i have no friends irl
i can't even get online game friends
i just want a friend
i have no friends irl
i can't even get online game friends
i just want a friend
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i went out drinking tonight alone, my roommate had a party and I just end up drinking alone and crying.
well how weird are you
This isn't a friendly place, op.
It can definitely be a friendly place.
Tell uncle Sup Forums your troubles anons
Is it OK to message a friend/chat with them after years of not speaking to one another?
not that hard mang, just play a bunch of co-op games and just be moderately friendly. I have too many friends and I'm a fuccin asshole. I deliberately tell people the wrong days for my birthday and misc. shit and they still end up coming on the right days.
You'll get it, just don't be cynical. What's your particular situation?
i live alone in my apartment, i work a third shift at my job where i don't meet people and get yelled at on the phone
my online friends have moved on to having families and shit and i'm stuck at almost thirty wanting to kill myself
what's your steam. I'll be your friend (^:
>play a competitive game
>join your local scene
My best friend is on his way to having a career, while I'm about to just start college again. Kinda hit me in a way but I'm staying optimistic.
I'm not saying a friend will magically appear, but friends will always come and go. Only select few will always be there if you both make an effort to stay in touch.
I always have a LAN party with all my friends, regardless if Male or Female (trans fuck off). Who cares we all get together, play some shit regardless if we aren't good at something or what not.
Sometimes it just takes being a helpful teammate in a game or just plain friendly but not toxic. Surely theres some games you're good at. What are they?
I'll stay in this thread a tad.
i end up buying games but i've only played rocket league and i suck dick at it
i have some competitive games but i am terrible at them for like an hour and never touch them again like CSGO and stuff
i'm just bad at everything
Do people ever end up meeting new friends in these threads or is it just posting about themselves?
post an image of your selfm ill tell you everything thats wrong with you
it's because you've become stagnant.
Everyone is changing but you.
Get out of your comfort zone. Change something. New Job. New Clothes. New Grocery Store. New Hobby.
If you want something unusual, you have to do something unusual.
posting original comic
Same here amigo. But I've noticed if you get good at a game people will usually put you on their friends list. I get invited to play sometimes which is nice.
Shut the fuck up about suckin dick at a game. No one cares about that. Accept it but stop saying it. The more you reference it to yourself you're gonna get depressed. So that's step UNO (im no beaner).
CSGO is finnicky for new people, they don't really get the concept of not shooting and moving at the same time, but that's another thread to shitpost aboot.
Stay away from competitive games for a bit and focus on more CO-OP games. Things where the atmosphere is a little more lighthearted. People on average are more friendly in CO-OP games. Try Killing Floor 2 for example. It's pretty easy as fuck, and if you help your team (shoot them with medic needles, give small money, callouts etc.) I'm sure you'll be good enough to get adds.
Take a few games and cycle around. We're all bad at everything until we play it a bit. I'm a fuckin retard but I'm nice/level headed enough.
Like goyim said, do dis. I mean you can still play games but change something about yourself, First one being your attitude about your situation. Don't be a self reminding depression man.
Did your other friends just forget about you?
i've been thinking about going to a church but i don't believe in jesus and all that shit so i don't even know where to go at this point
>online game friends
Ew dude, no one wants that.
Except other lonely fags.
Go to the general of your favorite game and ask if they have a friends list going.
Or just be nice to randos & wait for the friend requests to roll in unbidden.
This convinced me of god's existence, that should make you strive for the ultimate good.
I would recommend a boardgame club, or something? Church is engaging but it's another little garden, where only so many things will happen, where everything else is shielded from you depending on someone elses ideology.
Church is dumb. Go to events. Go to clubs. Go for walks. Go do anything.
What are some games you actually like?
Never give up, a friend will come to you.
I met all my current best friends through Sup Forums.
>Go do anything
>Go to events
>Go to clubs
>Church is dumb
Nice try.
For some odd reason all of them are furries, but I don't mind.
platformers, mario karts, old shit basically
i did have a weekend where i played the shit out of civ five but i don't deviate much
This may seem unrelated but are you eating healthy? Do you seem unenthusiastic or tired ALOT?
actually yes i'm fat, last july i was 330 last saturday weighed in at 265. i know that is probably the root of my problems here and even with a more active life the pounds cant come off soon enough and some days i just want to eat a bullet
Dude you live in an apartment ? You can do anything you want
>not an argument
not an argument
Religion is a tool created by powerful people to consolidate, or acquire that power. Nothing more, nothing less. It is not inherently evil, but it has become a tool for evil and hate. In Israel it is used to create a secret network of conniving corporate executives conspiring to control the minds of the affluent.
In America religion is used to conscript those too weak to think for themselves to act rashly and thoughtlessly against equals.
If you're going to visit a temple, make it a buddhist one.
Dude thats good that you are losing weight. I have another friend who's going through weight loss and we always call him fatass and he's been through some shit. He doesn't give a shit and he embraces it but soon we can't really call him fatass anymore due to the fact we're helpin him lose the weight, double-edged sword i guess.
Losing weight takes time man, don't get discouraged. But still make sure you're getting a balanced meal, like meat, sugars, some veggies and some fruit etc.
Don't be afraid to ask people how to play or how to do certain things in some games. Maybe not dumb shit like
>how do i am and shoot ayy lmao
Are you just active at work or are you doing simple exercise too?
but i honestly don't know what to do. week days i work then i have two days where i need to get my shit together then it's back to the grind.
i know it sounds like i'm making excuses but i honest to god have no clue where things are or where people gather. i basically grew up in my room and now i'm still here.
In OP's case, it's his last resort.
It'd be old stogies & their offspring, with old stodgy ways of thinking, but they wouldn't turn him away without cause.
He might get something out of it, even though the the idea seems shitty to other people around here.
>soon we can't really call him a fat ass
my circle of friends has been calling one guy a pedo for absolutely no reason for the past 7 years.
i hit the gym before work every weekday (sometimes fridays are hit and miss) and work in a warehouse where i try to keep on my feet, it's an office job but i'll take the stairs and do that kind of shit
Start with tinder and invite over some girls/boys?
I Still live in My moms basement and even i have friends
Stop drinking soda.
shit i'll have some serious cleanup to do then, can't let people see the controllers and anime
trust me i quit the liquid jew when i started the weight loss
Friends are great that way man. In mine we're all assholes to each other but we all lookout for each other.
Sounds like you're doing a great job, but you're kinda getting lost in what it's gonna do for you.
I think the main problem left now is you're afraid to finally get a friend and have them leave you again. Am I correct?
>I think the main problem left now is you're afraid to finally get a friend and have them leave you again. Am I correct?
i'd guess so, rundown of the last three friends i've had
1 - friends in high school, both graduated and needed a place to stay, he turned the house in to a crack / party house basically while i went to work and had enough of that shit when i came home to have to call the police on people which ended me back up living with the parents for a few years like a miserable cunt. last i heard the week after i left the cops had to come again and this time bust down doors and shit and it was worse.
2 - only other friend who stayed in contact with me he ended up falling about 100 feet or so to his death after his repelling gear failed. freak accident and it still hurts a little bit today to know he is gone
3 - last friend was one i made in middle school and for a few years we had gotten into some bad fights until he pops up on my facebook and asks to hang out, that night he got flung out of his truck and died
i'm afraid when you associate with me we'll either make bad decisions or die
>can't stand normalfags
>can't stand Sup Forums's insufferable autism
I fucking hate everybody
I want to wake up from this hell
Don't fret mang, #1 sounds like he was a good friend at first who got into bad vibes. #2 It's okay, at least you know his death has NOTHING to do with you, he died doing what he loved. You should honor that shit.
#3 That's honestly tragic, and I'm sorry to hear that. I've had something similar but not quite like that.
Don't be afraid mang, you're assuming. #3 proves that you still got some sort of social ability, its just unfortunate. Maybe you've just hit the wrong pool of people, not saying any of your friends have been bad (maybe #1) but we all lose people. Its hard.
Whats your resting face like? Do you look pissed or sad? Have you tired going about the office?
And most importantly, have you tried to play online games without typing stuff like
>wow im so bad
>you're literal garbage you nignog
>fucking die fagget
i mean i type this shit to my friends, but not really if im focused to win with randos.
i guess resting face isn't good on my end, might come off as "angry asshole" i don't really smile unless something actually makes me. my mother used to get mad at me since i wouldn't smile on command basically and embarrass her. i'm still like that.
i don't really type in chat since i'm sure no one wants to hear me anyway
have you ever had a friend?
when i was little i think so, my dad moved our family around a lot so i didn't get to keep many very long
then he became my high school principal and people either wanted to be my friend to get on his good side or avoided me as hard as possible. this was a small mormon town where everyone knew each other too and i had a crisis in faith (i've resigned from the church since then)
this thread is really opening up that door in my mind that maybe i really should just kill myself
Seems like you need to just be more positive in general, even though its hard to be on Sup Forums and what you went through. Stop caring what other people think of you and what you do, but still look at the glass as half full.
Internet is full of retards, autists, faggets, maggots, nignogs, and whatever. Stop thinking about what one of these groups think of you. If you type in chat, reduce it to friendly banter / useful info about the current situation or game. Unless you're with a group a friends and it don't really fucking matter.
I got another friend who's really fucked up (was) and he gets bitchy. Its turned into hey dumbfuck shut up and suck it up its fine and comprendeh, hes fine.
You also need to take a look at your self and find what YOU is. Don't kill yourself on this step since it takes alot of people to find out who they really are (im not talking about faggets here). You need to find out what kind of person you are. Are you a leader? Are you a follower? Are you somewhat intelligent or are you dumb as fuck? You can be dumb as fuck and still live successfully believe it or not.
Maybe you just need to come home, and just fuckin laugh.
I mean hell, you got people on here to talk to you, so what's really holding you back with the rest of the world? Is it really
>I think the main problem left now is you're afraid to finally get a friend and have them leave you again. Am I correct?
you are all just text on a screen to me, actually talking to people irl i immediately go on the defense. not in a "get in your face" way but just not be very talkative and wonder what your motive is, what you want out of me, that type of thing
Surely you're not as much of a complete failure as me.
>still living with parents
>friend of family visits, with his two junkie daughters
>actually they've calmed that down and become at least 6/10s
>anyway there's barely even eye contact or words spoken between me and the girls all night, i'm not a social person in general but this time i just had NOTHING to say, barely even reply with
>when they eventually leave, the cuter one of the two insists on giving me a hug
>y-you too
Immediately stop doing that. People sense that as a "well fuck that lmao". Unless the person talking to you is a pretentious cunt then by all means continue that.
Not everyone reacts the same, so if you don't defend yourself from everybody, you can let someone in. Sounds gay as fuck but its true.
Lift your resting bitch face (no offense) and engage in conversation instead of "defending". You got the exercise part down, the next one is easy af it just takes a few tries. Grab some coffee with somebody or someding.
it's all i've ever known
but fuck it i guess i'll try it
You seem like a decent guy honestly. You're willing to acknowledge your faults and reach out, but not only that but you listened to us dispite the spergs that roam here.
I'd add you honestly, but I ain't postin my shit on here fuck that lmao.
This thread is strangely heartwarming.
why I stayed mang
No one will read this but I'm almost 30. Ive suffered loss, drug addiction to pills, so many set backs, countless rejections from women and so on. One day when I was thinking about just giving up, my father sent me an email detailing how lonely and hopeless he felt after my sister and I went to stay with my mom for the first time after they split because she cheated on him. We didn't know at the time as we were very young. My dad was a poor farmer and had no clue what he was going to do. I could go on about how my dad was basically a loser for a long time trying to find happiness in anti depressants and sluts off the internet but basically he is now a happy man with a good new wife. His message was that no matter how hopeless and sad you are, it will get better. The message is simple, but if you knew my dad's situation and how far he's come, you'd realize the magnitude of those words.
I am a college graduate with a decent job, good roommates, hobbies and a damn good little group of friends. I love my dad, mom and sister...even with their faults. I want anyone reading this to know it will get better. Stay positive and don't be so fucking hard on yourself. I'm pulling for you.
Inb4 subscribetomyblog
is this broji?
Why? Everything is a hierarchy. Having friends meaning constantly fighting to uphold/ better your status in your social group. I have had friends all my liufe. I choose to be alone most of the time today. I am happier - for now. Neglect the social narrative friend, you are all you need - and everything you can really count on.
read, good post but no bueno on dat blog
>(trans fuck off)
I wouldn't want to be friends with anyone deluded enough to cut off their dick.
hence when i tell them to fuck off
mental retarded mongoloid pretentious faggets
Lol what kind of friends do you have where you feel the need to have some social hierarchy with them? I make 30k a year and my two best friends make 100k. We play vidya, jam out, and play board games or go out and drink. Seriously get bee friends that aren't faggots
>work fast food
>someone you knew or went to school with comes through the drive-thru
>they probably went to college and have a decent job
fucking lol
what's your discord, user
i'll be your friend
amen to that brother
who gives a shit if you make more dosh if all you wanna do is hang and play some vidya
friends who judge you based on income aren't very good friends
You guys called me?
>retailcucking at a little general store
>teachers from highschool constantly stop by
>they know who i am
we can't all be winners i guess
I am rather talking about not being free among a group of friends. People try to demean you or point out your weaknesses and expecting you to feel shitty for being inadequate in some areas.
>bing bing wahoo!
Don't cry op, cause this son of sparda dick aint gonna suck itself
i want to work at a general store
they only let me work at the brigadier general store
I'll suck dick for friendship because I can't think of anything else I could offer