What is the darkest videogame?
What is the darkest videogame?
I'm in the mood for a game with a dark story, I want to know too.
doom 3
real life
Def Jam
Fuck you, came here to post this.
I'd say Soul Sacrifice is pretty up there, maybe there's worse/better. Bonus points for reading bestiary entries.
how dark is this game?
Dark Souls actually *would* be a pretty dark game but I noticed pretty much everyone plays it with settings waaaay brighter than what the game recommends you use
GTA San Andreas
Darkest Dungeon
>play as intended
>can't see anything including player character
Is this the curse of the big screen crt?
Is that image what i think it is?
No very
Thief: The Dark Project
dont tell lee
The Darkness
No, I'm not joking. It's NOT IMPORTANT tier edgy at some points, but it's a great game and if you just accept the story it's trying to tell at face value, it's pretty powerful.
nothing personell?
>tfw you can't play Amnesia
Yeah, in some ways. It's great though.
Heavy Rain, possibly,depending on what endings you get.
Max Payne
Can you shill me on this game, please? I wanted to try it out, but I can't get a read on exactly what kind of game it really is. Where should I start, which version?
It's a shit game. You'll love it.
Over-rated "deepest-lore" tripe.
I do love shit games.
Classic HD. It's a dark, survival game with great writing and atmosphere.
Don't listen to Games fantastic it's just got that awkward gameplay that a lot of low budget games made pre-2006 have.
It's a not fun video game that is good. It's like Doctor Zhivago in video game form. Wait for the remake, play the demo The Marble Nest
>It's a not fun video game that is good
What do you mean by this?
I don't mind a little bit of janky gameplay. The original Nier is my baby.
Condemned 2.
If you enjoy good writing, interesting lore, and depression than Pathologic will be great. It's gameplay isn't even that bad, foraging for supplies in abandoned houses and exploring the map is really fun thanks to the atmosphere and pressure put on you. The only real problem with the gameplay is the combat which isn't very responsive.
It's really not fun, you'll feel tired, annoyed, powerless, it's more an experience than a game, it will be remembered as a pionner, as one of the first artsy game that understood how video games can be art, not by shoving muh cryptic nonsense but by using its mechanics to do something.
The greatest ending in video game history.
What a tremendous kick in the dick.
I only played 2 but I was pretty surprised that the story that opened with a demo pissing on a corpse actually ended up having a really heartfelt story.
I don't like to think of it as just a pioneer. It's not a bad game at all, it's actually a pretty good survival game where you need to look for things and trade them. It's also got a great narrative coupled with good atmosphere.
Do you like weird shit? (like EYE)
Can you tolerate gameplay that isn't very good? (like worse than EYE)
Play Pathologic HD. Or wait for the remake which is supposedly going to be pretty substantially different from the remaster.
The Darkness I believe is one of the more underrated video game stories.
Yes I know, it's my favorite game, being a pionner doesn't mean it's bad.
That one game where you walk down a hallway for a really long time.
All in all, it's got some predictable story beats, but like The Last of Us it just has incredible presentation and character that elevate it so much.
Making the loading screens be Jackies internal monologue was fucking great.
SCP 087-B
Crazy Abdul was my favourite.
So dark we never got it.
Depends on what you consider dark.
NBA 2k16
Back in the day on the Gamefaqs board, we just all thought it was a joke.
Then fucking Nier came along...
heh....I like you
Is this like jap limbo?
Kingdom Hearts
That pic and this pic are the best two pics to ever bless humanity desu
Darkness 3 when?
It's way better.
Resident Evil 6 was way too dark. You couldn't see fucking shit on the default settings iirc. It was such a cheap attempt at making the game scarier too.
>that phone number that says you will die if you keep calling
>keep calling
>you actually die
Its okay though
Nah. Its okay, but Rose was more polished, had a better ost, and presented the story better