
I don't get it.
Is the joke that the headset has sweat on it?
How the fuck would a VR headset get sweat on it?

It's a porn game


The last person who wore it sweat on it. There was a damn pink eye epidemic because of VR headsets. Those things get nasty




I can never tell if these are supposed to be ironic or not

You're cute.

Thanks doc.

Oh shit I'm sorry

>owo what's this?



Ghost blowjobs. Its the only answer.


daily dose




Would the cum pass ?

At least she won't have to go through ghost pregnancy, with a ghost birth with no ghost doctor or ghost anaesthetics, ending up with a ghost baby that is perpetually stuck as a crying, unsleeping, helpless 1day old who is always hungry and cold, but can never be comforted.

I need some Sonic Totem memes

Can anyone deliver?

No she'll just have a phantom pregnancy

that was beautiful


Imagine being a horny ghost.
There must be no greater hell on earth.

I feel her pain

and I'm a solid being

>tfw you astral project into ur brothers room but you pass right through his dick

whats even the point of astral projection

I like how far you've through this through.





i can relate

I-is that him?


But back in the stone age

post more, the flesh mall is fucking great

Why would they draw them with dead eyes if this is THEIR fantasy.


>there is someone out there in the world that jacks it to mighty beanz

It's a bad sign when you see something like this and imagine he's going to wear them like slippers at first.



rotate REmake 90 degrees clockwise and it would be perfect


someone got better version of this?

>teach you some tolerance - or else!
That's not very tolerant

>not "never should have come here"

Honestly, I've seen worse. Nothing worse than the content it creates, I just mean as a tranny.



But he is Fire type not Dragon type.


>should have

Do your part. Bin the Finn

Actually lol'd

The artist is realistic about how it looks to others. I appreciate that.

jesus christ that vag is gross


>nigger male

Hold up. I started watching Tsugumomo and know the manga is basically hentai lite. Is this an actual page from it?


You should already know it.

Despite what you think they aren't horribly mutated but people in suits!
Yes I was surprised too when I learned about it

Do brits actually say "should of?"
Holy fucking hell, how do you not know how to speak your own language?

So ? Mr Skyrim can kill fire creatures too.

>cant handle a real hairy vag
>weeb picture

could you be anymore of a nu-male?

Google glasses are more on the right track than VR goggles.




the meme is "should of" thank u

After the magazine where it is published changed the author went wild. He even says in interviews that when he makes a new female character he wants to draw her naked right away.

they are villains, not heroes.


>stand at the forefront of VR
>even get john fucking carmack to help with your project
>hype everyone with an actually good vr headset, champion game support above the competition
>get bought out by facebook for a fraction of the value of the company, inciting a pr disaster
>now a literally who in the vr scene while sony and HTC wipe their ass with $100 bills

Is Oculus the biggest group of dumbfucks to ever grace vidya?


so much for the tolerant left

Now some one post Gimli pledging his axe in aid of the fellowship.

Oh no this image again

>Made Cap a nazi
>Now this

Are Marvel /ourguys/?

>standing in a virtual forest

Why not just go in a real forest


>not cuckodemon.jpg

>People unironically think left is better

A comfy person is a happy person.

Someone give me the rundown on this nazi loli.


They are pretty dumb.

>JOHN "How i delet hard drive" FUCKING CARMACK



Sit down. Let's talk about that funnyjunk filename

Why not use a .gif for that?

>Someone is going to call you a pussy for saying this
>Someone who hasn't ever been outside
>Someone who doesn't know the truest hell of camping outside in a mosquito infested area

Yotsuba when?

>[Actual fps shown]

scarves are hot

just saiyan