Constantly running random cross promotions that force you to play hots to get them

>Constantly running random cross promotions that force you to play hots to get them

>Always panders to the absolute lowest denominator

>Game is the most casual of any possible moba and games are the shortest

>Skills are simplest most braindead in any moba. Even the most complex skills are just skillshots that don't Pierce

why are they so desperate to shill this game?

>Playing Blizzard games

Here's your problem

Then why aren't you playing it for some cheap laughs and so you can get Diamond ranking?

what went right ?

Is the game still heavily populated?

Are you complaining about the short games?

You're retarded if you are actually complaining about that.

Gee, user, I don't know? Why would they promote their own crossover game?

I've always had the belief, even though I can't prove it with documents, that ActiBlizz operates on the conception that games need to meet a certain 'threshold' of income before they can be considered a success.

Clearly HoTS isn't doing even close to as well as they want it to which is why they're constantly whoring themselves out and begging you to play more than 1 game a promotion. I promise you the absolute second they hit this threshold you will see all the support and "Free" stuff vanish.

Now that I think about it every single Blizz game operates under this terrible infinite income system and it fucking sucks. They tried to force it on Diablo and it failed but ruined the game and Hearthstone/WoW is just far gone already.

Even the golden child Overwatch which cucks constantly jerk themselves over isn't at all good because although they will sometimes do a balance patch and maybe put in a character or two (For free which doesn't make any sense since you paid for the fucking game so it's not at all free) and very rarely an unbalanced map they ignore the fact that:

>The loot boxes are whored out constantly, the cosmetics and the boxes ARE 95% of the seasonal event
>The games are beyond repetitive and stale and if they didn't release the very small "Free" updates people would just stop playing the game
>Seriously how are people ok paying full price for a game and still getting lootboxes shoved in there? I just can't believe we've stooped so low to accept it


>Even the most complex skills are just skillshots that don't Pierce

But that's not true. Try playing Alarak and tell me it's easy to do well with him.

>muh disinfo and blizzhaterboner

It's fun but hey we are on Sup Forums so that's bad i guess

>great art team
>imaginative backstories for every single skin
>voices and sounds are authentic
>no outdated mechanics of current year ASSFAGGOTS
>lootboxes for the compulsive collector

why is it failing?

>Game is the most casual of any possible moba
Nope, dota2 is way more casual. HotS is probably the least casual

Why is Tyrande so thicc in HotS good lord

matches are short instead of the 1 hour or more grindfest that is dota

Give Blizzard some credit. They took a shit genre and somehow managed to make it even worse.

It's fucking assfaggots.

>Matches are 15-20 minutes long
>You have access to most of your hero and levels just upgrade your already accessible kit
>multiple maps keep the game fresh
>loot boxes
>Several very fun/unique heroes (Abathur, Ragnaros, etc.)

what went wrong?
>almost too easy
>overwatch heroes are completely bonkers
>healers are absurdly good
>certain heroes are just objectively better than others which gives you no reason to play others.
>snowballing is absurdly present which is embarassing that they tried to not let that happen by sharing exp
>swapping maps over and over makes it difficult to get a feel for everything
>hanamura is complete shit
>lack of items make you feel less like you're controlling the game and more of just going along with it.
>individual contribution means even less than any other moba.

It's like the Overwatch of Mobas. Some fun to play, but overall I could never take that game seriously.

I don't like the fact that an individual can lose the game for your team but not win it. I like the fact that games are short and casual.

I play HotS with my casual online friends, LoL with my more serious online friends.

It's the best game to cross promote shit with because they can do it with any game they have.

>the moba with the highest % of skill shots
>Skills are simplest most braindead in any moba
Way to prove you haven't played the game.

Also fucking stitches, I finished a game with more than 8k HP. His trait is useless and retarded but oh boy his HP....

Oversatured Genre and the people interested in said genre have already sunk money into the alternatives.

Seriously, i swear the whole ASSFAGGOT rivalry is just buy fags trying to justify their purchases in the particular game they favor..

stitches is way underrated.
he suffers so much from anything that inflicts % damage but oh boy, with the right comp he is so fucking annoying.

I couldn't care less if this was a casual piece of shit. I can actually play it without feeling the pressure from League of ASSFAGGOTS.

I like this one because it has map variation and i can actually play as the character i want.