Is it worth playing this game after beating automata?
Will it feel like a really bad game?
Is it worth playing this game after beating automata?
Will it feel like a really bad game?
Combat wont feel even close to automata's smoothness but its magic is pretty nice. The stiffer boar drifting and slow movement will make hem more memorable. The story should be nice enough to overlook the gameplay.
It's better than Automata in everyway
^Pretty much this. Even though the melee combat is basic hack and slash the boss fights, enemies and Grimoire make it way more interesting than Automata. That's not even mentioning the side quests, music and story. All of which Automata fucking sucked dick at.
yeah probably
but its still worth playing through
if you can't stand the combat throw it on easy and blaze through it to the good stuff
Much better characters, arguably better story, music is about equal, worse gameplay
I'd say it's definitely worth it.
Automata sucks desu. The orginal was much better.
It's better in every single way, shape, and form. Even the combat is less gay when you consider it never throws you any 9S style horseshit. Don't know why Nier fans aren't more disappointed with Automata.
Do they explain who these girls are in Nier A? Just beat ending B
It would have felt like a bad game even if you played it the day it came out. But the characters are very memorable.
don't worry about it
Outside of characters it's actually worse in every way.
In my experience so far:
Feels like a PS2 game on the PS3, but the soundtrack and voice acting make up for it.
I think I'm gonna just pop the game on easy so I can make the ride a little more bearable
You've pretty much ruined the majority of the plot for yourself, and the gameplay definitely isn't going to hook you.
Normal isn't very challenging anyways. Once you get the Phoenix Spear at the beginning of the second half it becomes absolute baby tier JUMP TRIANGLE all of the day.
The game isn't challenging on any difficulty. Why somebody would want to turn it DOWN is beyond me. Automata has a similar problem once you get good chips but it's nowhere near as much of a cakewalk as the original.
>You've pretty much ruined the majority of the plot for yourself
How so? I've read a few references to the original game but dont really understand them.
If you're ok with watching let's play this is a fun one with Pat and Liam [spoiler/]. The best part is the story and you can get that through YouTube. No harm in throwing money at the devs tough.
DevPop's novel part covers a lot of it. And obviously there are other bits and piece scattered around, like the gestalt reports and such.
The beginning tutorial fight is murder on your hand
I couldn't believe how long it lasted
I've just about finished this. Definitely. It has some flaws but it's a fantastic game.