>cat standing by edition
shameless self bump
It's an old picture, but it hasn't really changed. Basically a Thinkpad nigger-rigged to a 970.
0/10 no cat.
Cute cat. Would scratch white patch.
Cat died 3 weeks ago man
May I ask the people of this thread, how often do you guys usually upgrade and what do you usually upgrade. I just built my pc and I know many people usuallu upgrade their graphics cards and I don't know how long my 1080 will last me
Bad camera and decent station
take a guess, I'm Op
user you're mom is really cute.
I wish my mom made plush toys for me.
dog > cat
sup everyone!
i also have a retro game room in my basement.
Small dogs are shit
I bet your gay
there is a shambler and a nali cow in progress
More pictures of that cat.
Old pic back when I had a tripod.
what's the deal with those monitors? Why do they have curved edges? They look so weird.
you're a big guy
all the pc battlestations are anti comfy
Old pic because it's night time.
Cables are fixed btw.
Poor baby
>tfw no cat
it's a battlestation, not a spa
they all make me feel stressed out just looking at them
Fuck all of you privileged 1st world pieces of shit that have multiple consoles and +1500€ pcs. Fuck all of you.
>the wall
Off your neck mate you're a fucking shitter
Get an education, then a job, save up money, buy all the shit you want.
>implying the wall isn't their magnum opus.
I only have a NES a Sega Genesis and a N64, and a $2000 PC that's 7 years old
That'd be meddle, cunt
That's a weird snake
I like video games!
Cool dog man
I took a pic just now so you better reply or something
id say the rhcp album is the truly offensive thing there
it's a hedgehog
Hedgehogs are blue
never heard of it.
>Get an education
Fuck you if you think that's easy, if you aren't a white 1st world privileged fucker you have to start working early on to feed yourself, no time to go to college.
Cause you don't listen to music
Good evening Sup Forums.
Which one?
It's harder to go to college in America if you're white. Any sort of brown and it's a free trip
And here's my cat! I love Alex!
You have shit taste in everything but momohime
Entry level, shit taste
Can you please post your butt next to your cats butt, or just your butt?
What's that white controller with the Purple button?
Never seen that in consoles before.
You again?
Yeah i do, you're the one that so so far up his own ass that he listens to a failed album from 50 years ago for hipster points.
It will last as long as you like the visuals and performance you're getting out of it, user. Don't let yourself get memed into incremental upgrades
Your cat is like my cat!!
Fuck off whore
It's also harder to get shot in America if you're white. Any sort of brown and it's a free trip.
>tfw I have 3 dogs and 2 cats on ranchland
plebs. all of you
Sure is and your cat's a cute, post another!
Be kind.
You're just a fag who buys an old album that he's probably never heard of but knows who Pink Floyd is. You bought it purely for hipster points
they are white
that's a lamp
For decoration actually.
Fuck back to worldstar you nigger shit, we dont care about your ''hood struggles'' just die shitskin.
She's my needy little baby
Yea, we know you dont care. Just wait till the race war begins, no whitey is gonna survive our wrath.
Cute! I love her white underside, I wanna give her tummy rubs.
Vomiting out my dick srsly
>looks like this was taken in 2006/10
>clean, effective, to the point
i like it
>leather chair, wine
>rich weeboo
get some warm light dude, that's way too bright
We'll create locks on our doors that require you to solve basic math problem before opening them. We may lose 10% of whites but we'll kill 90% of niggers
You're cat is really cute too!!
>that fucking fibertel router
how do I fuck access the config?
>>looks like this was taken in 2006/10
w-wanna play q3arena?
I see you in every single one of these threads. It's scary man. Sweet setup though
Isn't that the sony tv?
>tfw to sensitive too use strong lights
Nice figure and C-U-T-E cat! I can't tell if that's a IIDX controller or a real turntable!
I swear these threads are the same 3~5 people every time
make some webms
i must have a similar schedule to the usual people who thread start these things, sometimes it makes people mad that i post in them but it's how i improve my setup as occasionally i get feedback on how to improve.
go look at bst on Sup Forums
it's literally the same images every time
>decent station
>tv tucked to the corner
man up faggot
Bro's playing Warframe.
Bottom shelf is a Wii and shitty stereo.
Behind TV is PC.
>download net-snmp-5.7.0-1.x86.exe from sourceforge
>put it somewhere (C:\usr)
>unplug internet and power
>push reset for 30 seconds
>replug power only
>open cmd and type
>cd C:\usr\bin
>snmpset -v2c -c public i 1
>snmpset -v2c -c public i 1
>if it isn't says "address unreachable" it worked, you can type or into your explorer of choice through ethernet (it doesn't work through wifi)
>do your shit
>replug internet
post your setup then
I dont own a cat, but I let my neighbour's cat stay here, she comes by a lot. No pics though.