What are the must have DLCs?

What are the must have DLCs?

The one that uninstalls this shit and installs the superior game.

Which one?

The Warhammer one

Age of Charlemagne, Blood, Empires of Sand.

The one that does not use reskins of 5 units to populate its faction unit rosters.

After playing warhammer i just couldn't go back to is.

Rome 2 was shit so why would you get a "must have" DLC for it?

I have never played a warhammer game and dont understand its lore, will it still be good?
So Warhammer right? Or is it Napoleon?

>I have never played a warhammer game and dont understand its lore, will it still be good?

Neither did i and im loving it.

But muh historical!

But its Attila, not Rome 2
How much foes it cost? I want to play a TW game and I want to play the easiest one first

Honestly, I ditched Warhammer to go back to Shogun2 and Rome 2/Attila. It's so shallow compared to previous TW games. The multiplayer is especially shit.

so far the only autist itt is the warhammer one

you are asking abunch of people who masturbate to chinese cartoons whether you should enjoy aryan history or jew fantasy tales.
Just making sure you are aware.
History vs. Cuckoldry.

Age of Charlemagne but it's still a pretty lazy DLC with reussed assets from the main game. The campaign itself is alright and will fix your craving for medieval 3 for a while.

None of the DLCs are worth the full price however.

aka napoleon

>Literally any Total War
>More shallow than Shogun 2

I seriously hope you mean Fall of the Samurai.
Vanilla and Rise rival that shitty phone spinoff game in complexity.

Shogun 2 was by far the best multiplayer TW. FotS was pretty horribly imbalanced and one-dimensional in PvP.

No it wasn't, Napoleon had way better online battles and wasn't limited to a roster that consists of the same two types of Sword, Spear, Bow, Gun, Cavalry + 1 Unique Unit for every single faction.

Every Faction in Warhammer is completely unique compared to the others. It has Magic, more Leader Abilities, different Moral effects per faction, more unique unit traits and stats.

The only part that sucks are sieges.

>Rome was good
>Medieval 2 was good
>Empire was shit
>Napoleon was shit
>Shogun 2 was good
>Rome 2 was shit
>Attila was mediocre
>Warhammer is okay

I am still waiting for them to fix their shit.
And i really don't want to support their DLC cancer.

Yeah but the "history guys" sperged really out when they announced the second Warhammer part. Even when they told that the planed 3 parts long ago and that they work on a historical TW.

>No it wasn't, Napoleon had way better online battles

The fuck are you talking about? Hill camping completely broke N:TW.

>Every Faction in Warhammer is completely unique compared to the others. It has Magic, more Leader Abilities, different Moral effects per faction, more unique unit traits and stats.

And at least half of the factions are total junk. The problem with most of the TW games with large amounts of unit variety is that, in reality, a huge proportion of the units are horribly overpriced or have broken mechanics in one way or another which typically results in spam.

But I am not interested in online, I want single playero

Depends on what you want to play.
Empire of the sands and slavs are pretty good.
>play as aksum for the first time
>think we wuz kangz
>50 turns later

>napoleon was shit
>attila was mediocre
>warhammer is okay

I don't know about you but attila added a lot of cool stuff to the campaign map and new features like burning forests and cities to the game.

Yeah my point was that he was wrong on all three counts, because those are all great games.

Charlemagne is a fun mini campaign, it's better than Last Roman which you should only get if you are a Byzaboo and want to play as Belasarius

Sand is the best culture pack because it adds the most, Vikings by far the worst
The other three are in the middle and debatable in their ranking

Only get the ones where you want to actually play the factions, unlike Warhammer all the stuff is patched into the game so if you don't want to play as a DLC faction the game is exactly the same no matter if you own the DLC or not

oh yeah, I forgot AoC.
It also has pretty good total conversion mods for it like the age of viKANGZ

Charlemagne and Empires of Sand

>unlike Warhammer all the stuff is patched into the game
Huh? All the dlc factions are in the main warhammer campaign if you own them or not, the only difference iirc is that Chaos gets a few extra units, but that may have been patched.

If I have base game Warhammer the AI gets to recruit units that I am unable to recruit if I play as the same faction, and if I, for example, play as Empire the other small Empire factions have access to units that I don't get

That's a thing that doesn't happen in Attila

Attila and Rome 2 were boring garbage.

Thank god for Warhammer, I've never spent so much time in a Total War.

>Must haves
Age of Charlemagne
The Last Roman
Blood and Fire
Empires of Sand

>Optional but recommended
Slavic Nations

>Not worth it
Viking Forefathers

Rome 1 with Europa Barborum

any expansion would look good next to the shit that was rome 2

Napoleon was great you shitter

Why is Vikings bad?

It adds the least

If you want to play as viking raiders it's fun enough, but it's the game's pre-order DLC and you can tell

So can you conquer the other vikings and form a united country?

You can kill them and conquer their lands to become top king, there is no "unite Scandinavia" button but it's called Total War not Total Peace after all :^)

Playing Danes in Age of Charlemagne is probably the better Viking experience
Also there's a mod called Age of Vikings that's all about that, maybe check that out

>Playing Danes in Age of Charlemagne is probably the better Viking experience
So do I need both VF and Charlemagne to play them?


AoC is a mini campaign on a different map, it takes place 400 years later and the factions are all different from the main campaign

And is it easier than vanilla? Like it's the Frankish empire difficult to defeat?

I would say that it's easier than vanilla because it's somewhat simpler

There is a bunch of shit you have to worry about in vanilla Attila that is not important in Charlemagne, AoC is more Shogun 2 territory, I feel like the battles are simpler too
Honestly Attila itself isn't very beginner friendly, AoC does a better job at that

The Franks can be a pain in the ass depending on how their other fronts are doing and when Karloman dies
Playing as Mercia is probably the most chill out of the AoC factions

>buying dlcs ever
good goyim

Alright, I just hope it gets on sale soon, it's a little bit expensive

>every DLC is bad meme

They go on sale quite frequently, I would recommend waiting for the summer sale that has to be some time soon, the game is like 10 bucks when that comes around

Sadly there isn't some bundle where you can just buy everything cheaply so you should still pick and choose


start with Shogun 2

I'd recommend that too

Shogun 2 is the most beginner friendly and still a very fun game

Yeah, but I cant wait for a sale, I need to play the games now, do you thinkg it would go on sale when?
Normal or FotS?

Depends on if you like swords or guns

Both vanilla and FotS are quite good, the combat in FotS is pretty different because it's all about line infantry
Start with vanilla and then play FotS if you want more and different stuff

Also patience is a virtue and there is bound to be some sale

Yeah, but my bday is soon and the summer sale is supposed to be in june
Also do you get to play as an outsider in FotS? Like the Russians or Americans?

Attila is one of the best games in one of the shittiest settings.

Nah. You can recruit some INFANTERIE DE MARINE though and rip through nips.

You can recruit units from the foreigners but you always play as one of the Jap clans

Honestly I really love the setting, early Christendom is incredibly interesting to me and there are so few games that explore that
I can see how someone who is all about Rome wouldn't like it though

You can sign a trade deal with outside powers to recruit certain units but you can only play a japanese faction. As far as sides go you can support the shogun, restore the emperor, or go your own way with a republic.

Alright, can you win by diplomacy instead of fighting?