10 year old game

>10 year old game
>killed by its publisher
>fans revive it
>30-50 people per server, for several servers

Anyone else playing?

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Literally just Google it


are you bullying me rn?

Thanks man did not know about this.

The Star Wars mod should be online too.



I am. PAC is best

Going to download now.

2142 was awesome.

I dind't know about this project. Had a lot of fun with friends in 2142 in the past. Gonna download it right now.

What was your favourite map Sup Forums?




The brown&blue desert one.


Revive Bad Company 2 instead you niggers

>Underage: The Post.



Don't work in windows 10 shame. i am uninstalling this shit.

it's still on steam isn't it? they were selling it on my store front page

Before anyone spegs out i was talking about windows 10 not the game.

>highest res is 1280x1080
how did we ever play like this, it looks garbo

It's still alive you double nigger

>playing any BF game after 2

Dumb consolefag being dumb as usual.

wut, I had it working when they went online

I tried getting back into it but it just plays like shit

Why is 2142 the only futuristic war shooter with a good art style?

Just crashes at start for me just tried compat modes etc.
Shame i wanted to play.

If I remember, there was some kind manual fix you had to do to get it running after you finished installing it.

>playing BF2

dice is the only competent military shooter developer
or at least was