Creepy Parts of Old Games

Pic related - its always bothered me

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I never felt bothered by any of these.

You guys are pussies.

Deus Ex?

homer eating a corndog made from his son's deep-fried face

That one intro to some old game where the old man gets dragged underneath the ground by skeletons

I remember the scene but cant place the game.


Mario shifts his eyes at you after a few seconds.

All the old Simpsons games have that weird vibe where you can tell the people who made them weren't familiar with the show and making something that fitted their imagination of it, not the reality.

Maybe its just because I'm a big fan, but its always seemed strange.

I think you should be on /x/ bragging how not scary any thing is

Almost all of the ruins are spoopy.


Idk why


Why did Peach flood an entire city and imprison it into a painting?


More like Mushroom Kingdom archaeologists discovered Atlantis and took parts of it back for display at her castle.

He isn't particularly creepy but the way he moved and the whole jump offscreen and come crashing down kind of creeped me out back then.

Big building at the back reminds me of the Hagia Sophia.

bowser created those worlds

Is that Ecco the dolphin?

What is even creepy about it? How is it any creepier than the goalposts? Or the keys?

It is


>God is an actual bipedal turtle-dragon
>The Serpent in the Bible was Bowser trying to reach out to his creations and enlighten us

It's funny this image comes up a lot in these threads but that image is altered and not even the whole of it. That's the games last boss and the last stage is called 'The machine' and it's the protagonist dolphin assaulting an ancient alien underground spaceship filled to the brim with geigeresque monsters at every run in a long and brutal autoscroller stage that has instant kills everywhere and you have to restart from the beginning when you inevitably die. The last boss,if I remember the 90s correctly, also had shit tons of the smaller aliens trying to swam you and guns firing at you from every direction. It was fookin nuts how a game marketed like some Sara Lee elementary girls trapped keeper got FUCKING real quick

>Nintendo: we need a placeholder image for the skybox

Not that part, but in Indiana Bart, that shit was so difficult it annoyed and scared the fuck out f me.

Is this Ded Bort?

>The last boss,if I remember the 90s correctly, also had shit tons of the smaller aliens trying to swam you and guns firing at you from every direction.

It did. It was also really hard from what i recall.

Actually most of the characterizations in video games were demanded by Matt Groening himself, who believed that if he couldn't have unchallenged rights to his characters' likenesses or dialogue, would at least make sure he alone could write them with their canon personalities and motivations. And he HATES video games, to boot.


>Can't preemptively shoot it from a distance until it "spawns"

the orb from the old battle ship from mario 3?

we got our selves a badass here


Fucking bullfrog.

Zero was unnerving. Earthbound had its creepy parts, but the first game left an impression on me in its entirety. I can't explain why.

The low hanging fruit.



Kill it with eggs.

this is for vidya creepypastas what Wily Stage 1 is for megaman music

this fucking shit

the queen can eat you, in the genesis version i think you could escape, but in the sega cd verson that was an insta killthe fucking screen turns red when it happens for fuck's sake
also the cd version had a completed version of The Machine stage

some of the bubsy enemies creeped me out

>All the old Simpsons games have that weird vibe where you can tell the people who made them weren't familiar with the show and making something that fitted their imagination of it, not the reality.
Are you kidding? Homer eating the corndog Bart would have fit in perfectly with a Treehouse of Horror episode.


You're an old timer, huh?

Ecco was too spooky and weird for me. Thank God for Ecco Jr.

why is this scary? were you a precum baby?

>You're an old timer, huh?
What makes you say that?

>why is a father casually eating his dead son scary

are you serious?

this scene

so how do we get out of these paintings


I know this is a troll image but that doesn't make any sense, the world could have been created in the image of Caseres


Collect one of the stars obviously duh

>Ecco was too spooky and weird for me.
But user, whatever could be spooky about a nice, pleasant game about a cute dolphin playing with his friends in the ocean?

I can still hear the sound.

You don't wanna be in the way when my laser goes off.

Seriously, what the fuck was this?

The only thing I found scary about that was the fact I was too stupid to figure out not to use the wall to get to the top of the ladder.

I would die there a lot until I saw how to do it in Nintendo Power, I beat that stupid game when I was 8 in 1989.

the star power

how could bowser know what caseres looks like? thats implying that he already lives in the real world, he doenst.

prove it


This game scared the dog shit out of me when I was a kid, especially the endgame.

My 8 year old ass thought this would be a comfy little game where you do fun stuff as a dolphin, but my attitude changed quickly by the time I started getting mauled to death by the giant octopus. I never did get past that part.

My dad picked up where I left off and got a few levels ahead of me, eventually looking up the password for the last few levels in the machine. Just watching him play it terrified me. The aliens gave me nightmares for weeks. When he beat the game I thought he was some kind of superhero.

Good times.

Seriously though fuck Ecco for ruining my expectations.

This track right here from the sequel:


For what purpose?


So you're saying there was an eighth Koopaling that died.

Because its so lifeless.

Shinobi III is so fucking cool.

It's not haunted if there are no ghosts dumbass

Random filler boss to pad out the game.

>what kind of music do you want for you game?
>batshit insane


I can't quite put my finger on it.

Mother 2 was the odd one out. Mother 1 despite some moments or backstory is a surprisingly comfy game near the end and Mother 3 gets funnier past Osohe Castle.

I can't seem to play Earthbound/Mother 2 on some parts without a buffer. Some of the human encounters in particular, Threed is mostly okay until the Boogie Tent and I don't much care for the giant mole enemies. Then pretty much everything in Fourside EXCEPT Moonside is fucked up.

Once you leave civilization and Poo's Mu training, things let up a little (visually) but then you have very little left at that point once the journey does.

I felt bothered because that part in Super Mario World is surrounded by a bunch of spike ball monsters that can kill me.

>that time where fox fights a slot machine in a creepy universe.

This part reminded me of Yume Nikki for some reason.

Also kind of cheating because Castlevania is all about spooks.


This part creeped me out when I first played
Wasn't expecting blood in a MMX game

Probably because of the incredibly repetitive bgm.

That rooms exists because all the developers wanted to throw in some arbitrary crap for no reason and the game designer said yes to all of it.
I saw a making of and SOTN is basically stone soup the video game

is this a mf dark souls reference!?!?

luigi also swings his dick out if you stay on the title screen for 20 mins

what the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


This motherfucker scared the shit out of six year old me.

Basically everything about this entire game
Even the christmas spinoff scared me

Yeah, and the game had the whole atmosphere of lonelyness RIGHT from the get go.

If you pay attention to the story, which I had no flippin idea what was going on as a kid, theres ancient ruins diving to aquire the magical time key to let you travelback to when your pod got sucked up and getting sucked up with them and assaulting an alien spacecraft as it flys through space.

Game is fucking bonkners.

The beta is better

>those flash video parodies like Ace Attorney and Mortal Kombat
