How does it work? Terry suggests something cool, and then Gonad ruins it. Then other anons try to guess what game you're talking about.
For example:
Terry: Hey, why don't we let out players have some input in the design for new collectables for our characters?
Gonad: Sounds fun! Let's give them near free reign with little-to-no quality control such that it completely ruins the coherent art style we paid tons of REAL artists to create!
I'd say Dota 2 but Valve is doing a pretty good job of fucking things up without the communities help.
Jackson Baker
Mason Myers
Robert Phillips
Ding ding ding!
Now another one:
Terry: Let's make an RPG but let's do a twist on the standard battle system.
Gonad: Sounds great! How about we turn it into a bullet hell but make it really fucking small and difficult to predict what any boss's battle will be like?
Lincoln Brooks
Binding of Isaac? I doubt it, but.
Nicholas Garcia
Nope. Think more indie and pretentious.
Adam Kelly
Easy one:
Terry: Let's create a create a camgirl studio where each girl is unique and has a different personality. Gonad: Great idea, but let's make sure there's no sexual content and make the game resemble cookie clicker!
Seriously who the fuck thought that was a good idea.
Thomas Ward
Evan Cook
I'm sorry what? Literally what?
Dylan Sanders
Terry: Let's make a commentary about the nature of choice and violence in video games.
Gonad: Gotcha. Let's be really unique and make sure the most emotional and impactful moment in the game offers no real choice to the player, then blame him for playing our game.
Isaiah Ortiz
I can even forgive walking simulators somewhat but idle "games" are the true cancer.
Christian Morris
Oh! That's Undertale isn't it?
Anthony Sanchez
Grayson Brooks
Spec Ops
Chase Long
You got it!
Andrew Price
I like this thread.
Terry: Well, our last two 3D adventure games haven't lived up to our player-base's expectations, so let's go back to our original 3D adventure design and make it a bit more modern.
Gonad: Cool! While we're at it, let's completely ditch the primary mechanic and design feature that our series is known for and double back on physics puzzles and vehicles!
Tyler James
I'd immediately say Sonic, but I don't know about physics puzzles and vehicles... That makes me think of Banjo, but they weren't failing fan expectations...
Luis Cooper
Sonic 06. The tagline on the back of the box is "This time, Speed won't be enough!"
You don't remember the ball "puzzle" at the end of Silver's one desert temple level?
Connor King
Oooooh fuck, you're right. I was thinking of Sonic Boom, but Sonic 06 makes way more sense.
Justin Brown
Is it bad that I have no fond or repulsive memories of playing 06 either way? Back in middle school I must have had more patience for bad games than I do now.
Logan Cox
Undertale Huniepop Just play an eroge VN if you wanna fap or play Rance if you like playing that much >vehicles Banjo Kazooie
David Diaz
Terry: Hey, why don't we make a game using a cult IP with a dedicated fanbase and prove that we have the chops to pull it off with an impressive looking stage(d) demo?
Gonad: Sounds great! Let's make sure to outsource everything to shovelware studios while allocating those funds to make a sequel to our IP instead. Also make sure the writer is a literal cuck who memes a lot.
Kevin Thomas
Terry: Hey, we have this classic strategy IP just lying around. We should do something with it, how about a remake?
Gonad: Fantastic! But, you know, strategy games don't sell well in current year. Let's cobble together an FPS instead, fans will love it!
Joshua Price
Grayson Morris
Is that mighty number 9?
Brandon Thompson
Terry suggests that the next Zelda game just have traditional controls and not overuse the Wiimote.
Gonad spills his spaghetti, fucks with the code in secret, and forces Terry to watch 100 hours of Wii Sports Resort until he gives in.
Luke Morales
Alien shit n bordershit
Luke Powell
I'd say XCOM: Bureau but they actually made regular XCOM games and Bureau wasn't that bad at all.
Christian Bell
Terry: I have a great idea to use a well-established IP and create a new game with an entirely new gimmick
Gonad: Sounds like a spin-off to me. Let's go ahead and lump that with another beloved spinoff series despite not using any of the turn-by-turn combat or interesting ability management system that it's known for!
And when the fans get upset, let's compromise by taking the worst elements of both and ruin the series completely!
Dominic Morales
Paper Mario
Wyatt Green
meant for
Aiden Lopez
Too easy.
Terry: A ton of people enjoy this genre of game, let's make our own version full of unique fighting styles and a deep talent tree.
Gonad: That's a great idea. The one thing that needs to be changed though, is linear level designs, only 5 different enemy types, and completely random loot drops.
Still too easy, but it pissed me off.
Jose Morris
Terry: With such a massively popular JRPG, we should make a sequel that follows all the same rules but with a new story line.
Gonad: Actually, I think if we gave the players a dozen different characters to swap in the party, but only use the main 2 for the actual plot, it would be even better. In fact, let's make the main plot require affinity with the main 2 characters that you can only get by having them on your team, making it so that you never really want to swap them out anyway. And that story should be just the side-dish to a massive world that's filled with just the same quests to flex how big we can make world maps! In fact, at this point why even call it the same game! I dunno! It'll sell better probably!
Terry: ...
Dominic White
Terry: Hey, let's create a real followup to our beloved tactical rpg.
Gonad: Ok, but let's lose the strategy, take away the focus on the interesting world and military, and make it a generic tech-fantasy hack n slash! If people complain, we'll just call it a spinoff.
Charles Turner
Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Terry: Hey, why don't we make a game about our show that's exploded in popularity! >Gonad: That's a great idea! I found this fan that's already started on it, how about we hire him and give him a team to make it into a 4-player co-op game that plays like a hybrid of Devil May Cry and Left 4 Dead! >Terry: That's... That's actually amazing, wh- >Gonad: It'll start out with four characters, then we'll add four more characters as paid DLC! Then we can abandon development for a couple of months and come back to add multiple costume packs, also for paid DLC! And then we'll abandon development again! >Terry: There it is.
Ryan Cooper
Really off the wall guess here, but perhaps this is that RWBY game?
Austin Nguyen
Nailed it. That came actually looked so fucking promising, then JewsterTeeth had to get greedy AND lazy. And then they had to ruin the actual show too. I'm still mad. The last gameplay changes they made were in fucking October.
Adrian Carter
"Hey," said Terry, "How about we make a multiple ending scenario that would shake the very foundations of our established universe no matter what choice you pick?"
"Okay," says Gonad, "But let's have absolutely no payoff, ripoff the endings from Deus Ex and make the ending decisions seem utterly meaningless."
Connor Brown
People actually watch RWBY?
Austin Parker
I didn't even realize any of what you said was true. Hiring a fan making the game seems really cool. The DLC I had to google after my initial thoughts were there, and go figure, 4 characters that they said were similar, and then just costume packs. That's really strange.
Mass Effect 3
In weeb culture it's totally big. Because it literally is weeb culture. >west >mimicking east
Jordan Evans
As someone who works in 3D animation, it's fucking hilarious at times. It's like a trainwreck. You just can't look away.
Wyatt Green
It had Waifus, Raifus, and genuinely good fights. Then the lead animator died and the other two most talented animators left. Then they killed off three of the best characters in the show, and made most of the other characters either act out of character, become caricatures of themselves, or reverse all character development. All the new characters with one exception are shit, all the new weapons and Semblances (abilities) are shit (BAD LUCK! CATTLE-PROD! EXTENDO-SABRE!) and the animation in fights is fucking atrocious when it isn't Naruto-tier.
I was so hype for RWBY when I saw the little teasers. The fights were so fucking cool with the weapons. That first fight definitely makes me want to watch, though I know what I have to go through to get to them and I just can't do it. That second fight though... It's just weird.
Gavin Sanders
It's about to be on TV in Japan.
John Ramirez
Nigger the best fights in the show are from the trailers and the first two seasons. Another thing that pisses me off about the new seasons is that the bigger fights had strategy and synergy between the characters, and all that got thrown into the fucking wind in the latter seasons. >tfw possibly the best fight scene Monty ever animated was a fight that had no plot stakes what so ever. >tfw everyone forgets said fight exists for that exact reason.
James Wood
Shane actually animated that one.
Ethan Hernandez
My dream RWBY game would be a mix of JJBA: Eyes of Heaven and Rise of Incarnates.