jetpacks, camos, loot boxes, red dot sites, killstreaks, wall running, zombie player models, clans..
keep the list going
jetpacks, camos, loot boxes, red dot sites, killstreaks, wall running, zombie player models, clans..
keep the list going
Why is everyone pretending like this is some sort of new angle for Call of Duty
Did everyone just forget WAW?
No. It won't be WaW
It's because the last world war 2 game was almost 10 years ago
>nazi salute that transforms into a dab
marketers spamming these threads
Or they know how to market their dead game
BF1942 had them
Some leafs on top of MGs wouldnt be bad
>loot boxes
Please no
Stuka Strike, Recon Plane, Dogs or B17 Bombing could be cool.
>Wall running
>Zombie models
Please no
The only stuff i can see happening are camos, loot boxes (which i'm fine with) and clans (there's nothing wrong with having it).
you forgot dabbing and pink weapons op
>jetpacks, loot boxes, red dot sites, killstreaks, wall running, zombie player models, clans
well, that sucks
thats the thing that disqualifies the game
Get ready for it ;)
dont forget token darkies mixed with whites
we wuz soldja n shiet
>STG44 can be unlocked by leveling up
>STG45 is locked to loot boxes
By camos I mean ridiculous shit. Simple camo is acceptable, but wouldn't be CoD enough
>wall running
0% chance of happening, they're literally marketing the game as:
>muh boots on the ground
>StG46 is microtransactions
STG46 didn't exist.
>STG47 is pre-order bonus
Exactly how low could this franchise fall?
>StG48 is DLC
>StG49 is twitch-gift unique
What weapons would you like to see in game?
>M1 Garand
>M1 Carbine
>Colt M1911
>Colt M1927 Revolver
>Thompson SMG (M1928 or M1)
>M3 Greasegun
>Browning M1917
>Springfield Rifle
>Winchester M1897
>Browning Auto-5
>M2 Flamethrower
>M2 Carbine
>M18 Recoiless Gun
German side
>Gewehr 43
>Walther P38
>Walther PPK
>Fallschirmjägergewehr 42
>Flammenwerfer 35
>SrG50 is season pass-ONLY
>STG50 is a email confirmation gift
Pretty much the same you listed plus some Russian/British weapons as well.
We fucked it
>StG51 for referring a friend
Reminder that Sledgehammer (the company making this game) are using an
"""in-house engine"""
sledgehammer have worked on 2 games in the past, Modern Warfare 3 and Advanced Warfare. for MW3 they used MW3 engine and for IW they used the same engine that activision has used since cod 2, just re-wrote a heap of code.
what's the bet this game shits the bed completely and feels like a re-skin?
I havent added those since those factions are not confirmed yet
StG52 new gun mw2 remastered
all the call of duty games feel like reskins though
already is a re-skin lol its cod
I dunno, if we talk strictly about graphics i thought AW looked great, a big jump from Ghosts at least.
daily reminder that "darkies" weren't in the Armed Forces because YOU whities didn't want them there. Otherwise the U.S Military would be as diverse as it is today.
Uhh...yes? Who's denying it?
OP here,
nice b8
>dead game
>still the best selling IP every year
That literally doesn't matter tho
It was military doctrine to segregate darkies into their own squads.
Denying this history does a disservice to every black soldier that had to be segregated and singled out.
>Wrong. Google first pls. Also, get aids
>BF1942 had them
In one optional expansion pack
And it was themed for test weapons of WWII. Not only did they have jetpacks, but they had stealth bombers, submersible vehicles, jets, essentially a predator missile, and more. All this and it somehow still kinda made sense. All these pickups and vehicles were very limited access too.
Knowing Call of Duty, they'd strap a jetpack on every soldier in a 16-man FFA.
And this is after sales supposedly dropping 50%. Fuck you. With the sole exception of GTAV in 2013, CoD is dominating all the time.
>glorifies war
>says it's an anti war game
I would like to some some whackass French shit and whatnot. Guns that were kept local so their meme status didn't spread.
As much as I appreciate the step back into a more simple time period, every cod has actual pay to win on top of being a game you pay for now.
Even the Cod 4 remake where they promised loot things to be ONLY COSMETIC, they added weapons only obtainable through boxes which btw are all op as fuck
with the sole exception
FUCK, i can see it happen
>b-b-b-b-b-but it wasn't like that that one year!!!!!
In the original context of this discussion, before the retarded OP who greentexts like someone straight out of 9gag started shit, it was said that CoD is a "dead game". This is obviously wrong when even if sales drop 50% it's still the best selling IP of the year when it came out in the LAST MONTH of said year.
>only obtainable through boxes which btw are all op as fuck
Not really, they really feel like re-skins for the most part, except for the shotgun obviously and the M16 still takes the top spot.
BORING!!!! We see these guns in literally every WW2 game.
Why not add some experimental or niche guns:
>Pedersen rifle
>johnson rifle
>Gustloff VG1-5
Theres more that doesn't come to my head immediately.
Wish they would try their hand at making the game more ambitious, maybe add in some experimental Hitler weapons sabotage, taking down a Landkreuzer P. 1000 Ratte, idk anything which takes some level of creativity.
We all know were gonna get a generic run of the mill WW2 game, which wont be too bad if they have competent writers.
Even so they blatantly lie
Dead as in losing player base rapidly. With the exception of last year, you're right. Sorry I'm not a master of the simple greentext
I remember the FG-42 in CoD3, it was the fucking best.
I wish CoD3 wasn't a console exclusive because it was pretty ballsy for a CoD game. You played as the fucking Polish resistance.
The FG42 was also in WaW, I think.
>StG52 is for liking on facebook
You know what i wanna see
a COD taking place during medieval times
cause why the fuck not
jetpacks, camos, loot boxes, red dot sites, killstreaks, wall running, zombie player models, clans..
keep the list going
>wall running
literally who back in those days was athletic enough to even do a fucking backflip. I can excuse jetpacks, since dumbass niggas were trying crazy shit back then, but fuckin' wall running?
just call it squads and be done with it
not a fan but they had tech to radio in drops
>loot boxes
change it to loot corpses
>red dot sites
I'm done. can't apologist this one.
BF1 had red dot sights lol
>niggers can wall run and double jump