This game really is what made me realize that Zelda and Ganon are far and away the absolute worst things about the Zelda franchise.
It's no wonder people like Majora's Mask so much. Neither of them are in it.
This game really is what made me realize that Zelda and Ganon are far and away the absolute worst things about the...
Having the same story told to you gets tiring.
How so?
Zelda and Ganon are getting regressing more and more, Now Ganon is just merely a force of nature and Zelda is more useless than ever before.
yes, this is part of the reason why people love Majora's Mask and Link's Awakening so much.
But its always retold very diferently.
Sometimes Zelda is your childhood friend with no Ganondorf. Other time is some sort of queen-princes ruling everything while you are some ranch boy while Ganon controls some people from other dimension. In yet another time, you are some kokiri without a fairy that turns out its actually a hylian while zelda is just a kid that nobody hears as Ganondorf is right there in front of the King ploting treason. etc, etc.
Nah BoTW just did a terrible job characterizing them.The same way it did a terrible job pretending to be Skyrim.
It's just a terrible game altogether. At least we're sane enough to realize that, unlike the paid reviewers.
Yeah man, it totally failed to recreate Skyrims climbing feature, paragliding was so much better on Skyrim too. Oh, and I loved so much to shieldsurf on my Spellbreaker shield on skyrim.
The absolute worst things about the Zelda franchise are the puzzles.
The next Zelda game should get rid of Zelda Ganon and link all together.
How were they poorly characterized?
Ah, the Federation Force method of game design.
All my friends bought it, wouldn't shut up about how good of a game it was for a week, then dropped it completely after that same first week.
I don't even think any of them made it to the second dungeon.
Given that it's intended for kids who are new to video games I'd say it's an incredible game all things considering. And even if you aren't a kid it's still got some good things going for it.
Your friends are NPCs.
Weird, me and all my friends have over 100 hours on it.
They really should just re-title the franchise Chronicles of the Hero. Drop that useless attention whore Zelda from the title and from there on in? Make the concept of the games strictly about Link stumbling upon different lands, worlds, dimensions, etc where he has adventures.
And no more focus on this stupid timeline reincarnation bullshit. The only thing doing that ever accomplished? It made the Zelda series conceptually tired and overdone to the point it told gamers:
"This is the central theme of the franchise until it no longer sells."
They shouldn't stop calling it Zelda.
That's one of the worst ideas.
When are these pathetic BoTW bait threads going to end?
We know, we know. The game is trash and you're bitter that you wasted your money on it. Get over it already.
Low quality bait. Have a pity (you).
>Make the concept of the games strictly about Link stumbling upon different lands, worlds, dimensions, etc where he has adventures.
It's basically already that though. Zelda is always kind of in the background, even if she's the "main focus"
Honestly, I would rather they try something way different, like introduce a co-op game with Link and Zelda as playable and having unique playstyles that support each other.
Is this a roleplay thread or are you people actually this buttmad? Honestly cant tell.
So you want to title the franchise by making it seem like it's about this annoying stupid spoiled princess bitch who does nothing while Link does all the work and gets no credit? It took until THIS motherfucking game for the denizens of Hyrule to acknowledge Link as the badass hero. In the other games Link is a piece of nothing errand boy who no one rewards when he finishes beating down a baddie.
It leaves a bitter taste to realize you do all this work and some annoying twat takes all the titular recognition. Well to that I say, fuck that shit.