend this one if you get extremely hooked into the concept of the games

Dont bother with VII+, do try FFXI if you have the time and if you like online shit and any of the I - VI games

What to avoid like the pest: VIII/X/XIII saga/

>camera problems
It's fine, pretty standard for a psp game.

>1 dimensional characters, horrid voice acting
Yeah the characters are crap. But I did mention that the story is better in FFXV. Japanese voice acting seems okay.

>graphics that either look really good on the main cast to meh on anyone outside of it.
Only on the HD version. Every part of the psp game looks fantastic. If it's not the best it is at least close to the best looking psp game.

No, your list is a lie because FF10 is a HUGE fan favorite in Japan and is used was one of the first Final Fantasy games to get into.

Final Fantasy XIII is also huge in Japan, similar to FF10 in gameplay, and Lightning is a huge fan favorite. I actually gave my friend that game and he liked it a lot that he wanted to try more out (Even though he has the Xbox games)

But most people are going to buy the Remake version on PS4/Xbone, not the PSP version.

the one I started with, Final Fantasy X-2

>It's popular in Japan!

No one gives two flying shits

I could pass the story being shit, if you want a godlike story go pick up a book, but the gameplay is atrocious

Japan loving it just means that they have developed a fucking shit taste and that FF at it's peak form will never ever come back

Yeah and FF6 is one of the least popular games in the series in Japan, but here in the west it's unanimously considered the crowning jewel by hardcore JRPG enthusiasts.

Dude, It's a JRPG. Made in Japan. by a Japanese company. Why wouldn't that count towards something if a major mainstream audience sees that FF10 and FF13 are very highly looked at?

This is like saying Persona is shit because it's more geared towards the Japanese people.

Actually, Sakaguchi said that FF6 sold very well in Japan back in the day and didn't sell well in the West back in the day.

frigg off

Final Fantasy Legend.

>skip 10,13,15
holy shit take off your nostalgia goggles you fucking old fart

Target audience it not an excuse for a game that is not fun OR engaging to play. Sorry man but it is a bad game

Give me 5 reasons why at least IV on PSP is not the most perfect version available

>inb4 i like the IV cartoon 3d shit with abysmall voice covers

>Audience likes game
>Completely ignoring WHY Final Fantasy is a JRPG in the first place

Okay, nostalgiafag, you can stop with the nostalgia goggles now.

Excuse me but actually knowledgeable RPG enthusiasts will forever laugh at you for actually trying to debate about any Fabula Nova Crystallis game having better gameplay than the O.G games

I bet you also like Shin Megami Tensei, Bravely Default and Fire Emblem fates

It has nothing to do with nostalgia, but im amazed at how can anyone actually justify a shit game because only nips liked it

go play Valkyrie Profile or Vagrant Story, boy

>Give me 5 reasons why at least IV on PSP is not the most perfect version available

>Art inconsistencies like Cecil's overworld and battle sprites.
>Didn't bother to fix broken ass mechanics like how FF4DS did. ie how Protect/Shell work, how weak and useless a ton of abilities like Kick are.
>Includes The After Years, with is awful rehashy fanfiction shit that should never have happened.
>Jackie Chan
>Jackie Chan

>Names two good reasons
>Names one meme that has nothing to do with the base game
>could not mention five reasons

my my you sure are a connoisseur

>similar to FF10 in gameplay
U wut, nigga?

>similar to FF10 in gameplay

>amazing plot
>video game
Do you read books?

Please. FF13 is a better game than 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, and 14.

I like Nocture, but I hate SMT4

I despise what Braverly Default is

And Fire Emblem Fates was something I refuse to buy in the grounds of how shitty the translation

No, it is nostalgia because you are praising the past games for being in the 'good old days' and shitty on the new games because they are not part of your childhood.

I haven't played either of those games dumb ass.

>Both very linear design with empahsis on cutscenes
>Using crystarium is the same as a streamlined Sphere grid
>Controllable summons that you have to fight to gain control over
>Hell, both are made by the same director and producer.

Do you not know how games work dude?

I do read books and i also liike videogames and since im not a retarded imbecile like you i am actually capable of discerning the differences between the two

>first quote is about cutscenes

fucking off yourself im done, neo Sup Forums is real

I said LINEAR DESIGN, stupid. I then mentioned that the game had an emphasis on cutscenes. It's kind of obvious that you went and did a speed run before posting

>Both very linear design with empahsis on cutscenes
Thats how ff was since ff6 at least.
Grid is similar, but summons don't work exactly the same, also these aren't the only twi games, where yiu had to fight summons or at least some of them.
I don't see the same director and producer as a n argument. Combat is very different in these games.

>i read books
>calls video game plot "amazing"
>calls someone a retarded imbecile

FF1-6 used an overworld to break up the linearity
FF7-9 did an overworld with a shit ton of minigames to break up the plot
FF10 did real time linear with no overworld (just a point and click)
FF13 did something EXTREMELY similar

But you can also fight the dark Aeons too.

I agree that the combat is different too.

>comparing ff games over anything that is not combat systems

Most of overal game progress in 6, 7, 8, 9 was very linear despite overworld. And you can backtrack to many areas in 10 when you get ship. 13 had open world segment on pulse, like modernized version of overworld. Last, but not least, 13 didn't have towns, 10 did.

Best places to start would be FFIV, FFVII, or FFX.

The overworld made the game design come off differently than FF10 and Ff13

Except FF10 had an open world segment in the Calm Lands too. But both games are still linear overall.

FF13 did have towns:
>Taajin's Tower

i know this is bait but what the hell

>FFXIII is a good game

No towns
No exploration
No actual dungeons
Worse battle system to date
No level up system
Terrible characters
Horrible plot
Horrible Gameplay
Boring cutscenes
No jobs
No actual items
No strategy
Press X to win: the game
Worst FF overworld to date
Terrible Ending

Now lets mention the good things:

Excellent music
Excellent graphics
Cute girls

TLDR: you have bad taste or XIII was your first ff

I'd have to agree with user here I didn't really enjoy XV either as a newcomer to the series.
Will give 4 a shot tho.

I tried this. 1 was pretty fun, 2 was a mixed bag, 3 was great. I could never finish 4, it was just too boring. I also gave 7 a try and actually finished it, but I'd never do it again.

>No towns

>Taajin's Tower

>No exploration
Grand Pulse and it's entire existence

>No actual dungeons
Again, Grand Pulse and it's entire existence. Plus the dungeons that are the L'cie training facilities

>Worse battle system to date
Except that's mot even remotly close given how FF1, FF2, FF3, FF5, FF8, FF11, FF12 and FF14 exist

>No level up system
Except for the Crystalithium which is a more streamlined and integrated version of the Sphere Grid

>Terrible characters
Except that Lightning, Sazh, Fang, Hope and even Serah pass the Mr. Plinkett Personality test. Snow and Vanille do not.

>Horrible plot
Except that the plot is overall okay. Not as good as FF12's decent plot, but still okay.

>Horrible Gameplay
Except it's gameplay similar to that of FF10.

>Boring cutscenes
Except they are not because they are well animated, choreographed and look very good

>No jobs
Except for Commader, Ravenger, MEdic, Sentinel, Synergest and Sabatour

>No actual items
Except for all the shit ton of items that you can buy at the story and collect from enemies when you beat them

>No strategy
Except for the paradigm shift, abilities button. Stagger system, controllable summons, the use of timing and precision (X and triangle button), and upgrading your weapons and items.

>Press X to win: the game
Okay, now you are just trolling, see above statement.

>Worst FF overworld to date
Except nobody is saying that. Grand Pulse still exists.

>Terrible Ending
Except nobody is saying that because you are just shitting on it for the sake of shitting on it.

Okay troll, you can stop now. Nostalgia has clearly blinded you.

Start with XII or Tactics.