Double SP ends in 3.5 hours. Will we see the new gauntlet tonight, or only after Hero Fest ends?

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After Hero Festival. Maintenance occurs 9PM PST

I just want feathers.

Ultra-anime Mae


Bump. Have some candy for keeping this thread alive

>giant tits
>those legs/thighs

I bet the plate would jiggle too if she was animated.

>hero banner ending soon
>nabbed second Hector to feed to Zephiel
Fuck yeah. Pity I didn't get a third, or my armor team would be the tits.

>tfw going to burn probably 10-15 more stam pots to try and get as much SP as possible on the heroes that I'm training

Feels real good to actually get inherits done in a timely manner for once.

So is it logical to assume next banner will be
Celica - either Sword/Red Tome
Mae - Blue Tome
Saber - Sword
Boey - Green Tome
Genny - Staff

>mfw Nino with 2k SP

Do we know what's in store for version 1.3 of the game?

It'll probably be four, and Celica and Mae might as well be confirmed. Saber might be cool, but we're certainly not in dire need of a sword. I'd like to hope Valbar gets in.

All of these were shown in the livestream a few weeks back but are not confirmed to be coming in this specific patch, though they are likely to be there:
>New arena system with tiers that give out rewards
>End of golden week shit + rewards from omikuji
>New reinforcement mode
>New maps with terrain advantages
>Voting gauntlet begins

>normally don't have an SP problem
>realize ninian is still lacking a lot of skills
>only have 400 sp
>look up how much SP is needed for a good build

I've made a mistake by just now realizing this at the end of double sp.

The reinforcements thing was just the new survive objective that was in Chapter 10. It's not a mode, they were just saying there'd eventually be different win conditions with some involving enemy reinforcements and we got that now.

Autism satiated. Took me 20 minutes of pure rerolling to get some.

And there won't even be a point to finishing it because the stretch goals have already been long completed.

Perhaps reinforcement mode is the wrong name, I meant the new mode that's coming out where Veronica is attacking you and you must defeat her 7 times or something. Each time the difficulty gets higher and you can't use a unit anymore once he falls.



so is Lloyd the last GHB that was announced? will we learn the next 4 in a week or so?

>still haven't rolled any Shannas or Hinatas

>best lord doesn't wind up butchered with bad art, bad skills, or bad voice
>actually winds up with great art, amazing skills, and a good voice

If only the other lords were treated this nice. Eliwood got shafted pretty hard but can be made decent. Roy is just pretty bad.

can someone please edit Nino into this picture instead of Jaffar

Spent another 26$ tonight, ANOTHER SET OF WORTHLESS PULLS 160 orbs no focus or any other 5*

Wait, when does the god banner end? I've been rerolling and getting NOTHING.

oy vey! bad luck goyim! try again, next 20$ will surely be lucky

>Spent another 26$ tonight

Absolute mad man.

Rank 98,208.

19 Hours left.

Don't feel like doing Arena again with what I have right now everyone is Vanilla.

I'm not getting my 500 rank feathers am I.

>tfw rank 4021 with 17 hours left
This might be close

Thanks I didn't have that image, are there more?

I need to run a meme mage team I keep getting screwed in Advanced arena. I'm also just bad since I started like last month.

So who got what they wanted from the banner? I got Hector and Azura yesterday and i feel complete


Actually, just take the pixiv account

Does the Hero Fest banner end tonight or tomorrow night?

Nice thanks.


Why is Ike's banner staying up for almost a week longer than usual?

Because he's the most popular character according to the CYH poll

Does axe breaker stop Armad's innate follow up attack?


>Double SP

Who cares, gimme double HM

>no Ryoma
>no Hector
>only -Spd +Res Azura
Time to save orbs until the next 5% rate banner I guess.

Are healers worth anything or no?

Just did my final pull on the banner with the login bonus just now. -Spd +HP

I'm going to go on gelbooru and masterbate to pictures of her now at least maybe that will make me feel better.

>Gave everyone moonbow and luna
>still have 7 odins and 5 frederick
Fuckin hate this stupid game man


The general consensus is due to Arena being a one shot one kill fest. Healers are great for every other mode, though. I feel like most people just don't bother attempting to use proper healer support.

Give me double feathers. By double, I mean 500x.

>spent my last 20 orbs on Hero Fest
Just gimme Azura, fuck.
At least I got Desperation fodder...

Meanwhile my Nowi still has no special because I don't have any extra moonbows lying around.

wanna trade?

>didn't get Hector or Ryoma
>got a Merric of all things

>only 2k

I regret not grinding to 2k for these guys.



+spd -def Azura,+spd -res 4star Nowi,and a +spd -hp taco are the notable good things I got. I really really wanted a Hector though and having a good sword unit like Ryoma would have been nice though

I just beat a similar team in arena with an Olivia on it. Was that you?

>Final pull on hero fest
>Reinhardt +ATK -SPD

He's 4* but whatever, I'll take it

>tfw got a -atk Hector

>But whatever, lol!!

Sacrifice your doggo to the RNGods and he can be yours too

What's a good C for him? He's +SPD/-RES

You can pretty much use anything, but most people would probably suggest something that buffs a nearby teammate, since you'll want to one shot anything that gets near you. If you feel like he'll be separated from battles a lot, either minus speed or defense.

Depends on your team synergy.

Threaten Atk if you want to activate Heavy Blade 100% of the time
Threaten Def if you want to be stronk
Threaten Spd if you want to double more and get doubled less

Threaten def or hone skills for your other team members. You should put fury on him. He needs that res to survive against nino, julia, or other green mages. And use luna please

I plan on putting him on a team with characters i still don't have so it's best to not think about that right now. He and Mist healing him while my +ATK Merric does extra damage are my team right now
Using aether more sounds good i'll go with that, thanks for the tip
Luna is overkill also the extra healing is always convenient on a unit with no resistence. Fury sounds dangerous, this is not a unit with great defensive abilities so i don't know if the guaranteed damage per turn is a good thing

How's my Hector

>tfw you got Hector and Linde

The same as every other Hector; basic

reminder that Serra is the best girl in all of Fire Emblem and all the other girls are just playing for second place.

What's the fun with all armor team?

Being able to just move one space is fucking annoying as fuck

Basic bitch

>not smiting, repositioning and pivoting all over the place

wtf happened to Zephiel's face

Eliwood is great on a Horse Meme team because he doesn't die immediately when a spell hits, and Durandal hits hard.

This is true. To even be in Lady Serra's presence is more than any mere mortal could ask for

They usually have great synergy thanks to their unique C passives, and have high attack and defense. Also, if you didn't notice, all his units have ranged counters, meaning anything attacking at anytime will be punished thoroughly. With Wary Fighter, they're safe from being doubled, and Vantage lets them get in one last hit before death. Movement assist skills help with the poor mobility. They're just fun to use. But don't put them as your arena defense team, since the AI can be pretty retarded, and probably won't utilize them as well as a human player.

>welcome to the 10th stratum

What's the best special for +Atk / -Res Nowloli?
I see Moonbow a lot on other builds but I've been told by other user that Bonfire is better. One guy told me Reprisal is actually better than both but I'm not sure since I don't see anyone else use it on her.

And what else should I inherit onto her? I'm currently in the process of beefing up my Arena defense team.

Reprisal is probably ideal if you're using Vantage

I just started with Hector and Azura. Should I continue to roll on Hero Fest or is something better coming?

Just downloaded the game.
How do I set up an arena defense team?

Don't you mean animae?

No, that's perfect. They're both amazing units. Don't push your luck


>next banner is Celica
Better have innate vantage 3 or something

Nino lives in that danger zone where a lot of things can just barely one-shot her.

Your Arena defense team consists of the four units in your leftmost slot.

If alm was a red sword Celica will be a red tome with ragnarok

Should I roll for Linde? 6 orbs only

Wait for the mage banner coming soon. She's on it. Also, get much more orbs

>mage banner
Is there a difference between rolling for her on that and her current banner? Other than the opportunity to hoard more orbs

who's rolling for snacki

You could get cucked even if you're sniping blue orbs because of the other focus blue in the banner


Gave into temptation any predictions?

He could also get cucked regardless. The only other blue there I believe is Robin male, no? I'd say it's an even trade off

The boys are in a separate banner

Even better then. Linde fag should definitely wait.