The Halo franchise changes studios

>The Halo franchise changes studios
>by some miracle of the universe they actually manage to improve Cortana's design to near perfection
>Halo 5 is released by this same studio
>they completely fuck up her design and make her look terrible


No more AI tiddies for you mister white male oppressor.


there were massive backlashes surrounding Halo 4 cortana

looks like killzone did win

Is it just me or did they also made her tits smaller

Chief told her to stick those heavy hanging saggers in a bra.

We hiring Mass Effect employees now boys

4's Cortana was the worst WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU ON ABOUT OP

why the fuck does AI have body armour

The one on the right is her physical body. There is an actual reason she has armor in Halo 5.

Wasn't her being naked supposed to be a detail of her personality? Like she preferred that appearance or something? I don't play Halo.

>has painted on metal pieces sticking out
What the fuck

remember when 343 designed cortana in halo 4
and then publicly talked shit about Kojima because of Quiet

Your a pig A PIG

She is a physical being now

no reason for an AI hologram to be naked with saggy tits

2's Cortana was best.

if she had a crush on the Chief, then there's a good reason

Western games getting even more garbage.

Wow Halo went to shit.



Then again, anything past Bungies work doesn't matter in my opinion. 343 are complete fuck ups.

Why did you post this?

We all know if Halsey didn't obliterate chief's emotions he would totally be hitting that AI pussy. She has clearly wanted his D the entire time and he doesn't even acknowledge it, shame.

>on a hologram that can't be physically interacted with

Christ that's stupid.

Don't reply to me.

Stop pretending to be me.

343 wanted to humanize Cortana's design as much as possible due to plot, that's why she got feet.


That was just one fag, not 343 as a whole.

To hide her tits to make it child safe.

This is now a family game.

Companies are just cheap nowadays and do most of their animations with mocap since its less expensive a nd have to base the models on the mocap actors to make it look not terrible.

>TFW Red vs Blue did more interesting stuff with A.I's then Halo did.

Lore reason was it caught people off guard/distracted them so she always had the upper hand in debates.

Because Cortana was directly singled out and accused of being mysoginist and harmful by the typical people, then blammo, you have goofy looking bitch.
Who has to wear armor and has a off looking face now.

I want to fuck that ai

>Halo in the video game Halo of fame
>all mainline Halo titles will be Master Chief focused and he isn't going anywhere anytime soon
>split screen is returning and staying
>all games will have simple stories
>Jeremy Cook is the art director now
>Tom French is the new multiplayer lead
>Brian Reed fired
>new writer
>black undersuits
>4K 60fps

Halo is back baby!

her fucking feet. delicious

we don't need to oversexulize everything in vidya. fan service is appreciated but it comes of distasteful when you change original characters for the sake of the virgin boners. that and trying to add an in depth emotional love interest between chief and her was cringeworthy.

say what you but halo has been starting going downhill since the involvement of 343 which would be reach. Reach was still bungie but had help with 343 do they could show them the ropes before moving to 4. that said reach wasn't COMPLETE trash. Bungie still salvaged some. fuck armor lock though and load outs. Typical nu halo trash.


1 (local)>3(online)>2wouldve been first without>reach broken mods in community> shit>>>>>>>>>>>>>>5

Which one is the terrible one to you?

Why, 343, why did you go full retard?

So you can fuck her now?

I'm not getting tricked again faggot.
You had two chances already and fucked it up both times

Christ that's double stupid.

But she's naked in Halo 5's opening.

>Halo 3 was 10 years ago
>within that time-frame the franchise went from being the biggest thing in gaming save for Mario to "literally fucking who?"

Never would have been able to conceive of this outcome back in 2007...

The franchise began it's decline in 2009

She is gonna rape Chief for sure user

oy gevalt shut it down

cortana really needs a good dicking

>calling me 343
I know you're mad because no one gives a shit about your garbage sequel Jason Jones but you don't have to rant like a faggot on Sup Forums. I'm just exited their putting the main series focus back on where it needs to be, on Master Chief.

>Halo 3 was 10 years ago

Right has a wider chin, thinner lips, eyes are spaced far enough apart she may have downs, and the expression in her eyes is bordering on bioware blank face compared to the rather lively look on the left.

Not even a Halo fan, but that is just piss poor art direction.

2's Cortana was ugly and toe-headed

>I'm not a shill
>I'm a real human honest
Fuck off dumb marketer

>The franchise began it's decline in 2009
Faggots will try to defend this but this is true, thanks ODST and Reach, thanks 343 you all damaged this franchise.

Right looks like some face scan.
At least no floor tits anymore though.

1 > 3 > Reach > ODST >>> 2 >>>>>>>>>>> 4
Haven't played 5 yet.

3 > 2 >>> Reach >>> 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4
Haven't played 5 yet.

1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 5
Haven't played 5 yet but I watched the cutscenes. Both Cortana and 343i went fuuuuuuull retard with her. Completely ruined for no reason. Couldn't be bothered to create a new antagonist no let's just shit all over a beloved character just because we can.

Stop marketing Destiny 2, didn't I tell you to get the fuck out of here Jason Jones? Go suck Sony's dicks somewhere else.

>deflecting this hard

>floor tits
You high my dude?
Have you ever seen a real woman before?

Tell me which is YOUR favorite so I can shit on it too, big guy.

Are are you waiting for the Sup Forums-approved cortana?

>deflecting this hard
Holy shit Jason, die. You guys at Bungie stop making good games a long time ago. Retired and shutdown your studio you hacks.

Yes, just hate sag.
Always been partial to smaller breasts and more athletic builds. Especially when lactating.

I preferred 3 honestly

never was a big fan of the whole "holographic thighhighs" thing


>1 multiplayer that low
>ODST that low
>2 cortana that high

CoD usurping Halo's throne with MW2 back in 2009 was the chief cause

I don't even play these games, I'm only in it for the SFM foot porn.

Seems like your a bit insecure

>holographic thighhighs
y tho.

3 > 1 > 2 > 4 > 5

1 = 2 = 3 > 5 > 4

ODST and Reach were garbage and not worth mentioning.

>Haven't played 5 yet

Don't you'll want to commit suicide afterwards

The gameplay is arguably the best in the franchise but the graphics, story and art design are absolutely Halal

They had to import a bunch of Bungie-era armors just to keep people from leaving

I love the multiplayer in 5 and would be disappointed if they went back to the classic movement system.

2A > CE > 3/Reach/CER > 4 > 2 > 5

>dat 4

Why the fuck are you retards saying she has saggy tits?

Seriously, what the fuck? Have you retards ever even seen a nude woman before?

You might as well put 5's multiplayer and campaign at the very end, as well.

On release, 5's multiplayer was fucking garbage. Only a small handful of gamemodes. They rushed the fuck out of everything and decided to design more gamemodes later. Even then, they were fucking slow.

To put things into perspective: Infection is a fucking simplistic mode, right? It took them OVER 6 MONTHS to create and release it.

>saggy butt
>AI with a saggy butt
No thanks man.

Nope it was ODST, people thought Halo was going on break after Halo 3 the out of nowhere Bungie announces ODST then later priced that shit at $60. This put many fans off Halo and they moved to MW2. Reach's shitty Beta while being shit itself didn't help. 343 could have saved the series but decided to double down on the piece of shit know as Reach.

I know you are.


>asking this on Sup Forums
What answer are you expecting?

>being a homosexual

The four model does kind of look like saggy tits held up by a bra from the shape, but then is also supposed to look nude so it is kind of strange all around..

Press X to use ass

AIs don't have gender.

>Saggy tits help up by a bra

seriously you need to lay off the porn and actually fuck a woman

I'm a better you than you'll ever be


I'm not gay though.



>AI Granny ass

>hold x to use

Halo 2 Cortana is perfect.

What the fuck.

As somebody who has loved the Halo series since before CE even came out due to the first novel, no.

You are thinking with your dick. Halo 4's Cortana design was sexy but she looked way too homeley for Cortana's personality. Cortana, primarily, is a snarky, sarcastic wiseass who likes to be in control. Both cortana's design and 343's writing in Halo 4 underminded that. Halo 5's Cortana, in terms of her face and mannerisms, is MUCH better and much close to what she should look like.

Only because Halo 4 made them way bigger compared to CE/2/3.

He's bullshitting, that's not accurate.

I think she looks cute now. I'm honestly more attracted to her now than when she was always nude.

Halo 5's campaign isn't even worth bothering with outside of the second mission, which is pretty good. The missions are short as fuck and the story is just as bad as 4's.

The MP is great though

Except ODST and Reach are both better then Halo 3

He's not a shill, he's just a retarded MUH CHEEFfag who hates anything about Halo that's not just master cheif shooting shit up and actively hates bungie or 343 trying to flesh stuff out.

He's in every one of these threads now talking about how 2, ODST, and reach are shit.

>Except ODST and Reach are both better then Halo 3
And not even a good one