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Video Games #3772
Video Games
Today is my birthday Sup Forums. I'm gonna spend the whole day playing video games!
Like collecting physical games
I challenge you to find an armor that's more pure sex than grandmaster griffin gear dyed all grey
Puzzles that should never exists in adventure games
The gaming industry is undoubtedly huge and will continue to grow and evolve...
Why does Sup Forums have shit taste in music...
Sup Forums blown the fuck out
Dude, Sup Forums i'm gonna ask a TEACHER out
Sup Forums, can you remind me, what sounds does the pipe make when mario enters it?
Claim your vidya wfu
The Splatoon 2 bundle lasted minutes in Japan
Vidya Confessions thread
In today’s modern world, we essentially have the tools to shop for friends...
It's time to discuss the best RPG ever made
What's so bad about casualizing games and making them accessible to play and beat for anyone?
Does Sup Forums like ロール?
Scalebound revival
What's the best the comfiest city builder?
Wtf nintendo
You will be over 30yo when Persona 6 cames out
ARMS Previews - "This is no Wii Boxing"
What games let me use animals as weapons?
ITT: 10/10 vidya songs
Magnificent asses
ITT: Best girls of their respective games
What's the most useful confidant and why is Hifumi?
Who the fuck is Sen, anyways?
Another one bites the dust
Friend calls you to play some games at his house
What is the best AI you've ever seen in a videogame? What about the worst?
What is the best multiplayer shooter right now?
Do you remember Hyadain, Sup Forums?
Open-World Survival Sandbox
There's something magical about games like this
What's the ideal videogame for losing weight?
Damn, Ruby is cute
Post games you hate because you don't get the appeal
Can we have a decent Sonic Thread?
JoJos Bizarre Adventure x Tekken
Is this any good?
Deus Ex is such great game...
Design a cis female
Are you prepared for E3 yet, Sup Forums?
How Good / Bad can it be
A duck in gamestop
So now that the dust has settled, can we all admit that The Surge is objectively better than Dark Souls 2?
Three cool new characters revealed, THICC ass brownetta, slippy kid cobra and robocop with his pupper
Post music that gives you gooseflesh
How's your game going Sup Forums?
How do people bring themselves to play an RPG they've already finished playing once...
Living vicariously through photos
/e3/ - 24 days left edition
Just finished this. Damn bruh I went into this thinking I was going to kill Nazis not get emotionally invested and hurt...
Sonybros will NEVER EVER get ARMS
Everyone always freaks out when Ultramarines hit the scene. "Thank the emperor", all that shit. Well...
Anyone else thinks that Tekken 7 feels just right? Like the first Tekken game in quite a while that feels right...
"That's likely more Metroidvania-style games, or as he calls them, tansaku (exploration) games."
Is it okay to hate the protagonist of a game you like?
Disgaea on switch bombed in Japan
Would you ever get a vidya tattoo?
I literally cannot stop masturbating while playing Nier: Automata. Please help
Me ooga
Is PC the "normie" platform now?
While all that’s been changed is Inkling Girl’s hand resting on her bicep...
Someone made a portal physics thread earlier today so I made this gif to explain what I thought would happen...
What do you think of the overdesigned armors meme...
Best character in the game dies early on
What are some games where I can be a completely evil sociopath?
*blocks your path*
Kid Cobra
Which game should I get?
Why does everyone hate this game?
What's the best vidya prequel?
Tfw Makoto Niijima isn't real
Press F to pay respects
Witcher tv series confirmed by Netflix
Game has two endings
So who exactly created YoRHa?
With vydia dinosaurs, do you prefer the old school scaly jurassic park style, or the more realistic feathery style?
How do I defeat Easy Pete?
Homefront The Revolution is a good-slash-great game that fell victim to "I heard it was trash/it was completely broken...
Just started this. What am I in for?
Why is it so popular in Japan?
Let's see what's happening on African Sup Forums
Write a letter for /ourguy/
Close game
Quake Champions
Someone posted this in a thread earlier today. I know its a GTA V mod...
Tfw you live in a timeline where even PS4 has more good games than Nintendo console
I recently got interested in history and want to know if there games that can help me to learn more about this
Ring bell
*blocks own path*
When I was a kid, Wind Waker was the first Zelda game I got into...
Rolling is cancer of all action game. Can't devs come up with new idea?
So apparently this game is a huge fucking deal somewhere out there, with a fanbase and everything. Did I miss something...
Kuckaiden: Tales of a punished modder Pt 4
Odds of us getting a way to make sonichu?
You must understand, our interest in their world was purely for the benefit of mankind
Tsubasa and her tsubasas
Game came out nearly a decade ago
Tekken 7
How does it feel, Sup Forums...
Trails / kiseki
Find a better booty I will wait vidya booty thread
Character is a king with dark past
Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Injustice 2 General Thread
What did Nintendo mean by this?
So Sup Forumsirgins
HotS thread
Will this game ever be topped?
He doesn't like rouge
Shin Megami Tensei V is all but confirmed to come to PS4 at this point
Will Kojima let Hayter have a cameo in Death Stranding?
Is it __fun Sup Forums?
Protagonist from previous games comes back as a boss
People believe this will release this year
Sup Forumsidya Draw Thread
Is there a Sup Forums version of side characters you'd rather a spinoff of than a continuation of the main ones?
Character is an engineer
On a whim, I decided to re-read Destructoid's Top 50 games of the decade list, and it really doesn't hold up
Why isn't this a thing? This would actually justify those already high prices on mice...
You are now aware the Zero Punctuation turns 10 this year
Yakuza 6
Got to try one for the first time
Post your embarrassing vidya secrets
What Digimon game should I start with that are staples in the franchise? I heard Digimon World is a disaster
Oh cool
Hardest choices in gaming thread
Best FF girl
Sum up the last game you played with a quote from your favourite tv show/cartoon/anime
Fallout 4 Console? Inb4 REEEEE
What is Microsoft going to do for this year's E3? Nintendo and Sony have pretty solid lineups...
Prey 2 remembrance thread
Why was she such a complete and utter cunt?
Tfw no video game with Bagger 288 in it
Jumpscares: The Game
Anyone here know how many games are in the crash trilogy?
What the fuck is his problem?
You weren't deceived, were you?
Everyone talking about the fat-assed girl
Why is it actually good?
What is the fidget spinner of video games?
Can we just talk about how Akechi have the tons of potential in the story, yet in the end it all goes to waste?
Juri Han
Do you have that game, 'Miney-Crafta'?
Mario half way in down pipe
Post best vidya boys
How can the English dub even compete?
Baldurs Gate 2: New Game
Cover Art
Daily reminder this is the definitive version of NIER...
ITT: God-Tier Shmups
What are some good porn (erotic) games where you can bang your mom...
Playing Life is Strange
What is the evangelion of video games
Fire Emblem Heroes
King of Fighters XIV coming to PC
ITT subtle vidya clothing
Ready to play some Gears of War, user?
Games are now $60 fucking dollars
*blocks your path*
Akuma is the best videogame antagonist of all time
Banter is not allowed in the [CURRENT YEAR]
What are elves good for?
PC gaming
What if this game is just another Sunshine tier Mario game?
ITT: 11/10 DLCs
Why do so many say san's boss fight was the best when this one was obviously better
Coworker approaches
Why is the fighting game scene so hood?
E3 2017
Who will buy this?
High heels
This is Chun-Li. Say something nice to her that isn't about her thighs
ITT: Post best girls in their respective games
Will we ever see a return of quirky rhythm games such as Parappa and Vib-Ribbon?
So MK8 DX came out and nobody really cares
Title/Menu screen musics
Wealth of single player content
"final" fantasy
ITT: Buyer's Remorse: Full Price Edition
Midnight Animal
It's over, tumblr won
Childhood faps?
Shadow of war open world gameplay
Why hasn't there been a good Kirby game since Dreamland 3?
ITT: Races in video games that deserve genocide
A or B?
Hopes for Sonic Forces? Sonic Mania just looks way better right now
Mad Max and DOOM are both the same price on PSN right now ($19). I can only afford one, which one should it be?
Post a thiccer ass. I'll wait
Batman has four games
Post yfw you're watching E3 and this appears on the screen
Why are they so perfect?
Be honest, do you miss them?
Post your gaming center
Suggestive Inkling Girl Animation Censored in Mario Kart 8 Update
Tell me what to play Sup Forums
What are good games to play while listening to podcasts?
Game has a "power attack"
Is this game really as bad as people say? I saw a guy named sponey review it and he said it was horrible
ZZZzzzzZzz..If you see this thread while browsing browse very slowly and quiet. Do not wake him up.Zzzzzzz
Why do Obsidian have constant financial issues despite creating so many critical successes?
Original The Character Appreciation
Splatoon 2 single player art released
Don't lie to yourself, you thought this was the shit back then...
I have never played Assasin's creed and opinions about this series seem quite mixed
When you make a game so terrible they close your entire studio and cancel all future games in the series
Let me assist you, doctor
User what games do you play?
I'v been stuck on the Gorgatron for 5 hours
Is DFO good?
What do you judge an action game on...
Why is Dark Souls II so disgusting and arcady looking movements?
Is there anything like Elder Scrolls games that has actual depth to the story?
Find a better booty I will wait
Why haven't you been practicing your Puyo Puyo and Tetris game?
Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem: Order of the crimson Arm
What are the best Undervanias of 2017 so far?
There's no way they'd get someone else to play Geralt, r-right?
Post your Link and his clothes
Just got Ending A
Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection
How do they have sex?
The Void
How are you liking season 2 Sup Forums? Did you switch to based vikings?
Welcome to Sup Forumseenie hut Jr's how casual are ya?
Boss Keys - Skyward Sword
Mobile games
What do you think about the Five Nights at Freddy's franchise?
We post our 10 favorite games and we try to guess each others age, go go go
Tfw video games are fucking fun
Which model do I get, Sup Forums?
This is the Sorceress of Dragons Crown fame. Say something nice about her
Does Sup Forums even like video games?
Vidya has an after credit sequence
This game has aged like fine wine
What was/is your favorite game?
Could have a good straight-up rival like Light vs L
Check out my game and tell me how much it sucks
Fire Emblem Echoes
Main character is a furshitter
Will it be better than Splatoon 2?
Your top 3 girls in DOA
Tfw cracking a cold one and kicking ass online with my energy fueled mind
How does Sup Forums ignore this game? It's easily my GOTY (and dare I say it, Game of the decade)
So Bloodborne 2 is announced and released next year BUT it is made with Miyazaki as a supervising role, much like DS2...
This FFT clone will release on Steam in about 10 hours and I don't see many people talking about it here. Thoughts?
Ocarina of Time
Tfw persona won
Games that ACTUALLY deserve a remaster/remake
*blocks your path*
I really want to play Ed, Edd n Eddy Online, but I don't know where to find it. Does anyone have a link?
I can't believe I bought this piece of shit
ITT: 10/10 vidya songs
Some faggy little italian nerd makes a bloomy version of ocarina of time using the Unreal engine
Characters that had a hard life
ARMS will have no game modes!
ITT worst mario enemies
This is Cammy, say something obscene to her
Where were you when Nintendo won Sup Forums?
Nintendo won again
Totalbitchtits has 12% lg in MOBAquake
I ruled to permit one thread par boards to talk about the board
Which one did you prefer and why?
How would the story change if you played as Femprotag? Or would you change it at all?
Filename thread
What's the appeal of touhou?
ITT: unironically post the greatest video game you've ever played in your life
Only 11/10 soundtracks may be posted in this thread
Why does it keep selling?
Do privacy screens actually work? is it safe to play the Switch on the plane now without people looking
Male Argonians usually have soothing voices
Open letter from the FGC to the Smash Community
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
AA settings
SO3 HD May 23
Phantom Dust Impressions
Say something that you like about a video game you unfathomably hate
What was the first bad sonic game?
Reboot when
Who is the Sweden of videogames?
What are some of the worst examples of character redesigns in vidya?
Post a vidya fact cheat or anything that only you know
Sup Forums plays Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Literally inferior to the super nintendo in every possible way
Check out a random video
Ryzen is getting stronger everyday
After two directs Nintendo hasn't convinced a single person that Arms isn't just a $60 version of Wii Sports Boxing
Fucking yummy
This actress slaps your ass while laughing and sipping tea, what will you do
What are some games for smart people?
Phantasy Star II
Where is it, Ben?
Splatoon 2 Switch bundle
Yfw the new Post Successful! screen
Uh? What the FUCK Todd? Is Todd a drumpfweenie?
What are some games that feature giants other than skyrim
This is Mako and Sayuki from INITIAL D Extreme Stage, say something nice about them
Don't mind me just pirating this child
What are some games where you can be a singer?
Why do millenial men love playing games so much to the point that it inhibits their ability to function like real men?
Which one?
Marvel basically just revealed the Marvel characters for MVCI
I guarantee that every poster in here has a hilariously pathetic twitter account with a horrible skewed follow ratio...
Find more attractive character, ill wait
Hi Sup Forums :3
Any one know any way to get a free psn plus code?
Truly we are at the End Times
You're the chosen one tasked with saving the world
Dad walks in
There's something magical about games like this
Love RPGs
Coworker starts talking about video games
Xbocks Backwards Compatibility Sale
Have you noticed most 2016 big released were marketed to young leftists?
If Red Ash does not come out within the year I am killing myself. Mega Man Legends is killing me slowly...
ARMS Direct Thread 2.0
The Surge is not a Darksouls game
Show some respect, Inmate
Was I...of...assistance...?
Rising Storm 2
Have you ever felt this way about a video game girl?
What do you need to see from Nintendo at E3 to persuade you to buy a Nintendo Switch home console system ?
Why are gamers such losers and how do we fix this?
Oh... you're doing the uh- European-style greeting
Are you my Master?
God bless Nintendo
Sequels that got rid of everything unique about the original and added stupid shit nobody asked for
I just beat this, can we talk about this fucking flawless gem of a game?
Nintendo tops April sales in US
3x3 Thread
What are the chances of Metal Gear Rising 2 being announced at E3?
This is a Digimon
Surprise, surprise: It's SHIT
Asura's Wrath
"villains" who were completely justified in their actions
If Rogue One came out in 05' would we have gotten to play through that? Also WRIST ROCKETS thread
I'm glad i took my switch with me when I'm help mom get groceries. I can play mario kart on the long elevator ride!
What games let me be a slutty dragon?
Who is the best character in MegaTen?
My life for yours
It's okay to admit that Bioshock Infinite is a fun game now, the memes have gotten old
Mfw smash players call casuals "friendlies"
How do speed runners not go insane?
Axl Low will never give you a pep talk
*blocks your path*
What the nep!? how do we stop idea factory + compile heart?
I miss when games came in a box with a manual
Why on earth aren't you playing it?
Why is the average gamer such a beta with low to non existent social skills?
Top played games; post em fools
Russian bias isn't rea-
ITT: Games you wish you could replay it blind again
How are my third world Sup Forumsros holding up? Shit's ridiculously expensive there...
ITT: 10/10 vidya songs ONLY
What's the ideal female character Sup Forums?
Not a single game has yet to surpass SotC
Switch outpacing the PS4
What else do I need to add to my filter to make this board readable?
What did Kojima intend to do here?
Is it worth buying if im also a poorfag?
Are pirates ruining the gaming industry?
Percentage of Host When
Admit it. V's driving is ludicrous
It's another episode with will smith shitting up the show
Oh shit
Why is Sup Forums so triggered by this game?
When this was released I was still playing homm3 and looked down on it (and my pc could hardly run it)...
Okay we doing this
There's Nothing To Play
Why didnt we ever get a proper bleach game? it has jrpg written all over it
The Witcher is getting a TV-Show
Next Warcraft hero when?
Project Rap Rabbit now has a $25 digital tier, and the stretch goal for a Switch version has been changed to $1...
We never have wallpaper threads anymore. Is there a reason for that?
Battlestation thread
Is it worth 13$?
The last video game you played is suddenly being attacked by the Androids
Why does Melee fans and Smash 4 fans hate each other so much?
Mexicans/Spanish/Latinos/Hispanics of Sup Forums, what video games do you play?
ITT: Things absolutely no-one asked for
Name the 30 games that should go into the PSX mini
Are there any other games where can I play a female character with a big butt? first person games don't count
Asking that kid from Modern Family to play Smash 3DS on stage and with him saying he played Smash for the NES was...
Is it good?
Pick three
Kissless wizard here what are some games that have HOT female characters? any type of game idc
Gentlemen, how do we fix Injustice 2?
No vidyagame has ever surpassed the plot and storytelling of these games
Has there ever been a more annoying character? It's actually ruining p4g for me
What are some games where I can build?
Which one is the superior Sega shooter?
Hey guys. I was the one who made this thread
How much diversity will they force in The Witcher netflix?
ITT: Great characters trapped in bad games
Our thoughts on Doom?
The 3DS is dea-
Doesn't make you go on fetch quests
Are there any decent games that can be played with one hand?
Oh yeaaaaaaaaaah! that did happen, didn't it
Is it good Sup Forums?
This constant shitting on goty 2017 cannot continue!
Hey Sup Forums, what's your favorite pokemon?
There's a Tales of game coming to Switch by early next year
Why does Sup Forums not talk about this
Post the smoothest music you can think of
Now that Netflix is adopting the Witcher, I think its time to ask the real question: who will play best girl ciri?
What fighting game has the best character roster?
Why are hybrid fighters that much better than classic fighters
A sun made of lava and a sun made of ice have fallen out of orbit and are colliding with Earth in 24 hours
>Only 23 Days Until E3
Sony E3 Predictions
Go thank your healer and report back
Is steam over?
Hey queers we're having a T H I C C thread now
I will only play Sonic Forces if I can create a character with this design and with this outfit
Let's have a Spider-Man thread
Persona 6
Fire Emblem Heroes
The Walking Dead
User... We need to talk...
Name a more cooler story to make into vidya
Why did overwatch fail to become a real popular e-sport?
Playing rpg
Is this true?
You can't blame him. Melee contains the worst of the worst in the community
Yakuza 0: 9.5/10
So we hate it now?
So what games was you guys was playing while Sup Forums was down?
Game has unique conversation mechanics
Post times when popular franchises lost you as a customer
Final Fantasy
Literally came out three weeks ago
Fractured but whole
Hi I'm the most bullshit enemy in any souls game
Why is Celica's party so awful compared to Alm's?
It's not even a competition this year. PC won
Video game characters with wide hips and thick thighs
3D or 2D
Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)
Would you rather DMC5 or MGR2?
ITT Red flags for vidya
Trails/Kiseki thread
Final level is the first level revisited
What kind of Steam f-friends do you have, Sup Forums...?
NPD: Nintendo won big in U.S. in April
Xbox E3 2017 will be a snore fest
I love Futaba!
Microsoft Ask FromSoftware to make a Fable reboot with the Souls formula
Con man lives. Photo from March 17th, 2017
NIS now delaying their PS4/Vita games due to late Switch ports
Previous Thread:
Japanese game has Western OST
Which SMT spinoff deserves another sequel/be revived?
How do we make her S tier?
Japan sales this week
How come normies like Open World so much?
Will they talk about Animal Crossing Switch at E3 this year...
So we already have the two worst hames of the year so far, but which one is worse?
This would make a more creative party
What are some video games that legitimately aren't fun at all?
Explain to me how Persona 5 has poor writing
Ian was fucking insufferable on this week's Frame Trap
Question for Sup Forumsirgins born in 1997: did you grow up moreso with Millennial consoles and games like PS1, PS2...
So this... is the power of emulation... Woah
Shadow Of Mordor thread
Character is born russian
The second half of 2015, the entirety of 2016 and 2017 have been some of the worst years for videogames as a whole...
Mario thread
What is the videogame equivalent of gynecomastia?
Be me
How do you determine if a game is comfy?
ITT: Games Sup Forums told you are bad but are actually decent
Kek is there sort of an anti-PC movement going on in gaming (((media))) right now?
ITT: that one game you've started several times and never finished
Games with Playable Dragons
Buy 1200$ PC all games work perfectly at 1080 60 fps set to high and in rare cases ultra by default...
Can we all agree this is the worst character in the franchise?
Ace Combat now delayed to 2018
I want to get into GS games. Should I start with EU 4 or CK 2?
Take away all The Legend of Zelda branding, what does this game have?
*blocks your path*
Rise is still Sup Forums's girl and there is nothing you or Atlus can do about it, P5 boys
Who here has an unhealthy addiction to games?
Find a flaw
I think I heard someone say they wanted a SkullGirls thread. I'm not a hundred percent sure though
How does this make you feel?
Where were you when Nintendo single handedly saved the industry?
Summer gaming
Humble Indie Bundle
Insiderfag here. No one will believe me, but screencap this thread
Baby's first ARPG
What games are you playing right now, Sup Forums?
*blocks your framerate*
Daily reminder to stop playing western games
What went wrong?
So this just happened
Persona 5
The future of video games is here
Normal human
Summarize gaming in 3 games
Best of the best
"Denuvo is not a DRM. Denuvo only protects other DRM services like Steam"
Literal Translations
Just bought pic related for $15 on PS4, what am i in for, Sup Forums?
Did Tatsuya do everything wrong? Or right?
People wanted a scifi souls game
So how does Sup Forums feel about these games?
PC + PS4 (Pro) Master Race
Why did ground zeroes set the dark theme so well while the phantom pain came in and completely destroyed it?
Jazz inspired soundtrack
What we have now:
Have they dethroned Final Fantasy?
HotS Thread
That guy who always chooses the female character
MGS2 is kino
Prey Optimization
Is this the only kino video game?
Did you like Bayonetta for PC, Sup Forums? I've played for 15 minutes and, to me at least...
Will Nintendo bring their big guns this E3?
PC is literally a platform for degenerates
Games that were instant classics
ARMS Thread
Finally gave in to the daily shilling on Sup Forums
So Sadayo is the canon slut from Persona 5 right?
Who would you trust to make a Dark Souls movie, Sup Forums
You're getting older and there is nothing to fill the void anymore
This is a Japanese dragon
Srs kuestion
What games have the best depictions of BRs?
The Black Goo Of Japanese Unoriginality
Literally the ideal and arguably the hardest souls game
Persona 5's translation is a black mark on a brilliant game
Phantom Dust
How does it feel that Devil may cry 3, game from 2005 will always have better combat than this boring piece of shit
Looks like Sega pretty much confirmend that Yakuza / Persona on PC is happening
How does this image make you feel?
What is the PC graphics card equivalent of the Switch?
Super hero games
Been drinking, girlfriend may break up with me
What is Ryu looking at?
*tortures your monster*
Final Fantasy VII Remake
Tekken 7
Meanwhile, on Sup Forumsalos I
Is Persona 5 really a pretentious juvenile game like Moogy-denka claims?
Can kill any character with just a couple mouse clicks
Liu Shan
Enjoying your games?
Apparently Disgaea 5 got a demo on the eShop, but I guess it's only on the US one...
Okay Sup Forums I don't get it, why would I pay $15 on the PS Vita Store for an individual game in the series...
Sup Forums hates Arkane now
This is Renamon
Remember me?
So not that the P5 dust has settled, can we all agree than Adachi was the superior villain in P4 compared to P5?
ITT: Casual filters
What is the best castlevania ever?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...