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does he still wear the medallion?

I regret not having a mental disability that can make me money from people with severe mental disabilities.

No, sadly. And his removal of it has lead to him becoming a transexual, his dad dying, and his house catching on fire, so I'd say it's not going so well.

This is the first time I've seen a t-shirt that looks like it wants to kill itself.

CWC will die on his own once his mother passes away.

Dont tell me someone actually bought it..

oh they did, and it will end up in an art museum some day for you to look at.

I would. Chris is a phenomenon

Imagin all the legos he can buy now

I think all these years, as much as I cringed when uploaded drawings of him fingering Megan, as shocked as I was when he uploaded the JULAAYYY video, as much as I laughed at the Sonichu animated series, I always had somewhat hoped that Chris would gain some self awareness and get his shit together, at least as much as an aspie can.

It's depressing now knowing for sure that he never will and that his story will come to end with a whimper after his mom dies.

It looks like it reeks. Like no matter how many times you wash it, you'll never get rid of the smell. The semen, the drool, the manboob sweat, the shit from whenever Chris didn't wash his hands after wiping his ass are all stuck on it forever, and theres nothing you can do to get rid of them.

>Betray your childhood icon
>Your adulthood becomes hell on earth

All he did was won

Someone fill me in, please. What happened?

You guys sure he's not Kaiser Soze'ing this shit?

CWC sold his signature red and blue rugby shirt for $25,000.

it's cwc shirt and it got fucked up in the washer

>tfw the final Chris saga is on its way
I'm not ready for this.

So Chris just sold everything from his old self. Now without sonic and sonichu he is just a crazy faggot.

let's think back to happier times.

what's your favorite saga? mine was Megan by far.

>he doesn't realize that this is just the build up to the final climax of earth story
chris will be the hero in the end

The Liquid Chris Saga was legendary.

Can someone explain this meme to me?



Chris Chan sold his shitty striped shirt on ebay. Now either someone really has that much money to blow or it's a troll that bought it.

>not asperchu
the phone calls with Alec were GOLD

If he is, then he's the best actor alive and deserves more than a few grand. Also he's one method as fuck actor, piercing his taint and letting it get infected just for the role.

There are at least two Chris sagas remaining:

Chris On His Own: Riding High

Snorlax dies, and Chris lives on the insurance money. This will be a short saga.

Chris On His Own: The Downward Spiral


megan was pretty good

>chris chan auctions bunch of his shit
>autists of Sup Forums actually buy it for several thousand dollars

Didn't Chris blow all the money he made with the Sonichu merch on toys and games and never sent out the product?


Did you watch the new video too? The fag that bought the totem charged him back after Chris already spent the money on toys

I am not saying he's KS'ing it but he could be and also be a "Whatever doesn't kill me makes me stronger" type of motherfucker, I am not saying he isn't a crazy shit but just a what if.

No one is going to pay that. They are messing around with fake bids.
But I wonder, what would chris chan do with 25k?

Waste it all in plastic surgery and sex change?

>23 bids

he never actually sent the totem?

He sent out the Sonic totem and the person who got it posted pics of it on Sup Forums. There's been several threads about it.

Pretty much. He tried to do the same with the sonic totem, but they issued a charge back when he had already spent the money so he shipped it. I think he only did it because it was either that or he'd have -1500$ in his PayPal.

he'd probably spend 5k on bills and then spend the rest on lego, skylanders and video games

>didn't visit the totem thread

That thread was fucking magical.

no... No..... NO

this can't be real. this is shopped. It has to be. I bust my ass off monthly to get barely 730 euros and this motherfucker sells his cum stained strip shirt for +25k.
No, this isn't real. Those bids were fake. He didn't sell his fucking shirt for that much. Not human would give that much money for the "lolz"

THIS, this is how I discovered this beast of a man. this little part of the video that made me ask, "who was that fat guy?", when it first came out.



>someone replicates a shirt
>they pretend to sell it and make thousands
>people actually believe it
>"i-i was just pretending to play along with the joke, user, haha..."


he actually does still wear it

What the fuck, I love Arale now!

There's a bunch of misinformation floating around about the totem.

There was no charge back. Chris was slow shipping it out so the buyer complained and ebay dinged Chris's account. Chris sent it and it was paid for. You can even see where the buyer left a positive review / confirmation of receipt in Chris's ebay profile.

>plastic surgery and sex change
Doubt it. I don't think he gives a shit about looking like a woman. He doesn't try very hard. He'd buy Lego sets for sure.

Someone post the roulette already

>t. manual labour

Maybe you should've spent all that time making autistic youtube videos and getting a massive following instead of busting your ass at a job you hate for schlomo

Chris should dig up Patty's bones and sell them, I'm sure some idiot will buy them too.

Well I'll be damned, the tranny is honest.

I believe that your life is way better than Chris anyway. This money are not worth the life of poor and sick man like this.

When's Chris going to auction Bob's bones?


Didn't Chris only started this whole cross-dressing thing because he thought he would get laid even when he did?

What exactly made him stick with it?


Somebody pointed out that he probably made that before he transitioned for some of his other stuff, and is just reusing it because he's too lazy to make a new one.

>box of enema tools

people are nicer to him because of it

>Someone paid 1500 dollars and didnt do a chargeback or claim a stolen credit card

>chris starts off by saying he shoved the medallion up his ass
>I dont want to talk about it

off to a great start

this is true. now that he's a tranny instead of a fucking white cis male, he's a protected class.

I really hope they just don't pay and force him to relist

Did he just ruin it in the wash before selling it?

I was masturbated to that video where he's in a closet changing his clothes and he was twerking with his pantsu and going "WA WA WA WALLA WALLA WALLA".

The idea of fucking Chris in the ass is so erotic to me.

>The Chandlers
>Washing clothes

Reevaluate your life family

he really does have white privilage though

I am hispanic and I cannot get the type of assistance chris has received. how someone with autism can cause crime and skip school and do all sorts of stupid shit but still get thousands of dollars is beyond me and yet i can't receive benefits and certain things US citizens can get because of a mistake my parents made, despite me trying really hard


It sat in a wet bag for around 3 years and it was already ruined well before that.

Well that's probably the 10th most fucked up thing i've seen on this site

dude that chick in the middle is giving me some serious bedroom eyes

>not a citizen
>complain about not having citizens rights
Is this advances bait

it's a tranny

What the fuck, why is this video not discussed more often here? This is a fucking treat and I've never seen CWC in HD before. Also this was uploaded on my birthday, couldn't ask for something better.


You need to go back, o tal vez no vendepatrias de mierda

I'll take what I can get

Yes but the white stripes in OP are the pinkest I've ever seen them. It's like it was the first time it was ever washed and the red ran.

After barb dies what do you think is going to happen to chris? Either he dies of his taint or he'll get himself killed in prison or something.

I doubt he'd ever go to prison. he's too disabled for that, he'd probably get sent to a home of some sort.

Only if its the longest con in history, from the mind of a 12 year old

he will publish the CWC chronicles and claim it as his own and make money off that

The interviewer is the worst type of cancer and the video is nearly without substance.

But oy vey that HD

>to get laid
That's the theory. It might have started off that way, but the trans community is basically a giant hugbox. No doubt Chris gets called beautiful, and all sorts of compliments from the trans-whiteknights. Not to mention more people are going to defend him, because transmisogyny. I'm sure he likes all the attention, and a hugbox is an ideal place for him. It's also possible he bought into the trans idea that to be a man or a woman you need to fit into the designated gender roles, and genuinely sees himself as a woman because makeup or some shit.

>too lazy to go to the thread
>Missed out

What the fuck, Chris shoved a medallion up is asshole?

He'll be made a ward of the state and be sent to a psychiatric home or something.

Chris will likely become homeless or a ward of the state.

There really isn't much to say that hasn't been said.

you guys will be sad once the saga ends

I'm sure all of you haven't seen his hairless, chubby, naked body. Watch the video where he sits on a cake. I'd fuck Chris' virgin ass anytime

Look up Bluespike

My ex found CWC attractive and had a big crush on him, to the point where she had a lot of his worst pics/vids (at the time) (2009-2010 CWC breakdown era) saved in a hidden folder, and got incredibly defensive whenever I called her out on it, despite the fact she threw bitchfits whenever I found the """wrong""" type of celeb/model attractive

I am glad his life is as miserable at is