d-do you ever get a boner when dominating someone in a video game anons?
___________i do.
D-do you ever get a boner when dominating someone in a video game anons?
magic/buff fags are the worst
their death grunts make me hard
I don't have an opinion on it desu, but personally i'm always going a non magic non pyro run. It feels more pure.
I was just playin, OP
I don't when kicking another person's ass, but I do in single player games. When playing a real psychopath in games like New Vegas, I'll imagine methodically and patiently wait for the perfect opportunity to stab my victim to death. Or maybe a painful flamethrower while I jerk myself.
I wouldn't mind trying to do a faith build but I really don't like how all the good spells don't come until late in the game.
Yeah. I have the same experience in singleplayer games but it's more rare.
I'm mostly getting weird boners when invading someone in DS or getting perfect in tekken.
That would be unhealthy.
wtf is wrong with you people
Dark souls 3 thread??
Post ashen ones
faith is super weak in ds3. Props to OP for not being a minmaxing whore
>Duelfags are sexual deviants
I knew it
No, because defeating another player has nothing to do with sexuality and thus would not provoke sexual excitement you fucking retard.
>faith is super weak in ds3
with lighting arrow and its mixups it competes with any other high-tier build in the game
b-but I might already broke my dick
Anyone who can get a semblance of enjoyment out of DS's pvp is at the very least a masochist. The netcode of the game is painful - easily one of the worst of any video game I've ever played.
I got a boner when I saw Midir fly around. He looks so majestic.
i used to love when i got one of the slow and agonizing death animations in goldeneye and it actually made me erect on several occasions
A well timed lightning arrow to a chugging foe before he has gotten healed gets me rock solid.
eh, not
get better internet and join the REAL fun
Right? lets go back to rebbit, \v\ is so friggin weird.
See you there bro.
honestly i would probably get a boner in real life if i dominated someone is like say... boxing.
I look for people who are getting their ass kicked and if they are not a rager, then I try to let them beat me so they can feel like a winner once in a while.
If someone is a rager, flaming and being annoying then I try to ruin their experience by trolling them.
I usually win 20 for every loss i get in DaS3 PVP and i don't get that good feeling as when i used to get 5 for every loss.
Once you realize how bad the PVP community is at such a simple ass PVP it makes you feel bad. Sometimes you run into someone smart but otherwise its just idiots that fall for every bait or make awful decisions.
Faith is just all-around the best choice for casting in pvp, you have no excuse to be hit by spells or pyromancies.
There is no greater joy than invading an obvious PvEr.
It also looks spectacular.
I loved arcane in BB and i fucking love current faith casting.
I like to point down on everyone i beat no matter how close or clean or terribly i beat them. Even if i scrap together a win i shouldn't get. Usually by pulling out my talisman running away and they chase and i flip around and mash R1 with my long sword.
I am the point down.
nah but when i help someone and they send me a thank you message i feel all warm and fuzzy inside
No but I get aroused when I notice I made progress while drawing. Not even kidding
But I guess it helps that I draw mostly women
Yes no greater joy than invading a 3v1 with 2 blues summoned.
Its funny i jumped straight from PVE to PVP and had giant success. But then again i play fighters and played arena shooters when they were alive and plan to touch up with QC. So alot of the same fundamentals and decision making applies.
I get what you mean though its usually someone with a small shield and straight sword who just mashes r1 continuously
I did a experiment with that in 2v2s with a friend you'd be absolutely disgusted on how many people i killed with it..
Well. Maybe not in DS3.
I spam Floating Chaos and Black Serpent Flame to make people roll around in arena. It isn't a good strategy at all, but it is funny.
w-we could never be together user. One of us would simply not get the erection.
>Invade host
>He has one white
>2 blues come in
>Murder them all
>2 more blues not a minute later well he runs.
Fucking fat gook. Still ended up getting the host. Its hilarious how bad blues are. Like the opposite of reds. I mean alot of invaders are shit all of mine are. But with reds you expect a small amount of ability atleast since they intend past all odds to murder you. With blues they're all intent on ganging up on you and being ass fucks.
>host use black separation crystal
It's no surprise you'd play casual souls instead of a game people take seriously for competition.
If you were actually good, you'd stick to games that get you recognition when you win.
Fucking hell, this is my favorite. "edgy anime slow-walk" is kinda lame but for situations like this i feel like it's the only proper response.
Wish i ran into these brainlets more often, only really saw them in 2.
>basing my video game library around a webm i picked to attract people.
No, because the people I dominate are my friends, and I hate destroying their hopes and dreams.
I still do it, though.
>Not playing it to lord over all the idiots who can't grasp basic concepts.
I play fighting games for real mental battles with constant adaption. I play Souls PVP to do basic as fuck baits that work and win in 2-3 combos.
I do agree though alot of the community that is decent would be shit at other games. Look at Oroboro praised by so many shitters but hes not even great at Souls PVP and its all he has to lord over people.
Nice of the Great Ones to invite us for a communion, gay Luigi?
nice meme
I am playing 1 right now and get them every tiem.