Shadow Of Mordor thread

I just finished this and holy fucking hell I have never been more mad at a game in my life. I knew everyone in Sup Forums says this game is shit but to play the upcoming game I wanted to finish this
I know modern games hold player's hands but this game treats the player like out right autistic. First of all the game has 0 content. ZERO. NADA. It's do the same shit over and over again. But this is not what pissed me off.
At the middle of the game after you travel with the chick to somewhere new you bond with a dwarf. First part of the game which seemed like something interesting. And after you finish bonding what happens? NOTHING. FUCKING NOTHING.
And this didn't piss me off either. So at the last part to save mordor I need to defeat the high and mighty lord of mordor. Now I know this ain't dark souls that boss fights won't be as hard as dark souls but my 3 year old sister could've killed him with one hand and one eye closed. All you needed to do was jump down on him 3 times and after that press and hold E for 5 fucking seconds.
I was a bit pissed of but oh well. So this whole game I'm chasing after the Black hand of Sauron. He murdered my wife, my beautiful wife and my only son. Finally I was gonna get my hands on him and oh what I wanted to do to this motherfucking bastard. I upgraded everything, every unlockable to be prepared, to give it my everything.

Game was Arkham City + Assassins Creed 2 + Nemesis System. Why are you focusing on the tacked on story?

Coincidentally enough I am playing through this for the first time right now, I just got to that part where you meet the dwarf. I think my two biggest problems are, one the combat isn't very hard so to make up for it they just throw a shit ton of guys at you, which is really annoying if there are a few spear or crossbow guys shooting at you as you try to deal with 25 blade dudes, and two is that the nemesis system doesn't feel fleshed out, like they had a start to an interesting mechanic but then forgot to put in some kind of reward system to it, or any reason why you would care about taking out specific warchiefs and captains

This, get a grip OP. It was a fun game.

These. Also, I personally find the stories that develop from the nemesis system more interesting than the main plot itself. Pretty much the only reason I keep playing.

But that's my whole problem with the nemesis system, no stories come out of it? It's just kill this captain while he's feasting, and if you don't then you'll watch him kill some other captain in a two second animation

If the combat was even partially good I wouldn't give a shit. The whole combat system is basically double space -> 4 left click -> 1 right click -> 2 F press or C press. And after the let you start controlling the captains and warchiefs I basically owned the whole army on both lands.
And even if I accept what you say and disregard the story why the fuck did the hype up to such fucking shitty boss fights?

Wait you get to control the armies at some point?

How is the nemesis system interesting? You can basically own the whole army

Completely agreed OP. This is one of those games where I openly admit it isn't a good game at all but I do have fun playing it regardless. It has mediocre as fuck everything but just the right presentation and 'emergent' content to keep me entertained if I want some go on a mindless rampage. The combat is dull and lacks depth at all but the animations and sound design are satisfying enough that I'm alright with it. That said, I did get the GOTY edition for around $5 so it's definitely worth that much. I would definitely shit on it more if I spent a full $60 on it.

Shadow of War looks like it's making some great upgrades to the nemesis shit though and the addition of more mounts and beasts along with more orc tribes looks cool. Might get it, I just need to see more of the game.

that's why the branding is there

gameplay was fun
i play a game for gameplay
read a book for story

Yeah it was a fun romp at least but theres not much depth at all to it. To be fair ive never played the bamham style of games before so at least I came in fresh. Also I pirated it, didnt really consider it worthy of buying. Having alternate skins is cool I guess, I used the chick warrior skin, pity it didnt change any voice lines though.

but the gameplay was not fun

>getting mad at video games
faggotry, but sometimes acceptable under certain circumstances
>getting mad at video game plots
extreme faggotry of the higher caliber and you should kys no exception

It's not like you can kill anyone doing that. The combat is simple but it's not mash buttons simple, you still have to be able to react to combat cues and stuff

This makes me want to play hack and slash games with a guitar hero guitar

If youre paying attention and abusing the execute mechanic its nearly impossible to die, so you never really get to see the nemesis system in action

While it was too forgiving in SoM, freeflow is the best system for making the player feel like a badass, more akin to a rhythm game if you wanted to dispatch a group of enemies. It was satisfying, well animated and fun.

it was one of the most fun games i played, you sound like concept of fun is alien to you and you expected some kind of rpg maybe

it's power fantasy where you can go from being stealthy to slashing hundereds of orks with a neat nemesis/brand concept, all in nice graphics and laidback execution (you canonnicaly cannot die, duh) that's all there is to it, how you went on for hours not realizing that, i don't know

final boss was meh, i will agree on that

I got to the new zone and I lost all interest in the game. Good to know I didn't miss much

I dropped this game after the beast master because everything started to feel like a chore and the combat wasn't challenging enough to make that an incentive to keep on playing

watch the full video, he takes out literally everyone doing just that and throwing in the odd kick

That's the best part of the game. Trying to catch the orcs with the most unique armor and promoting them to general.

You missed the best part of the game.

I really liked the game.

Are you a gay OP? It would explain a lot.

>This makes me want to play hack and slash games with a guitar hero guitar

>not using the donkey konga bongo controller

>freeflow is the best system for making the player feel like a badass

no, it's tge best sytem for looking like a badass, if you played any real video game beforehand you'll just get bored mashing buttons to watch something AWESOME happen

>more akin to a rhythm game

now that's ugly meme, disgusting!

>wanted the collectors edition for PC
>gamestop exclusive
>sold out in a few days
>am a manager at gamestop and still can't procure one

this is horseshit

The power of autism.

casual pls, just go watch an actual movie if you just want to see AWESOME things happen on screen

Game was shit.
>Start playing
>Literally 10 minutes into the game take one of the hardest bosses
>Retarded AI lets me cheese it.
>Babby tier reflexes needed to beat two or even three bosses at once at the lowest level.
>Quests suck
>Climbing is poorly implemented. I've seen funnier climbing mechanics at Dragon's Dogma.
Asscreed was a mistake. Prince of Persia a best. Shadow of Mordor was a convoluted, casualized piece of crap with orcs n shit.
And though the LotR trilogy is elder god tier orcs look non-threatening as fuck with their britbong accent.
I've seen better stealth in fucking unmodded Oblivion. I ain't bullshitting you. Uninstall that shit.

I didn't get mad at the plot. I got mad at how they the handled the boss fights. It was such a shitty way. I earned all those abilities throughout the game even if they gave boss that was a hitsponge I wouldn't mind. You expect satisfaction from a game but after finishing this it felt like I ate dinosaur shit, puked it in my mouth and ate that puke again.

>and throwing in the odd kick
Then that user was right.

By odd kick he meant attack you retard

>more akin to a rhythm game

yeah, nail on the head

it feels more like you're playing let's dance than an actual swordfighting game

this batman rhythm shit needs to fuck off permanently

Too bad it won't. People just want to feel like they did something awesome to forget the shitty life they live in reality.

How does that prove it wrong? Do you lack reading comprehension?
I swear, it's always the idiots the ones calling others retards.


How tf are you gonna kill anyone by just jumping over their heads? You can keep living forever by doing that so he was right. You just can't kill anyone.

Which is why I said that user was correct about being unable to win by just spamming dodge...

bought this on sale last year, finished it, I enjoyed it a lot.

Glad you enjoyed your birthday present.

technically the friendly fire from spear chuckers will kill everyone eventually, so yeah you can kill almost everyone by spamming the "become invincible" button

Genuinely ENJOYED this game a lot it made me feel like a hollywood hero!! *eviscerates you*

Finished game twice. Don't give a fuck about wife and son. I just like killing uruks.

Glad you are mad about a video game while I'm having fun.

It's a weird game in the sense that it gets better the worse you are at it.

The story is not bad I enjoyed the Silmarillion "vibes" it has. It does rape Tolkien's lore at the end but it's not badly written per se.

Gameplay is fun but it gets repetitive fast because it suffers with the worst problem this game has, it's too damn easy. If you're decent you will die 2-3 times tops and if you're good you probably won't die at all.

Nemesis is a great idea but again it gets hindered by how easy the game is i've read people that had great experiencies with it having "customized" boss fights with an uruk getting more and more powerful everytime he kills you.

It's a solid 7/10 that can easily be a 8/10 if you're bad or you just let yourself die a couple of times at the begining.