Completely forgettable OST

>Completely forgettable OST
>Port is almost unplayable
>Story is cliche criminal shit
>Gameplay is mediocre at best

Why does Sup Forums love this game? It's garbage

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Sup Forums has a hard-on for Balkanshits

The best part about IV was the loading screen music

but yeah everything else pretty much sucked dick, especially how poorly the game ran on both consoles and high end PC's

The most boring gta ever - story is meeeeh boring asf

but from a technical point this gta was incredible

Weapons were very limiting and there was nothing to do outside of missions. Television felt like a last minute idea and was boring. No planes and just helicopters.

and the map is shitt

only good thing that came out of this game is that i learned not to buy games for pull price at premiere
and that even rockstar can make shit games so i won't be hyped for anything ever again

>port is a-
Try playing video games on a video game console retard

I think it had the perfect balance of size/scope

it wasn't small, but it wasn't too big either.

It has my raifu the M-4

10/10 Vehicle physicals and it was one of the few games that used Dolphin physics before an era of new gaming began.

Stop reposting this dumb pasta

You are the same faggot thats been trying to force shitty
>abhorrent soundtrack
Copy pasta crap for the past couple months. More recently in the past couple days. Change up the way you post faggot.

Every GTA develops around a story of betrayal

R* are bunch of hacks that can't write

>Port is almost unplayable
only part of the pasta that can be construed as a legit complaint
fuck GFWL, spent almost two hours tinkering around with the account just to get the game running

It was a forgettable GTA. The only thing it had going for it was an interesting story. Aside from that, everything was weak. Shitty map, shitty driving, gunplay was weak, etc.

>gunplay was weak
I loved how NPC's reacted to getting shot though.


>Nothing to do

You had races, vigilante missions, drug runs, repossessions, assassinations, dating and more to keep you occupied.

IV can take up to 70 hours to 100%.

Best GTA by a mile

>best driving
>best gunplay
>best atmosphere
>great story
>protaganist actually has depth to him
>god tier DLCs
>loads of secrets and details
>makes Sup Forums angry
>awesome OST
>incredible voice acting

>All these people replying

Literally how have this many people not caught on yet? I swear Sup Forums is populated by nothing but light users these days. People couldn't recognize a meme if it hit them in the face.

Theres are a minority of vocal contrarians here always trying to push the meme GTAIV was good. Seems more like the majority agreee its garbage.

>Sup Forums is one person

>Completely forgettable OST

It has the best and most varied soundtrack in the series you disgusting pleb.

>Why does Sup Forums love this game?

For many of the underage kids who infest this place now it was their first GTA so they don't know any better.

It's just a bunch of zelda cycle memers and underage twats for whom this was their first GTA.
Game was utterly forgettable.

GTA IV was my first GTA. Still my fave, I consider the 3D universe to be a different series, almost. San Andreas starts off a mile a better than all of IV, I'll admit, but starts declining pretty quick once you leave Grove Street and it gets unfocused. IV is more consistent.

V has no clue what it's doing.

How about we brainstorm what we do want from new GTA instead of what we think sucks about it?

>>Completely forgettable OST
>He didn't main Vladivostok FM

babby's first edgy game

Something like this. I'm unsure how much I'd like it compared to V if I were to go back now, but at the time it was far and away my favorite GTA (and I've been playing since the days of gouranga).

Delfin - RAP

I thought that was conker's bad fur day

I've heard the driving in V compared to RC cars and since then I can't play it.

hes too young for that

GTA4 is my favourite GTA to "sandbox" in. I am a huge fan of the cheat codes present in the game, and how they were accessible in the in-game cellphone instead of having to enter a "konami code" to enter cheats.

best story of the series but vice city and SA shit all over it otherwise

Delfin is dead

I enjoyed the story but that's not to say it was amazing.
The best part of GTA IV was online community, have so many fond memories of that shit.

And also the DLC:s.
The Lost and Damned and Ballad of Gay Tony are fucking awesome.

and the 360 re-release?

>Port is almost unplayable
The fuck, I want underage b& and their toasters to leave


I wouldn't say that


kill yourself underage faggot


fpbp. V was lightyears better, and this is the only explanation that makes sense.

>gunplay was weak
How so? It was arguably the best gunplay of the seies.

>I'm a Russian immigrant/criminal woe is me
>waaaah I've seen some shit

If the game featured a regular American like Claude or Tommy, you'd call him boring, plain, uninspired, etc.

IV always felt to me like the epitome of that period of games around 2007/8 where everything was a shade of grey or brown in most of the popular games


The game looked great, had amazing technology behind it, gave an amazing NYC feel. Story was alright and the DLCs only made it even better. Gameplay was pretty good although not perfect perfection came with RDR.

>>Port is almost unplayable

Yet no one hates on Saints Row games? Or does Sup Forums love those too much to criticise?

I prefer GTA4 in the vehicle handling and damage models. GTA5 makes me feel like I'm playing with platic toy cars and annoying sense that the thrust of the vehicle isn't coming from the tires but from somewhere in the middle of the car.

>>Port is almost unplayable
This is why PC players should never have games ported

no u

The ps3 version of the game runs at 680p sub 30fps

That's not true. I was unfamiliar with the smashing pumpkins up until I played that game. Thinking about driving around in that game at night with 1979 playing is a huge nostalgic moment for 15 year old me.

Had very good reactions from pedestrains, and the vehicle damage was more convincing. I would love to have those 2 things in gta5 and it would be the perfect game for me.

I mean, he kinda gets called on it during the game. he's not a good guy.

>but papa, you said never to judge a book by its cover
>when the book is called "guns, drugs, hookers & no pants" I think, I don't need to read it

Best character and he's only in TBOGT.
Such a good expansion, I really hated the character but the missions, the extra guns, extra vehicles are so good.
I also like the story of TLAD, always play it once a year.

Main character*

what? TBOGT > main story >TLOD

No yeah, I agree with that. I was just saying that I also like TLAD, since so many people don't like it.

>Gameplay is mediocre at best
so nothing new to the GTA series

Best physics, best driving and best gunplay, best cops and the best NPC reaction.

The rest is meh


>Completely forgettable OST
>Gameplay is mediocre at best
The OST was great and so was the shooting and driving.
Everything else was complete ass.

Posting best song