
>has a rocking body

>mediocre at best
>gook shit skin
>poop hair
>easily mistaken for a boy

Why the fuck Makoto is more popular than Ann?

You have no taste if you think white women are attractive

>personality of a basic bitch
>no ass

>child bearing hips
>more story relevance than Ann, who basically stops existing after Kamoshida's arc ends

You have no taste if you think women are attractive

Ann has a more masculine body than makoto though

Sup Forums has no taste.

This won't do.

They are both wonderful in their own way.

If potter-kun wasn't a cuck he would take all of them

Ass and hips are all i need

Her hair annoys the fuck out of me

>easily mistaken for a boy



Hope crimson at least has scene where she changes her hair.

It's flat though.


Ann is so fucking dumb

These characters both have the exact same body and fucked up proportions. If in doubt, pigtails always wins though.

Better character development, not everything is about looks you dolt.

They literally look the exact same apart from clothes,hair and eye colourr

It's toned and fit

>socially capable
>has regular moments of refreshing competence

>socially inept
>has regular moments of utter retardation

Which is worse?

Ann has bigger eyes and bigger nose.

>These characters both have the exact same body and fucked up proportions.

They are actually tallest of all the girls

So it's hard and flat.

Terrible taste like usual for Sup Forums. Futaba and Yusuke have more character than Makoto yet both don't get the same attention.

Good that you acknowledge the shortcomings of your choice at least.

>easily mistaken by a boy

That answers your question op.

>lala-chan beating sae

They're both shit.

I don7t hate Ann, but she's one of the most boring main character
I don't even remember how her slink was like

I seriously dont get whats so attractive about Makoto shes bland as fuck


These bitches be tiny.

Why does she look like that in combat but in the real world and cutscenes she has super thin legs and small waist? Also why do people draw her so well endowed when she is pretty modest in the real world and anime cutscenes too.

Personally I like super thin girls with perky tits.

>Sup Forums has contrarian taste
Color me surprised.

>has a great smile
>loves breakfast good
>always dresses for success

Why is makoto more popular than akechi?

>actually gets in the car
>almost gets the whole team killed, twice
>mixed up with the mafia
>literally a sex slave

How can you stand this idiot? The best think Makato can do is stay out of the way.

Honestly if you didnt pick either Futaba or Kawakami on your first playthrough you have worse than shit taste and shouldn't reproduce.

Goro is best boy

Shame him being evil literally comes from nowhere

>Ann is 5' 6"
>towers over Ryuji and matches the protagonist

Is everyone a manlet?

goth > tomboy > splatoon hacker > fancy one > hippie > teacher > evil looking student > pigtails

>a neet or a prostitute
Hump um, dump um

No reason to stick around with a girl who can't function as an independent person.

I wish Makoto was a rough-and-tumble tomboy with hidden moe side, but a total badass in battle. Like her all-out attack art and theif costume suggest.

Her design is so wasted.


Well most of them are teenagers. Kawakami is tiny though.

>has a rocking body

Any personality besides the autistic robot that we got would be preferable.

Autistic robots can be fine. See Aegis.
Makoto is just a self-important social retard.

they are japanese

protag 5'8
Ryuji 5'6
Yusuke 6'0
ann 5'4
makoto 5'3
futaba 4'7
haru 5'0
shiho 5'7

>Only good at the endgame
>Still sucks against everything that isn't a boss

>Good all the time after she joins
>Gets even better when she gets marakukaja

Because Makoto does ass to mouth

MC is much taller than Ann.

Because Sup Forums is filled with hipster faggots

>child bearing hips
I want this meme to end

>Ryuji is shorter than Shiho

What's hipster about preferring Makoto?

Then why are you posting on an American website shitskin?

Sup Forums's taste is utter shit

Hifumi is the worst girl in the game.

Anyone named Hifumi is always a shitter, every single time. Just like anybody named Makoto is always based.

it's a japanese website you fatty

Hating on main girl(Ann) is hipster

Ann is good throughout the whole game because of Tarunda and status ailments.

Umm guys?

Haru is too low, but at least Makoto is in the right place.

Exquisite taste

>Look at them squabbling over our little Inmate.
>We should tell them there's no conjugal visits.
>Let 'em squirm for a bit. It's almost funny.

are you surprised?

Haru is best girl, though. Ann and Makoto are good girls in their own unique way and you should love and cherish them as they deserve to.


You'll have to find a way to genocide mammals then

Does she only have big hips when she's queen or something?

>copy of a Japanese imageboard
>founded by a weeaboo for the purpose of discussing anime
>currently owned by a Japanese businessman
>boards with a greater focus on Western interests (Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums) are consistently the most cancerous

Really activates those almonds

She has p nice hips and midriff in her bikini outfit too

Is Yusuke our guy?

Where can I stock up on Takemi pics boys?
Here's one I've got, I'm sure a lot of you do as well.


Do you see everyone speaking Japanese here? Are these servers hosted in Japan? Kill yourself you fucking weeb.


Because I live in America and you can't do shit about it.


Funny how Sup Forums defends white women despite them being the reason why the modern world is terrible

Yeah, that's why we all speak english here.

>3/4th Japanese

>not wanting to marry and spend the rest of your natural born life with Makoto

Is this something I shouldn't look up?

What is with people's obsession with Makoto?

Oh, hello.

>Fucks black men for free
Makes me think

No you're just blind.

why are annfags soo bootyblasted?


more like """""honorary""""" aryan

>Sup Forums
>spouts memes like a fucking ape
Makes me think

no one brought up Sup Forums retard

Ann doesn't even have butt dimples!

She's the team cheer leader
She's really nice especially when you consider how bitchy first girl team mates usually are in these games

Who else would be stupid enough to defend white whores?


> a game where I'm actually taller than all the girls

Literally made for me

Not chuuni enough.