If you boycott then they have no reason to continue this series and Valkyria Chronicles 4 never ever
Fuck you Chronicles fags I'm excited for this
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Yes they do, they know people didn't want this and they made the MGS Survive/Federation Force of Valkyria Chronicles.
t. hasn't played it
it's irrefutable shit
action rpg in the Valkyria universe is always welcome.
That's like saying that you HAVE to support shit like Federation Force if you want the Metroid series to continue.
nah stop with this shit
Federation Force was developed by a nobody company and the game is a gimmick because they wanted to be a gimmick
Valkyria Revolution is based entirely on the series and developed by the same folks of Chronicles II and III
>Valkyria Revolution is based entirely on the series and developed by the same folks of Chronicles II and III
No it isn't. You would know that if you knew anything about the game.
Seems like the localization expecting low sales considering it's not full price.
Its the same team from Chronicles III
And Federation Force was from NLG who did Luigi Mansion 3DS, Punch Out Wii etc.
So neither are nobodies
people are behaving like cultists. They are disliking because they didn't give another Chronicles not because the game suck
Look at the comment section
>Chad Daddy7 months ago
>Remember when this series was about managing your team and making sure as many of your men came out of the battle alive by being a competent commander?
>MrManBuzz7 months ago
>Only Sega would manage to be able to turn one of the most interesting and unique series they've created in the last two decades into a fucking generic JRPG with swords and magic. Why Sega? WHY?
>Barstool Blues4 months ago
>This looks awful. It's like Sega has gone out of their way to give us fans the OPPOSITE of what we want the last dozen years or so.
It's fucking embarassing.
looks pretty interesting desu like a smash up between god eater and tales
I know its out in nip land but can you redpill me on Azure Revolution?
>If you boycott then they have no reason to continue this series and Valkyria Chronicles 4 never ever
This is the worst excuse. I'm not gonna buy it so that they "maybe" make a VC 4.
Why is an action RPG bad? It's helping boost the series, talk to the average PC/PS4 owner they don't even know about Chronicles.
PLUS the combat looks very interesting a mix of arpg and turn-based.
I'm talking about other forms of boycott: mass dislikes, lying about the game, spreading cancer about the devs and Sega, etc.
>talk to the average PC/PS4 owner they don't even know about Chronicles.
That's because Japs don't spend a lot of money on marketing. I doubt by making it an ARPG will make it more popular.
Don't care. I've survived this long without more Valkyria Chronicles, I'll survive longer still. Buying shit you don't like to maybe have the chance to get the shit you do is a sucker's game. Has that mentality literally ever born fruit in videogames? Has supporting, not even a crappy game but simply a game that's drastically different from the one you want, ever resulted in you getting the game you want later?
there are 60 million PS4 owners and a solid Vita base in North America.
No, it most definitely isn't.
Play the demo it's fucking awful.
Because it's not an ARPG, it's like a really fucking terrible musou game.
It's like the DmC situation where the only way puplisher can win is by not have any connection to the it's other series.
You can't fault the fans for wanting a new VC game. We were denied VC 3 which was apparently the best gameplay wise because VC2 didn't sell well on the most pirated handheld console
I can't accept the idea of comparing to DmC or Federation Force because it's the same devs of II and III
Sup Forums used to say II was the best thing in the world.
And? Go on user, I'm waiting for you to explicitly say that dumb fucking thought I know you're having.
So? That means nothing, man. Most of the people who owns a PS4 play the most mainstream game possible or their yearly iteration of sports games. Also what does the Vita has to do with anything?
Although VC on PC sold almost a million so there might be hope if they port it
>No, it most definitely isn't.
Takeshi Ozawa was director on VC II&III and is also on this. Same with the art director, then there is also Media.Vision who did III
It is actually more or less the same staff of Shining Blade, Ark and Resonance as well.
II was developed in-house at Sega so its not the same staff.
The idea of not porting to PS3 the II game is also due to low sales of VC.
At the time more PSP owners were willing to buy VCII.
In Japan.
Explain why the gameplay and especially the art is abysmal then.
Completely different teams, even the music is dogshit.
But that's in Japan. Everywhere else had a CFW PSP. It was a dread for the devs to release it on that thing because they knew few would actually buy it
Has Media.Vision even done an ARPG before this? I could see that going very poorly.
Same story with Federation Force and countless other games/devs
Sometimes developers aren't consistent with making things you like.
The art and music is fine. Taking that and making a BLiTZ battle system would be fine by me.
Implying piracy was the cause for the series downfall. If anything piracy HELPED sales.
Nigger please this doesn't even qualify as bait.
Shining Resonance was their first which this game is based off.
Sega was a different publisher back then however, and only companies like Atlus USA, NIS etc. were still releasing PSP games.
If Sega did not buy Atlus USA, who knows if we would ever actually get this game
VC III is fun as fuck. It's only problem are the reused maps, but aside from that it's easily the best. I will never understand why the promotional art has so many swords and hammers though, most of the cast has a gun.
>Sup Forums used to say II was the best thing in the world
Really? Huh, I've only seen Sup Forums shit on it hard.
I think piracy and lack of market/ps3 port killed II
I've tended to see people compare the second's gameplay favorably to the first once the real serious discussion kicks off, but it's not a universal thing. Mostly arguing about scouts, I think. Then people argue about II and III. There's various veins of complaining about animu bullshit, since the second is full of high school nonsense and the third goes full weeb edge.
60 million PS4 owners sure, but how many are dedicated JRPG fans and how many are Normies?
Remember that the PS4 has a huge normie following right now since Sony has been trying to rake in the normie crowd.
The average hysterical anti-Sega user
The only good VC was the first one, then they ruined by trying to ride the coattails of Persona 4 and gave it a high school setting and making them handheld only, so no, I don't really care if we get a new one or not
Dunno, many of PlayStation blog seems excited about it
Tales of sells a lot. If Valkyria Revolution has portuguese/spanish subtitles it will good in Mexico/South America like Tales does.
Honestly, as much as I love VC1, when it comes to gameplay it is an unbalanced mess. VC2 is as well but slightly less so as long as you know which classes to use.
VC3 is incredibly polished and takes the good parts of VC2 while ditching the problems that VC2 brought in.
Phantasy Star is the only case where changing the genre went well
Strong/good looking protagonist, great artstyle, action, anime, orchestra ost.... It could sell a lot.
I don't get the hate. I played and bought all the VCs on PS3 and PSP and they're all unique in their own way. When this was announced we already knew it was not going to be like the VCs we played before.
>7 months ago
>4 months ago
Kek. If they didn't do the port there would probably be less haters right now. This is PTDE laughable tier.
Sup Forums has become so shit that I legit can't tell if this is bait or not
>I hate the fact they are not giving me VC4
What's wrong with the combat, protagonist, artstyle?
VC 2 had better gameplay then one. Also, it's not like VC 1 wasn't filled with anime tropes in a WW2 game.
>What's wrong with the combat
If you can't tell by the gameplay or the demo, I don't know what to tell you
Again, another Valkyria Revolution thread with obsessed tactical rpg fags that can't accept a spin-off
No criticism, no valid points against the combat and art you are only acting like cultists.
Have you played the demo?
I wish they release Valkyria Revolution 2 before VC4 so you fags move to another series.
Aren't they selling the collector's edition for only like $40 or something? I might pick it up since that's pretty cheap.
As for the game itself, I'll just treat it like the spinoff it is. I enjoyed 1 and what little I played of 3, but I wouldn't call myself a huge fan of the series so I don't care about them ruining. I'll just pretend it's actually a Shining game since Shining Resonance never got localized.
You played the demo and thought the combat was good and not a boring slog that is neither VC nor musou and consists of tilting your analog into a direction and pressing a single button? Have you played any other videogames in your life or just this one?
>SEGA knows that otaku and weeb audiences have no standards and just want something anime to play
>this is born
How can your standards be this low?
1) I like some musous like Dragon Quest Heroes
2) revolution is an action rpg it's not even close to DQH
3) Fuck off obsessed valkyria fag
4) move to another series.
>Tales of sells a lot
No it doesn't.
>1) I like some musous like Dragon Quest Heroes
That doesn't surprise me in the slightest, DQH was garbage
>2) revolution is an action rpg
I mean, if you remove the RPG aspect and turn the action into single button presses, it's an action RPG
He's just shitposting.
Or he's a paid shill seeing as it's coming out soon.
The game was release in Japan months ago and it is fucking horrible.
I liked 1 but the game was way too easy to break and the story and characters weren't very good. The hired soldiers were way more interesting than the main cast. The villains were pretty fucking stupid too.
How are 2 and 3?
first week the game almost reached 300k units only on PS4
Go back to your neogaf thread.
>I am the superior video gamer
>b-but EDF and Musou is too simplistic to me
>Born different.
are you the ac fag? You talk like him
>first week the game almost reached 300k units only on PS4
Gameplay gets better, maybe even progressively, but the story and characters sure don't.
I was talking about Tales of Berseria you autist
Don't you have a neogaf thread this time in the morning?
>Valkyria Revolution debuts as worst selling entry in franchise history
>first week the game almost reached 300k units only on PS4
Why are you lying?
27. [PS4] Tales of Berseria (Bandai Namco Games) {2016.08.18} (¥8.200) – 215.254
Barely broke 200k at the end of 2016
Riela is best Valkyria.
VC3 is superior to the first game. From the gameplay, to the characters, to the story. Tons of content too.
If you enjoyed the first game then you should give 3 a try.
my mistake I used statistics from both PS3/PS4
289,042 units PS3+PS4 in 15 days is impressive.
That's wrong, though. Famitsu report states 200k-ish sales on PS4 physical and like 20K digital, that's for the end of the year, too
Curiously, 170k of those sales were in the first week. The game dropped like a fucking rock after that
>is impressive.
but it isn't.
I like it.
I haven't played the previous games, maybe that's why.
If this comes to PC I'll eat that shit up.
of course it is. You are desperate trying to downplay Tales of.
Combine 340k(updated january 2017) in japan + 122k in first week of western release you almost get 500k. Sadly it sold poor on steam (about 85k units).
>pretending to like this stinking turd just to be contrarian
Here's the final boss
500k still isn't a lot you autistic retard and nothing about these figures is impressive.
music is 10/10
So, this boss is just someone possessed by a Valkyria or something? Is it implied that the spirit is Selvaria or just some rando?
degenerate fag plz go back to Sup Forums
I hope it's good but
>Cringe spirit bomb moment with shitty jap singing
>Hilariously huge tits
There's no way my boy Raita signed off on this shit
>Hilariously huge tits
>no way Raita signed off on this shit
Also, have you seen some of the stuff he's made himself? Cringe spirit bomb and shitty singing doesn't sound too far. I suppose the lack of sex and impregnation stuff with skeletal bananas does distance it somewhat.
>this franchise went from ww dieselpunk with a tinge of anime to full blown third rate anime cliches
hurts just a little
Raita is a man of taste, only creating TORPEDO tits rather than disgusting FAT shitbag tits. You would do well to distance yourself from the latter.
How the fuck does the scout rifle do that much damage?
>Cast looks relatively normal and elegantly dressed
>MC looks like a deranged hobo edgelord with a ton of belts
> only creating TORPEDO tits rather than disgusting FAT shitbag tits
bad news user
We know: combat is not perfect, etc but don't need to lie about mc looks.
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Valkyria Chronicles 2
>Valkyria Chronicles 3
>Valkyria Revolution
gonna be shit
Remind me why people care about this series again?
>It's helping boost the series
On which universe is this game going to sell well? This shit is going to bomb everywhere.
Fucking hell that is embarrassing numbers and now I cant wait for this shit to bomb in the west
I don't see you point in linking this video OP, he he makes decent points
>>Valkyria Chronicles 3
The only bad thing about it was small maps.
VC3 remastered on ps4 when?
>buying literal garbage
whatever you want to do with your money just dont expect best girl to appear in game
t. hasn't played it
It fixed everything about VC2.
Some of the concepts thrown around in the story sound interesting. The game itself looks fucking terrible though.
VC3 was better than VC1 for the most part.
I'm not kidding though, look at him.
I do plan on getting the game too, but god damn that the loose trenchcoat and belts.