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Video Games #3760
Video Games
What the fuck was his problem?
Man why the fuck do I gotta play a shitty ass MOBA to get this skin?
Saving for a Switch
Dragon Games
What the fuck
ITT: Post a photo of yourself and have Sup Forums guess your favorite videogame
Why is this shit so common in vidya
2017 is good for Sony thus far
Any let it die thread?
Why do games do this?
Makoto is a boy's name
Why does people keep praising this game?
Which looks better?
Will there ever be a good video game adaptation of movies (aside from star wars and capeshit)?
TellTale's The Walking Dead
What ever happened to Epicnamebro?
What anime would be good as a video game
ITT we talk about annoying video game shit normies do
Why are console fags so retarded?
Given the choice between a completely unsympathetic villain like Nazis...
Why no one here talks about the first two games?
Oh look, another Nier thread
You just pretended to be sick so you could stay home from school. Your parents just left for work...
Steam Giveaway #1 - The Beginning
Your first game is a success
Pls rate my PS4 weekend collection
Can we all agree that these two are both best girls/wife tier and everyone else is shit tier
We just played a 4 player game that went nuts. We all started getting clone ships, and free lives...
Still no pc release
Is this actually an improved version of the original like TWW HD or is it just a cash grab?
Get ready, because it's time for-
Oh look it's another thread asking who the best girl was in Persona 5
Sony E3 Every Year
Question for any Aspiring Game Devs
Kemono Friends
Soulsfag enters the thread
Is there ANY reason to ever get a "Collector's Edition"?
Why is this game so underrated?
Lets make the most annoying, unfunny jerk in the game the best healer in the game
Why isn't anyone talking about this?
Why do Milennials hate fighting games?
Sae is 6 feet (1.8 m) tall
Name TEN good games on the PS4
What's the 5 guys of vidya?
How did you cure your video game depression Sup Forums?
Are you ready for the game of the decade, lads?
Breath of the wold thread
How do you go from this
This is Dark Cloud for the ps2. Say something nice about it
What was your favorite arcade game back on the day Sup Forums?
How would you know about the real ending?
How do you go from this
RPG's are fucking boring. Too much talking, NOT ENOUGH ACTION
Why are there no games where I can play as a snek girl?
You're a kid now
Wake up
This is the first good resident evil since 3
Nioh vs BB
Filename thread
Is this one a good start in the smt franchise ?
Catherine 2 when
How does it feel to be so wrong?
Plans for today?
Don't mind me, just posting best girl
Pandering to vorefags
Tried it earlier but it got no where. I think it wasn't late enough. These are usually popular later on in the night...
How seriously do you take console wars?
How does Sup Forums feel about
Who cares? It's generic anime MMO trash and Monolith will be dissolved once Xenoblade flops for the third time
Why aren't there more cooking games? It seems such such a simple genre...
Never see any talk of Andromeda
Morrowind thread
So Sup Forums, what game is holding you back from painting your wall with your brain right now ?
What's so good about Persona? Is it a JRPG/Dating sim? Should I start with Persona 3, since I have a PSP
At local game store
Kingdom hearts E3
This would be a $20 downloadable game on any other platform
Mario Kart 8D Sup Forumseekend
Rising Storm 2: 'NAM
So has this LOL actually ever described a game?
Bout to pick up guilty gear xrd rev 2 when it comes out here. I usually play other fighting games so I wanna know...
Why does Dota2 update every single day?
Why is she so perfect?
E3 2017
Is there a best Koopa?
Who are your favorite female game developers?
Suppressor decreases damage
Friday Night Mutthafuckaa watcha:
Never forget
What am I in for?
Persona girls are inferior to demons
Tfw Bloodborne 2 is actually happening
Warcraft IIII will never release in your lifetime
Can we talk about Kemono friends in Sup Forums?
Are you buying her new game, Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
"Oh hey 2B I was going over the old archives and it says here that the humans enjoyed playing this game called Fallout...
What do i expect
Is this the most forgettable cast of all Persona games? Yes, I'm including Persona 1
Hurry up and pick one
Gundam Breaker 3 Break Edition came out 2 days ago
Give it to me straight, boys. If I'm a JRPG fan but have never played a Persona game before, will I enjoy this title...
Whats a good JRPG on PS4 or that I can emulate or get off steam...
Tfw when want to be part of PC masterrace
Post your Internet Speed
Busting your ass trying to make coffee for half a year
Lord Vader has entered the Star Wars Battlefront thread
What games have the most feel-good romance? I want to feel warm and fuzzy inside
General Bloodborne Thread
ITT: post your favorite menu theme
Who here is ready for /thefuture/
So Sup Forums why aren't you playing the comfiest game there is?
What's the Great Gatsby of videogames?
Killed DMC
Was it worth playing 10 HotS games to get this skin?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is she /ourgal/?
Now that the dust has settled can we agree he is one of the best designed Pokemon of this gen?
That godly DLC
"MGS V sold well because every media outlet (people who don't play games) gave 10/10"
MC becomes the main villain
Sup Forumshouse thread
It's impossible to make a good 3D Sonic gay-
How can Hippodrones even compete?
Anyone got anymore of these?
Are you gonna team up with me for volleyball or not?
This is the best handheld Nintendo, or heck, any other company has made
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
This image isn't that ironic, at 19 you're pretty much set up for life
What is your honest opinion on foods in BotW?
What games have amazing soundtracks?
How's that gaming channel going, Sup Forums?
Where was you when Halo 4 on pc became playable?
ITT: Terrible cover art
Is this shit actually good?
Sheva Alomar
This is SNK mascot enta-chan. Say something nice to her
Flash games nostalgia thread
How do we fiz MMO genre?
ITT: The last two games you played are now molded into one game. What's the outcome?
What do you guys think about the rape scene in outlast 2 being cut out?
Have a little sister in high school
Vidya corpses
No homo, but FFVIII is my favorite FF game
Checked the catalog and didn't see a Persona thread, let's have one
I think we can come to a consensus Sup Forums
*blocks your path*
If someone doesn't love this game, you lose all respect for their taste in games
What are they up to, Sup Forums?
DS4Windows stopped working today. Did a Windows update break it?
How does this make you feel?
For real tho, what's wrong with him?
Don't mind me, just being the best Sonic game out there
P4 or P5 girls?
How did you get this chest?
Most beautiful game ever
Which console came closest to a high end PC at the time when it released?
Can videogames do romances right?
It's just a matter of time until you lose the game
How is it possible that this movie...
/Dark Thrillers/
Unskippable intros
What are your E3 expectations from Nintendo ?
111 Badasses
Did you ever break any of your games or consoles?
Buy 5$ toy
This game is going to be Pokemon Gen 1 tier popular, just watch. Sup Forums is going to get BTFO
>Westerners are dominatnig Street Fighter for the first time in 15 years
How to get good on Puyo Puyo?
What did she mean by this?
What are your thoughts on developers adding their own political views to their games?
Why is the west so obsessed with egalitarian, all inclusive ideals in video games?
Playstation E3 Thread
I live 10 min from Valve HQ...
Has anyone signed up for the Quake Champions Beta from Bethesda...
Yu-Gi-Oh thread
This is Forest of the Fallen Giants
Fire Emblem Heroes
So what's the Sup Forumserdict? Been looking for a meaty single player FPS
How do I git gud with this guy if I don't have dead ringer unlocked?
11 days and Dark Souls will become irrelevant
Oh boy, now that the Wii U has been discontinued maybe I can get one dirt cheap
RPCS3 April 2017 Progress Report: "Persona 5 running at 4K and 60 FPS is very possible"
Before/after Sup Forums
Last Surprise is the best battle the-
Older games are objectively better because reasons
If this system can't keep up with demand now with no games, what will it be like once Splatoon, Mario, Pokemon...
What are your thoughts on developers adding their own political views to their games?
Injustice 2 DLC fighterpack 1
Thoughts on Lethal League?
Surpasses Super Star
Who will take E3 this year?
The World Ends With You thread!
What's taking so long?
Post games that you can't get into no matter how hard you try
Is this game worth $40?
What are some crossovers you unironically want?
ITT games only you played probably
What is my opinion on this game?
New Shantae 1/2 Genie Hero Update
Cole Phelps did nothing wrong. NOTHING WRONG!
I don't know about this Ben guy
Fight night
*team killing intensifies*
MK8D Sup Forumseekend
Comfy games
Is it worth getting the new 2DS if I never had any of the DS iterations?
What is your opinion on the God Eater games Sup Forums?
If i started a steam group for people for age of empires 2 hd, would any one of you join it and play some times?
Persona 5 just as shit as Heavy Rain
Creepy Parts of Old Games
What's your honest opinion looking back?
Why do you play as a female character Sup Forums?
Risky Boots
Why are the rito so damn thicc
What's wrong with Ann exactly? I've done her confidant a few times and she seems like a fun person to be around
That tfw when you grow up of western games
So I finally got to ending E of Nier: Automata today
Stop right there bad guy! I'm Officer D.Va and it's time for my cavity inspection
E..... A...... SPORTS **ba dum tssss** to the game!
*teleports behind you*
Dammit Sony
Crash Trilogy boxart
So how many of you managed to defeat Desann on at least Jedi Knight mode without
Why do so many boys follow clueless girls who obviously only pretend to know about retro games views?
If you're one of the retards in comp who instalocks this faggot and refuses to change when we clearly need a Rein...
Boss is reused numerous times throughout the game
Just visited the Nintendo NY store
Female boss laughs at you and calls you a loser when you die against her
Trails in the Sky Thread
Western gamers (specially PCfags) deserve all the shit games they get
Is there no UPF today?
What aspects would you keep from Halo 5 for the next installment in the franchise?
Why haven't you bought a Switch Pro controller yet? It's actually the best way to play your games
First password in the game is 0451
"Mom said it's MY turn to play!"
Favorite souls girl
Game has cats
Tfw Based Valve is giving us the Diablo sequel we deserve
Are these still worth playing?
Tfw amazon just upped my credit card limit to 650 bucks
Now that the dust has settled
Fight abyss watchers
Worth playing?
Save 3 incendiary grenades or else
Pcbros want consoles die
Would you play a WW2 game where all of the soldiers were little girls?
Switch has no ga-
Hand it over. That thing, your Dark Souls III: The Fire Fades Edition
So true
Draw your sword
Scorpio is coming, bitches. And with it, at E3 Microsoft will announce Lost Odyssey 2, Ninja Gaiden 4...
Does anyone else think that Link's design has become diluted over the past decade or so?
Why was he so hated, again? Did he deserve all the hate he got?
I only own one of these hideous things. How many do you have?
Darksiders III
Jesus Christ, this board is filled with people that hate themselves
ITT: Characters that had a hard life
A crying woman… What, you think she's sad the mall's closed?
Which video games are you going to play this weekend?
What is your favorite "secret" in BoTW? What would you have liked to see?
Sup Forums does nothing but shitpost about it
I fapped twice today already
Does Sup Forums like Extra Credits?
Sup Forums thinks a Metal Gear in a medieval European fantasy setting is perfectly fitting...
Hand Dreamchaser's ash
Join the room and share you favourite vidya music!
Has Mexico ever contributed anything to the video game industry?
Stop right there and type:
Sega puts realistic humans in Sonic '06
Eye divine cybermancy
Time to apologize?
What exactly made Skyrim such a bad game?
Persona 5 has radical leftist tendencies
Racism in chat
For real Sup Forums: Motion Blur vs No Motion Blur?
Now the dust has settled be honest what do you think should be improved for the inevitably Persona 6? I'll start
I just played this
Game makes fun of you
What are the creepiest video game myths?
We're gonna have a Poison thread
Be me
Burger King Spain lets you order via online multiplayer games on PS4
Remember when Raiden first appeared and everyone hated him...
Getting a PC soon, Windows 10 though
Why is this company making people chimp out so much? Seriously
Why can't Nintendo let this thing die and focus only on the switch...
How can one game be so cinematic but have hours upon hours of gameplay at the same time?
Name a more god-awful game with a shittier community than overwatch
This is Enta-chan, new SNK mascot, say something nice to her!
What is user's palace like?
Posing Samus Again
Post vidya characters that you share a name with
Steam now allows zoophilia games
How did we go from this
What does he say again?
I think that if Halo ended after Reach was made, it could have ended with a flawless legacy
Name dead series that are never coming back
Is this the most overrated platformer?
All video games are technically 2D games
Why does Sup Forums defend the bad parts of good games?
What a time to be alive
Worst Doom level ever
They saved racing games
What is thy order, my master?
Server allows almost every single cheap item the game your playing has
Subtle videogame ringtones/notification sounds
I love my wife!
That game mechanic that ruins the whole experience
A persona named after ISIS in a middle eastern level? How will Atlus recover from this PR disaster?
You have exactly 5 minutes to explain how a trailer park boys game would work
Lynel is coming to you! Do something real quick!
Is this really better than Persona?
Discuss Sonic 06, the worst sonic game made
Story in a game is like a story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important
Sup Forums tells me etrian odyssey untold is bad
Why are scorpion characters always superior in vidya to their spider counterparts?
BlazBlue: Central Fiction thread
Was the Ann from Kamoshida's palace better than the actual Ann?
Dragon Quest XI
I didnt expect to have this much fun with a campaign, recommend me some more FPS with a fantastic campaign
What the fuck was his problem?
ITT: Opinions Sup Forums would crucify you for
You mean you don't know who playerunknown is?
Are you going to buy her game Sup Forums?
Western marketeres are removing Denuvo reference on wikipedia
What made it good?
What's his name again?
This is a legendary scottish warrior woman and martial arts teachers
Games you are postponing your suicide for, Sup Forums?
Why did people pretend to get mad about this?
Daily Dose
Small studio in japan makes potential goty
Why do aspies think this game is special in any way?
Who else grew up poor here?
The first thing to be shown during the Digital Event is a clip of a new Metroid game, developed by Platinum Games...
Why does Sup Forums hate masculine white male protagonists so much?
What's the most evil thing you've done involving video games?
Why do all girls pick Mercy?
Who would you main if there was an American musou?
What do?
Who is the best papa - Geralt or Nier?
Nintendo 64 had the superior games in every gen
Go to fast food restaurant
Now that the new 2hu game is about to come out, can we all agree this game was shit?
How come VR never kicked off?
I have a steam key for Undertale that I got in the Humble Monthly that I will not be using...
Need a light?
Tell me something about this game, Sup Forums
Fire Emblem Heroes
Is BotW worth getting a Switch for?
You have 10 seconds to prove you're not a normalfag
Search google for game problem
How will Sup Forums react once this gets revealed?
Kirby thread
How the fuck are you supposed to play ths shitty game...
I just got back from the range. What are games that get the details of firing a gun right?
Is this the best quest ever created in a videogame?
Explain to me now why are you NOT buying more of my game user. You don't want to make me mad
Console Reccomendations Expirament
Where the hell can I even buy this thing????
ITT: Characters that inspired you
Forget Retro, what do you guys hope Good-Feel are working on for the Switch?
What are some games where the good guy wins against all odds?
Fucking hell I'm really feeling it right now Sup Forums
Why does this get 10/10s?
Not playing Persona 5 on your PC
He picks neutral option
Senran Kagura Future? Thread
As part of a new law that recently went into effect, game makers must now disclose loot box odds in China. Today...
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Sup Forumseekend
How do you guys like them?
Rank them best to worst
I'm about to play this, what am I in for?
What is it about these two games that cause Sup Forums to collectively lose its shit every time?
Now that the dust has settled it's abundantly clear that baldnbeautiful69 was owned
You'll never discover the Chaos Engine with Sup Forums again
Notice Gaming Checklist
So reactions to this game seem pretty mixed...
Nintendo files trademark for "Koopa"
Is it true that Vyvanse and Adderall makes you better at games?
I just wanna feel like a badass this weekend, Sup Forums
Darksiders 3: GAMEPLAY Reveal
What went wrong?
Petrify status
Playing vidya as a hobby is ok for a grown man
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Best cod, needs skill the most. Why is cod going back to shit gameplay now?
So guys do you like it?
What's the current state of VR?
Games you would like to see happen
I wonder how hard the writer at Rockstar beat his stubby little dick while writing Trevor
How would you fix his character
What's a game that, from an aesthetic perspective, embodies the 90s?
Steam Refunds
Director,composer,art designer are from persona studio
Will anyone buy this?
What guest character do you want for the inevitable DOA5 Switch?
Are you enjoying your Nintendo Switch™, Sup Forums?
He uses C to crouch instead of Ctrl
Guys its the post apocalypse
Mgs thread: no bitching about V edition
Do you think CliffyB's next game, Lawbreakers, will be any good?
Why couldn't Accord save the humanity?
Are you enjoying the age of Souls clones, Sup Forums?
How would Sup Forums fix Steam refunds so developers stop complaining?
Fighting this red cunt
Playing Dark Souls 2 SotfS
Path of Exile
26fps, camera don't work, artificial dificulty
GOTY 2017
Complain about anything
Webm thread?
Is she flat?
Sup Forums thinks this relationship is perfectly normal and healthy
Where were you when Helk made Rust great again?
What's the best driving simulator? I'm not really into racing, just want to drive solo and listen to music
Persona 5
Why do weebs do this?
Humble Bundle Monthly Nothing thread
Should Soul Calibur 6 have guest characters?
Honey Select
Why is Sup Forums literally tumblr these days
Post your vidya gunfu
Was it worth playing 10 HotS games to get this skin?
Why does Sup Forums love this guy
Completely abhorrent OST
Worst OST
If you haven't played every game in the series and every spin-off then don't even think about posting in my thread
Completely abhorrent OST
What is the appeal of persona
SJWs have ruined our hobby. Fuck you NEOGAF
9 mins of "Hey! Pikmin" footage
Why is Swadia so utter shit?
When was the last time you actually played a video game, let alone beat one?
Are you ready to go on a brand new adventure, Sup Forums?
*arrests you*
Why can't westerns design cute women?
People seriously think weebshit will be GOTY
How come scorpion characters are always superior to their spider counterparts?
Did it save the game?
ITT Vidya Smiles that must be protected from negativity
Don't hate me because your not me
Injustice 2
Take about Switches first year
Why is Hitler such a common enemy in video games, more than any historical figure...
Is there any reason why Persona won't ever come to Switch? No shitposting allowed
Are fight sticks a meme?
I'm trying to finish my persona music collection. i can't find the p3p portable soundtrack and a few others...
Already forgotten
G'day, Sup Forums. You were just given the job of creating the next Overwatch hero...
So can we all agree that this was the best game of last gen?
What is the appeal of Makoto Sup Forums?
Is pic related already a low end GPU? Is it going to last until the end of this generation...
Whats next for Zelda?
Why are Nintendo games so much difficult to find and expensive in Latin America?
Injustice 2 first DLC pack: Red Hood, Starfire and Subzero
What was even the point of her slink?
He doesn't buy games unless they're 75% off
This is the only """pc""" game that has good combat
Resident Evil VS Silent Hill
How old is too old for vidya?
Dead Cells from Motion Twin
Aoyama-Itchome this is Aoyama-Itchome
ITT: Universal truths of Final Fantasy Tactics
Why haven't you played the greatest interactive movie of our generation?
Why do modern game designers look so ridiculous Sup Forums?
You will never kiss Siri
I´ve just finished Ghost Trick and it´s from far the best puzzle/graphic adventure game I´ve ever played
Hearthstone Breaks the All-Time Daily Active Players Metric with Journey to Un'Goro
Did you remember to boycott Overwatch, Sup Forums?
I'm highly expecting Bloodborne II this E3
Ready Or Not
I'm getting the itch to grab a 3.60 Vita and I wanted to know
Echoes Will Be The Last Mainline Fire Emblem For 3DS
Video game companies........... they sell you a dream......... they sell you hope. They sell you ambitions unrecognized...
Anime and video games often dont work well together, they usually just dont work at all
Overwatch launched on May 24, 2016...
Is adulthood realising you don't like video games that much anymore and would rather go out and do social stuff...
Do you think we'll get Hyrule Warriors Deluxe for Switch? Is Hyrule Warriors even fun?
Why has Sup Forums become so anti-mishima? He's literally our guy
Why are nip devs the only ones who comprehend good character design
ITT: Video game characters ruined by ugly, unnecessary moles
Did y'all like the game?
It's another fucking Hanzo...
TLOH/Trails Thread
I need some good PSP game recommendations. I just got PPSSPP and I need something to play...
About to play Deus Ex for the first time. Any essential mods/fixes?
What headphones do you use for vidya, Sup Forums?
How do we save the Warhammer 40k universe, Sup Forums?
What's your favorite Rainbow Road?
Which game genre is something you just can't get into, Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
What is the best Grand Theft Auto game?
Hurr durr Valve doesn't make games anymore
What a fucking joke
How can PC compete?
What anime would make great vidya?
Want to play Metal Gear Solid 5
Why isn't there a game showing the bright side of communism?
American level
Breath of the wild thread
Barkley: Shut Up And Jam! Gaiden
What is it Sup Forums?
Outlast 2 child rape scene
This is the most underrated videogame ever made and none of you BASTARDS even knows what it is
I played with long sword and they told me i played easy mode
What's the Sup Forumserdict?
Rocket League Free Weekend
Someone broke into my house today
He hasn't played the best VN ever
Can we have one of these threads?
Dishonored 2
What are the must have DLCs?
What is THE comfiest basebuilder, Sup Forums?
Teleports you in his arms
Do you think it'd be possible for a Vampire: The Masquerade video game about the Sabbat be made...
Aside from Bloodborne, what other PS4 games are worth getting?
Is Zelda BotW the most beatiful, vibrant open world that actually has interactivity?
Well that was pretty depressing
So starbound's devs have announced this Wargroove thing, and it's basically advance wars, but fantasy
Lets get a "relatively old gamer"-thread going
Why does everyone love westaboos, but hate weaboos?
Sup Forums BTFO'D yet again
Which video game character has the best lips?
No pink haired dyke shit
Was he right?
Name a flaw
Let me drop this here real quick
ITT vidya with literally perfect OSTs
Wtf i hate overwatch now
Fit-fat butts in vidya
Hello Sup Forums
This kills the AMDfag
Should there be an english language test required before playing online games?
Uriel and Fury will have some lesbo action in Darksiders 3 right?
It's time to discuss the greatest character driven and ludonarratively consistent RPG
Whats your expectations for The Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell Sup Forums
So I just bought this game on Steam and I can't get a match, there are barely any players
Dark Souls
Beat the PS4, 3DS, AND the Wii at launch
Choose one
Have you switched to the superior voice acting yet, Sup Forums?
How are you enjoying your Switch Sup Forums?
Choose your class
Expected for 10 years
Who is the most annoying character of all time?
Give me one good reason as to why this board shouldn't be deleted
I missed 2 weeks of work to play Persona 5, they've probably fired me by now
Tfw you beat a good game and feel empty on the inside
How is this supposed to work?
Join my usual comp team in Overwatch
Shadow of Mordor is too hard
2009 when video games ended
Game glitches out if the frame rate is too high
You finally unlock the keycard door and this perfection is waiting for you
Fucking Sega/platinum, when the fuck are you announcing this shit for windows...
What went wrong?
Why do we hate Ann again?
So what vidya did you play today?
Favorite alien?
How accurate is this graph, Sup Forums?
What game lets me be a duck
Why is it so hard for other devs to make living world like rockstar does
This is what the creator of Oculus Rift is doing right now
Is this shit ever getting released?
Gamers from the 80's and 90's
What is you're gunfu?
Is this gynosaur right?
Childhood is liking Miku
The eternal steamcuck strikes again
ITT: vidya confessions
Explain to me how this is a bad Star Fox game WITHOUT bringing up Krystal
Find a flaw
Show me yer Ryder
Angry/Rage vidya messages you received
Could an 3D open-world Touhou game be successful in an American market?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...