>Invincible backdash
>Death by chip
Yet people championed this over V?
I don't get it.
>Invincible backdash
>Death by chip
Yet people championed this over V?
I don't get it.
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More stuff to do and wasnt aimed at fat gay people.
don't forget about Healing Nigger
You're gonna be delusional if you think she's not gonna be in V with healing as her V-Trigger.
>invincible backdash over literally no defensive options
Chip death is in most games.
>Invincible backdash
Which was also in 3S
which was more or less the difference between complete shitter and halfway competent
>Death by chip
which has been a thing in fighting games since SF1
USF4 got put down too soon. Even up to the last major signups were increasing over previous ones, and Capcom decided to kill it in its prime to trot out the next horse.
Yup, miss Healing Nigger who only got mained by about 3 people who all subsequently dropped her when they realized she's still shit tier.
They're both bad games, but SFV is much much worse. They could not have taken the series in a worse direction if they wanted to.
V-Trigger is a good mechanic, though. Much better than Ultras.
What? You had to combo into ultras most of the time with shit scaling. If you fuck up activating V-trigger you are still + and get another dozen or so fucking chances to remove half of your opponents life. It's fucking aids as a comeback mechanic.
t. retard that didn't know how to bait and punish wakeup ultras
Giant roster and an arcade mode
>Invincible backdash
What's so bad about it? Other than some characters like Rose having absurd backdashes
Sacrificing two bars of meter for a gamble, and it's punishable on block in Ultra
>Death by chip
Only retards complain about this. If you don't want to get chipped don't put yourself in the situation to be chipped out.
Death by chip is a good thing tho. Fireballs in V are already trash unless your name is Guile so taking away an aspect of their utility is a bad decision IMO.
dropped her after winning Evo
I miss USF4 Infiltration.
it made excellent adventures more fun to watch
It was such cancer fighting DP characters with DP FADC Ultra combos, Ryu specifically. Want to set up any oki shit? Tough luck, eat this ultra real quick. And it was safe for so fucking long. Hell, it's not even something you can punish super hard for some characters for something that might blow 40-ish% of your health in an otherwise advantageous position.
Yeah, blocking when your opponent has 2 bars is unheard of.
Post your favorite, I need something to watch
the first half of this episode gets me every time
>Season 2 arrives
>Beat Urien's ass the whole match
>Have to watch out because at any point half his normals or an ex.shoulder starts the aegis wild ride
>Get taken for a ride for 40% of my health + a possible reset
How the fuck is that not worse than ultra?
Don't even get my started on Balrog.
Yeah, just giving up offense on knockdown because of a shit mechanic that only benefited a small number of the roster is great and intuitive gameplay.
They spend 2 bars to reset to neutral.
>waaaah i have to think on offense instead of running autopilot trash
There's literally nothing wrong with Balrog.
This desu.
Autopilot is what SFV players call "honest", because you have to take the mix-up and they think baitable reversals are dishonest.
SFV defenders are embarrassing.
Having had a free out or even 40% damage from a knockdown was obnoxious at best, I'm fine with a DP being there but a fucking ultra on top of that and that shit being safe fro so many years can suck my dick. Ultra made it better, and I enjoyed that version except for shit like 1 frame links everywhere and what not, while at the same time having huge leniency for inputs and shit, made the game's design seem a bit all over the place in terms of execution. SFV has a lot of issues and I hope Capcom would learn before they bury the game in stupid shit, but that does not make SFIV and its flaws excusable in any way.
>2 bars
Fuck off already.
Implying bars weren't built left and right, and 2 bars is as close as it gets to free when you get that kind of payoff.
Why is SFV better tho
People get nostalgic over shit games when shitties games come out.
It's faster.