Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this game is amazing!

Now that the dust has settled, can we finally agree that this game is amazing!

It's fun and the music is cool. I'd recommend it if it is on sale for cheap since it's a short game.

But the fandom is the worst.

This the game is pretty damn good but the fans are as cancerous as they come.

those two posters are right

Name one fanbase that is worse than this




I really enjoyed it but I'm under the firm belief that it's not for everyone.

I wish I could




Soulsfags are cool but Bloodboners can fuck off.
They refuse to accept that their game was filler and move on.


Seriously it's the top dog when it comes to cancerous fandoms.

Fuck you, pacifism is for fucking pussies. It's an excuse to not do anything, if you lack the strength to defend your beliefs they have no value

It's true

/mlp/ here. Can confirm.

Remove Sans and it will be perfect.

It has heart but at the same time you can tell how lazily it was put together which it tries to mask with humor. The pacing of the plot and the plot itself is also very simplistic.

People only like it because of the characters. Oh, and the "so retro" music.

nah. It was enjoyable and novel when it first came out, but once the novelty wore of it's just OK. I have negative desire to play it again.
