Why can't manlets handle Persona 4?

Why can't manlets handle Persona 4?

>not manlet


Neither of them are manlets. 5'9" is the average male height.

why does p4's protagonist have a grey bowl cut?

Wait so being 5'11 is a manlet these days?

I see kids 16 and they're 6'2; I blame the growth hormones used on cows that produce milk riddled with growth hormones.

Hence all these fucking tall ass kids and girls having their periods at the tender age of 12.

Also, I put my hair up so I hit 6'0.

Shit is SO cash.

Sup Forums's contrarianism will come to an end soon. Everybody will acknowledge Persona 4 as the best game in the series.

to put his cereal in

Nigger no one cares about your insecurities

There's testosterone and estrogen in the water supply

I have a large T H I C C penis so that puts all of my insecurities to rest, senpai.

They are both tall for Japanese

Is Shadow Yosuke the closest to "evil" of them all?

Your boyfriend's penis doesn't count, friend

I'm kind of confused about certain aspects of character design in the Persona series.

It seems obvious that characters with brown and red hair are dying it, and characters with blond hair are either dying it like Ryuji or naturally blond like the velvet room attendants.

But what I'm unsure of is whether characters with grey hair and blue hair are also dying their hair, or those colours are supposed to just be stylistic interpretations of black hair so characters stand out and appear different.


Fuck off to

so much this^^
thank you board police

Well, Yosuke is the worst person in the group.
Also Shadow Teddie isn't even really Teddie, it's Amenosagiri.

Jojo rules, innit?

that's not a persona thread, it's a /vg/ circlejerk

Brother of Izanami, I am not kidding

Grey hair can be natural in teenagers. I had it. As for blue I think it was more style for MC, in some cutscenes it looks black.

I'm 6'2" or 6'3". I thought I was 6'1" but I just went to the doctor last week and they measured me, got 6'3". I was wearing my work shoes though so maybe that overestimated my height.

Point is once you're over 6 foot you stop caring

Yeah, I suppose that's true
He fucks a lot with Kanji when its made clear Kanji doesn't like it, among other things, he is kind of a cunt in the least