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Video Games #3761
Video Games
Fantasy, Sci Fi or Science Fantasy?
Just bough this without any knowledge or the tales franchise
Choose your class Sup Forums
How do we bring back the RTS genre?
At first I wasn't that excited, but fuck me, it does look good
Path of Exile
Which Age is best Age?
Ocarina was not the best Zelda
Has vidya ever helped you in real life situations?
Open MSPaint
What alignment are you, Sup Forums?
What went wrong?
Be careful out there!
So it's been established that Sorceresses are really old and or ugly and make themselves looking eternally young and...
Is he the only good gaming Youtuber?
What are some Sup Forums approved streamers?
I'm really dissapointed it's going to be Valenwood
Daily Denuvo Thread
Persona is mainstream now?
How do you create a fun and engaging boss that isnt just a
Dude, let's make hit boxes twice the size of models
So what do we think of quake champions?
So, what's their next move now that they won a wider public?
Spinoff is better than games in the series
No way Joel isn't dying in the sequel
Game has impossible moral decisions
I remember hearing about a game that was described as 'animal crossing meets classic legend of zelda' or something like...
Thinking emoji
Try to look for gameplay of a GAME on youtube
Just started Persona 5
Diablo 4 soon?
"Fun house" my ass, this is the most tedious to explore area in the entire game, worse than blighttown
Steam Avatars
Will Nintendo ever have the balls to make a Mario game set in the future...
Rising Storm 2
Japan BTFO
Now that the dust has settled, what did you think of YL?
This is your hero. you may not like him, but he is
E3 opened to the public
Is Horizon: Zero Dawn really as good as the critics say? Give it to me straight, how is this game...
You are hooked into a matrix cocoon tube with a 600k resolution 60fps video game jacked into your dome allowing you a...
Touhou 16 demo
I have no friends irl
Your top 10 games of all time
Starcraft gold master
If you had the choice to make a WW2 shooter with full and total control, bottomless budget and no engine limitations...
Dank souls
QUICK! Claim your androidfu before anyone else does!
Boss heals himself
What does Sup Forums think of Smite?
Is Demon's Souls the single most influential game of the past decade in terms of both mechanics and aesthetics?
What were soulsfags before souls?
Tfw Illberd was the only XIV who could get the job done
AVGN retarded
What other games let me keep a nice, clean inventory?
Dark souls gameplay
"I'm poor, so I'm entitled to get this game for free! When I become rich I'll pay for it."
Trails/Kiseki Thread
I like games like Terraria, Factorio etc
His new MCN is a student's university project
Who else hyped for the return of all characters we fondly remember since childhood?
Can we have a comfy Breath of the wild thread?
Sup Forums humor thread
How is the PS4 able to output graphics as good as this using 2011 tier hardware? serious answers only
Who would win?
Outlast 2 story theory thread
Just picked up one of these bad boys
Let's have a new thread: Terry and Gonad
TellTale's The Walking Dead
Scorpionfriend when?
Do you like the real Samus?
Injustice 2
Minecraft sorry mode was a complete financial flop
Was fallout 4 really that bad?
Name a more iconic duo
The next Watch Dogs needs to be a prequel starring Clara Lille
P3 Remakes / FeMC
60 FPS
The Sup Forums Summer Cup is a few months away. The roster needs fresh new players
Ok so i am a poor fag i could only hope that a fellow pc gamer on here would be willing to gift me playernknows battle...
SWAT 3 vs SWAT 4
You bought prey, right?
If aliens invaded Earth, what would be the most realistic scenario? XCOM or EDF?
I finally got jewed into trying this for the skin and it's surprisingly good now, anyone else came back to it?
My personal experience with the Nintendo Switch
Should most fighting also have a "Simple" input mode like MvC? Would it help to boost sales?
Is it worth playing this game after beating automata?
With the vita dying, will weeb games go to steam or the switch?
They strike, swiftly, silently, invisible
You groove you lose thread
Leave 2017 to me
Rainy japanese neon city at night level
Is there a game where I can play as a ice fairy virgin Loli?
Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy
How do I ask to get a tattoo like the crazed titan cat without showing a picture of crazy titan cat?
What'cha playing, Sup Forums?
Why does Sup Forums hype up every single new game to be a TORtanic now?
Watch first episode of dear white people
Thoughts on this fuccboi?
He didn't romance everyone except futaba
Be nice to your healers
Give me games!
ITT: RP stories. Have you ever socialized in a videogames user? Tell us
Revolver Ocelot
What are the best romance subplots in vidya?
That girl who was obsessed with kingdom hearts and got pregnant at 17
MK8D Sup Forumseekend
Have a bad game
This is Crash Bandicoot 2, it is the best game in its own series
Why must every area in the game include a poison swamp?
Devil may cry discussion and feel free to also use this as an E3 wishes and realistic hope thread
Where the video games?
What went wrong?
What's a simple yet engaging RPG to introduce a non-gamer to the genre, in your opinion?
Are they dead?
What are some games with fan service?
What are games that simulate life in a fantasy world?
Oh, so nintendo think they slick, huh?
Older LEGO Video Games
How come there were no strong, non-sexualized female characters before The Last of Us?
How do you called your team?
Why are American game developers so fixated on gender and race?
Tekken 7
Railroad or Institute?
Game lets you give the final boss a monologue of your own
Puyo Puyo Tetris
E3 2017
Who is the sexiest male video game character
What went wrong?
Where were you when Sup Forums got completely BTFO'd yet again?
Anons with parents in law enforcement, do you still play games like GTA?
Instead of adding old characters people might be interested in LET'S JUST ADD MORE PEOPLE NO ONE CARES ABOUT
Find a flaw
Lets have a Dragon Quest thread
Anything worth picking up for the Golden Week sale ?
Can I have a quick rundown on the state of Halo?
I'm not the only Togofag, am I? Has Makoto won?
Name a better Zelda girl
Wow, really makes you think
What is the best Warhammer 40K vidya?
That game that you rented as a kid, turned out to be shit and ruined your weekend
Why is Sonic Team so fucking frightened to go back to this style again? Fuck the haters...
Nintendo's E3 2017 Direct
This is Isabelle. The best secretary a mayor could ask for and the BEST Animal Crossing girl
Are there any games like the first Final Fantasy where I can make a wholly unique party?
3x3 thread
Is there a game where I can play as a bed bug?
That thing.. Hand it over. You're Dark Souls III™ The Fire Fades Edition
Did the normie influx in video games start with clamoring for these pure, simple experiences to be recognized as 'art'...
What does Sup Forums think of Duel Links?
Games and music
How did a game developed for a console on 360 level and a handheld become the best looking and most interesting and...
So I haven't upgraded my computer since I first built it many many moons ago (2011). I have an Intel 2500k and a 560ti...
Hey guys why she call herself Orisa?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Who was in the wrong here?
Now that the honeymoon phase is over what is your opinion on BotW...
Does anyone else hate the Dualshock?
Can we have a Miiverse thread to remember the good times?
ITT: moments in vidya that gave you gorilla skin
Who is your favourite TF2 class and why?
What are some games where I can freak out in a Moonage Daydream?
Quistis or Selphie?
Why are elves always the best race in vidya Sup Forums?
ITT: Vaguely spoil the ending of a game and others guess it
FFXV was shit
ITT: Vidya stuff that scared you as a kid
Constantly running random cross promotions that force you to play hots to get them
The Sims Soundtrack: Building Mode 5
New starfy when?
Unless pic related happens Switch will die a quick Dreamcast style death. The Switch NEEDS 3rd party support...
Hi there, I am the protagonist of Persona 5. I went a year without taking a shower. How about you?
Risk of Rain Thread
What did TheBitBlock mean by this?
When's the last time this happened to you?
Dude she's THICC
Who /ann/ here
Why do girls do this?
Find me a more based game
What's your opinion on
Why wasn't Hitler in The New Order?
Futaba is cute CUTE!
Can we get a GBA thread?
Little Nightmares
Why is he so fucking rude?
Do we like Morgana or is he Teddie tier?
Mitsuru is so ugly
Why aren't you playing video games right now?
DAMN. The Lord of Calamity looks like THAT?
Where should the next Fallout game take place?
ITT: games LITERALLY only you played
How do we go from this (PS4, much stronger) to
If you were a game programmer, what kinds of things would you do to fuck with pirates?
Why didn't you buy his latest games, Sup Forums? Look what you've reduced him to?
Invincible backdash
Persona 5
WATCH THOSE Battlefront thread
This piece of trash almost killed the tales of series
Which one Sup Forums?
MK8D Sup Forumseekend
Days Gone
Good open world
Mario Kart 8D Sup Forumseekend
What is the worst thing Nintendo has ever done?
Nyaa link pls
Why do characters in a 16 bit snes game feel more alive than modern games?
Why don't more game feature women with realistic proportions like this one?
What makes a good collect-a-thon?
ITT: games where the dub was better than the original audio
DAMN...Nadine looked like THAT!?
ITT: Pixelate a scene and others guess what it is
Guys, I fucking love this game. Out of all the games I've played in the past three years...
What games allow me to lose my sanity?
Helo its me ur brother i need login info please quickly
If you're out of lives, no matter how far into the game, you go back to Green Hill Zone
Has Sup Forums ever craved a game that doesn't exist?
ITT: Good movie tie ins
ITT we laugh at randy dickford and blunderborn
Why magic is so fucking useless in this game...
I like Banjo Kazooie, pass it on
The Halo franchise changes studios
TF2 overwatch domination lines
Playing through strange journey and just met mastema
Am I the only one who finds Krysta from Nintendo minute incredibly beautiful?
Marvel vs. Capcom
What happened to GOAT licensed games?
Did they intentionally make this skin shit to encourage people to do their HotS challenge bullshit to get the better...
Party members don't get EXP when they die
"the end of dark souls"
ARMS thread
Does Sup Forums prefer ambitious games that falter along the way...
Final Boss appears
The ideal female body for fighting
Squilliam gif
Did You Just Assume My Gender?
EYE Divine Cybermancy
Which anime would you want to see adapted into a video game, Sup Forums?
Will it flop?
I shit this really exist
Which game was this?
Opinions on prey
Mario Kart 8 : What's your main
What went wrong?
So i completed this, i found all the memories...
What went wrong?
Tekken 7 is broken on consoles. Do not buy this game at launch
You must fap to the last video game character you played as
Favorite vidya ships
Is it autistic to take my gaming PC to college?
Why does bioware suck so much at character design? Look at this retarded looking thing. Why does she have the stripe?
"just build a pc bro, you'll save money and get great specs! It's just like lego."
You are all gonna play Iffy's game on your PCs, right Mr Anons?
ITT annoying enemies
ITT: characters who should hook up
Are there any games where optical illusions are an integral part of the gameplay?
Have you funny screamed today, Sup Forums?
ITT: Shit games with great endings
Look at this little girl
What are some games where protagonist dies in the end?
*blocks all paths*
The 9th Gen
Touhou 16
How the FUCK do I get this treasure chest?????
Right. So. Sup Forumsockbusters. For those of you who haven't played before...
Best plot twist in videogames?
Friend mercilessly beats you before you learn the controls
ITT characters you've fapped most to
You did initiate the Age of Dark, right user? I mean you aren't one of those idiots who fear the dark right...
Will this be Persona 6?
SGDQ 2017
Let's fucking settle this one for all
Written by Chris Avellone
ITT: games only you played
How will Bloodborne ever be topped?
Defend Metal Gear Solid 4
Nightly Denuvo Thread
Here is your controller bro
This is just something I want to know, why does the Switch make people so upset?
Inb4 HL3
Who are some characters that should've stayed dead?
Wasn't this supposed to have single player DLC like Ballad of Gay Tony or Lost & The Damned?
"you enjoy the killing."
If Steam shuts down and/or Valve goes out of business then what happens to all the games you bought?
It is normal for a grown man, who is also a policeman to buy and play a 3ds
What vidya will satisfy my itch for urban exploration?
You always pick the reptile race right Sup Forums?
Why are indie games so popular?
Which design is worse in your opinion?
How do you go from this
What games have actual artificial difficulty?
Why has twitch gotten so popular, lads?
What did TheBitBlock mean by this?
The 'mark' starts bleeding again
Three pieces in the triforce
Alright Sup Forums. Can you faggots even name FIVE HUNDRED (500) unique video games before this thread is archived?
I spent years.....YEARS....arguing with sonytards on Sup Forums
Have we gotten to the point where graphical advancements in video games create diminishing returns for the consumer...
Sony Browser based store is buggy
Hey user! We are going to play CoD! What do you think about this? Are you with us? And yes, no shirts allowed :)
Trails/Kiseki thread
Do good single player FPS games exist?
So how are you guys liking bioshock in space?
He's vanished since ReCore came out
Triss or Yen
Are you going to buy Shantae's figure?
Ever Oasis
Normal is too easy
How can i impress *girls* by playing video games?
Ok, Sup Forums the time is up
ITT: Terrible video game shirts that no one would wear in public
When the fuck is Blizzard nerfing these two bitches?
Want to quit vidya and become normal fag
Do you miss them already, Sup Forums?
Why didn't you buy Tsubasa's game?
Doesn't develop games anymore
Yoko Taro is the new Director for Persona 6
WTF this is a girl
What if this ends up getting good reviews?
Why haven't you hacked your vita yet, user?
Now that the dust has settled
He even lied about his height!
Diablo 2
Why do people never finish the games they buy?
Game is impossible to plat
What do you do?
What was Sega thinking when they made her? This is a game for kids! Was her design made on purpose? I think yes
Who should have won the war?
Find a flaw
It's Saturday, anons. What are ya
What does Sup Forums think about Second Life?
Is this game popular just because of it's open world gameplay?
Post your battlestation
Fallout 3 had the most post nuclear war feel of all 3D Fallouts. If you disagree fite me 1v1 irl
Could video games be made for the old target audience again of just your common boy and gamer geeks...
This is your nice robotoobs! Say something maid about her!
Why did they make the Gerudos so big?
Games only you played
Huh, this wasn't as bad as Sup Forums made it out to be
What's your opinion on Capcom's best new IP, Dragon's Dogma?
Sup Forums will unironically defend this
Nier Automata>P5
I'm literally obsessed with her
MPF.UNION-05.77777 says "Pick up that can!"
Which Persona has your favorite cast
What do you expect from the big three at the upcoming E3?
Name 1 (one) game with a better ost than Persona 5
How were you supposed to know how to beat this boss in your first try?
Does anyone on Sup Forums remember soldat?
Already dead in a week
Can anyone on Sup Forums recommend me a FPS with large maps and vehicles like battlefield?
"English" songs in Japanese game
sees ciri sitting at the tavern alone
Is this game commie propaganda?
Is this guy in the wrong industry?
Risk of
ITT: countries that have not made a good game
This is the worst pve game in the series
TellTale's The Walking Dead
What's your favorite quantic dream game?
Game tells you to do something
CEMU 1.7.5
Ready Or Not
His pc hit the shitter again
ITT: weapons and items rendered useless because you get them after beating the hardest boss and theres no new game+
Finally come to the realization that they're truly the greatest devs...
How's your channel coming along v?
Leave Europe to me
Comfy Switch thread
Don't Trust 'Prey' Reviews Today
So... they pretty much resold you the concept of the Wii U but people are OK with it...
Who's your favorite voice actor?
Is he dead? I only see arrows in his shield and no noticeable blood
No good car games where you can customize everything and play a varaiety of game modes online/offline
What are your thoughts on this game?
No One Lives Forever
Why did it take the PS4 1.5 years to get their first good game when the Switch launched with theirs?
What went wrong with video games?
He doesn't physically own a Super Nintendo or a Sega Saturn
Dunkey reviewed FFXV and said it was the best JRPG in a decade
60 years old
Some of you guys are alright. Don't go to the dining lounge tomorrow
PC has no good exclusi-
Entire fucking cast and characters are white
Villain is actually a good guy who fights to ensure the survival of his people against forces that will do anything to...
Black Desert Online - Game of The Yentury
Post animals that would make good video game enemies
He didn't go for the perfect family, with a wife who adores him above anything else and children who look up to him
My brother works for Nintendo and he just showed me the lineup for the new smash bros game, what do you guys think?
What kind of hardware does Sup Forums have?
*blocks your path*
PS Vita Thread
ITT: games that were perfect in every way and then the sequels fucked it up completely
Am I the only one that goes for the short shaven look, on females, in character creators?
No webm thread? let's fix that
You will never avenge Eli
Completely forgettable OST
Is he, dare I say, our guy?
Keeping the Reaper Base
What are some games where you play for a hundred hours and ragequit every time?
Just gonna pirate this fish and bread
Lets settle this once and for all
League of legends(riot games) just banned me permanently
Rip Titanfall 2
Greetings, mortal
Anyone else hit themselves or break things when losing in vidya? I have plenty of times even drew blood
MK8D Sup Forumseekend
Is Josh Thomas the worst Youtuber in existence?
Now that the dust has been settled
How is your game coming along, Sup Forums? You are making a game, right?
What makes a game reddit?
D.M.C.5 : PRE LEAK (E3) EDITION. V6 : Motivated Saturday
Post god tier apps to play
What games allow me to prank others?
FFXIV Stormblood
Is this fun?
Hey user, could you let me in? I heard you don't own Skyrim Special Edition or Fallout 4 on Steam...
ITT Casual Filters
So I really did not expect this game to be good...
It's gonna be shit, isn't it?
Remember when Bethesda killed Prey 2? Why are you supporting this shitty company?
Is there a GTA-like game, or an open world RPG that is realistic?
So, where this game fits in the timeline?
Fire Emblem Heroes
ITT: Why can't videogames have great stories?
What game do you pick up and beat in a sitting sometimes?
He looks fine
SFV hate thread
Which game has the meanest angriest most toxic player base ?
*ruin your party dynamic*
In philosophy
_ ____ __ ____ this cat
Buyer's remorse thread?
Suddenly jap games became mainstream
This is the Back to the Future 2 of video games
Nintendo is for kids
How do we stop degeneracy in games?
Johnny guitar plays
Will you be playing Kiara and Shirou Emiya's game when it gets an English release this summer, Sup Forums?
Just got Dark Souls 3 & Doom for $48
Damn, Tifa looks like THAT?
What's his name?
So this is the power.... of the.... master race
All those sad shits who refuse to play this because they have to use Windows 10
Screenshot thread
Fuck why are we not talking about this? it looks like we got a spiritual successor to SWAT4 lads
One guy achieves real time global illumination, and it has 777 views
Battlegrounds is flavour of the month
Why is this series so obsessed with flatness?
Will Xenoblade 2 even have a chance becoming the new best open world ever?
He doesn't play on hard by default
How do we solve the pedo problem in games...
What's the concencus on shields soulsfags?
Gravity Rush
Darksiders II sold 1,5 million copies - failed
Why yes, I do mod my games
Is this fucking necessary? This is only the first three rows...
What phone games do you play?
Why the fuck is it selling so well!?
Now that the dust has settled
Monster hunter
The Zodiac Age players will be able to use two job classes simultaneously
Why do autists love sonic?
Would you play a videogame set in Peru?
Can we all agree that this is the best outfit in the game?
What is the fidget spinner of vidya?
Tekken 7
Sup Forums is the reason you started hating video games
Now that the dust has settled. Can we all agree it's fucking garbage?
Why can't manlets handle Persona 4?
Just because it's selling well doesn't make it a good system
Worst feeling of betrayal you've ever experienced from a video game?
Most unique JRPG of the past 10 years won't come to the west
I like the english dubs for Persona 3 and 4. Will I enjoy the dub for 5?
If aliens invaded Earth what would be the most realistic scenario, XCOM or EDF?
Puyo Puyo - I can't Sandwich Version
What comes to mind when you see this image Sup Forums?
I unironically enjoy fallout 4
One step closer to Melee HD
Sup Forums shits on game
What does Sup Forums think of The Surge?
Game lets you romance the antagonist
Jetpacks, camos, loot boxes, red dot sites, killstreaks, wall running, zombie player models, clans
Prey is annonced ok -> be happy
They finally create a game featuring a female protagonist like they should have done from the very first game
Persona 5 crimson
I'm itching for a FPS game and was wondering
Hidden Gem thread?
Pc has shit graphi-
Why don't japs like voice acting in their dragon quest games?
What are the best jrpgs to get somebody into the genre?
You lived to see your favorite franchise be turned into normie trash
How can 2017 top be so accurate?
Dark Souls fags, is it worth getting into the lore of Dark Souls at this point in time...
Crash N'Sane Trilogy
I expected nothing and now I am addicted. Why is this game so much fun? Top tier soundtrack to boot
Reminder that MG 1 through MGS 3 was the perfect video game story and that everything past that is not canon...
You refunded Killing Floor 2
Seriously why the FUCK is she so hot?
AVGN spent seven and a half years in special ed school for autistic kids
"Thank you for playing!"
Nioh netcode
Is there a good reason to be hyped up for cyberpunk 2077 besides the fact it's developed by a good studio...
You were born too early
Is having Mark Hamill in your entertainment product now a jump the shark moment?
What are some games that lets me play as a loving family?
What makes some "dark and edgy" versions of characters, like Bass or Warior, so accepted, while other ones...
They asked me how well I understood theoretical physics. I said I had a theoretical degree in new vegas thread
Why is Darkruler so much weaker than Thunder Dragon?
How do we fix the MMO genre? What do you want from your ideal MMO?
Ready for Ever Oasis?
So you say you play Mario Kart 8? Son, let me show you the actually definitive karting game
Persona 5
Name me a better fighting game soundtrack
This is Tae
And the reward goes to Nier Automata
Oh shit user, you leveled up
He uses shields in ARPG's
Best character
Code Vein
PC gaming will save video gam-
E3 Squilliam Gif
How do we save pic related?
In all seriousness, now that everyone's calmed down and everyone is past this whole gay agenda thing...
DICE released BF1 fewer than 7 months ago to massive fanfare
Why is this game so dicksucked on here?
SFV new chara
You have ten seconds to be as autistic as possible about your favorite game
Lets settle this once and for all
Worst "accaimed" trilogy of all time
It's okay for a female teacher to fuck a student but not a male one
Childhood is when you idolize gunboats
What WAS for dinner, Sup Forums?
System Shock 2
Your uber driver has arrived
No, seriously
Dude whip lmao
Completely abhorrent OST
Okay so what was wrong with this game ?
Last jap game you played
Realise I never finish games anymore
Darksiders 3 - Gameplay Reveal
Is Josie best girl WTF?
Dota 2 TI7
Why does v say battlegrounds is flavour of the month?
Honest question here
This triggers the smashlard
Tfw u bought a ps4
True gamers have gaming PC and PS4 (Pro)
Game has gender slider
Why are people so mean in online games?
Is action-rpg Sup Forums's favorite genre?
Grove Steet, home
MK8D Sup Forumseekend
Does the PS1 even have something comparable?
Trails in the Sky: The 3rd
You're in the primal forest and this pickle tail whips your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?
What type of (RPG) player are you, Sup Forums?
Bloodlines Thread
Game ends in a cliffhanger
He bought PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds
Since when did people start giving shit about combat "weight"?
Is Aloy an even better female protagonist than Samus? I believe so
Post god-tier vidya music
Law or Chaos
Switch: Gamecube Virtual Console?
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Stop overclocking
Filename thread
Well fuck this boss
Is it actually good?
Old games on windows 10
Current gen
It should have been better
Is there any specific reason why there are no protagonists with big tits in 2015 - 2016 - 2017 ?
ITT: casual filters
Is this game any good? I've seen some of the gameplay and I'm not sure about it...
Fuck you Chronicles fags I'm excited for this
Game has a feline-themed character
This is Crash Bandicoot 2, the best in the series
PC Gaming Show
GeForce GTX 1080 vs PS4
What does Sup Forums think of the new Quake?
So what have you done for the ruinous powers today?
Persona 5
It's always white male
*Blinds and deafens you*
ITT: Dumb shit you do in real life because of video games
These are the people being paid to review games
Which COD do you like the best?
User get off the computer! Those videogames keep giving it viruses!
How many carts would it have taken to put Final Fantasy 7 on the N64?
Tell me a vidya featuring kot
Only black character in the game
Are you going all digital?
How did this end up getting so big? It wasn't funny, or even close to being funny...
Autistic confirmed. Really shows that Mike is the only reason that channel got anywhere...
Shit character and backstory
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
Sup Forums
Television and Film
Video Games