Is it okay to hate the protagonist of a game you like?

Is it okay to hate the protagonist of a game you like?

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You can do whatever you want.

Why do you hate a blank image user?

yes, because Terumi was the true hero.
>actual ambition
>tragically fails every time
>just trying to retaliate at the origin for fucking him and the timeline over
>literally everyone but him were pawns of the (((origin)))
>realizes that humans are retarded monkeys who can't accept a loss

Sure. I don't see why you'd hate Ragna. He's more boring than hateable.

Considering how the villains in Star Wars are always more popular, sure.

I don't see anything wrong with that.

>Posting blank images

>Gay fuccboi design
>Obnoxious edgelord BUT HE'S ACTUALLY A NICE GUY REALLY personality
>Cringe as fuck dialogue
>Goes from complete jobber to invincible badass with no foreshadowing

And before anyone gets triggered, I hate Sol too.

It's suppose to be shit so it's good.

Is it okay to hate the entire cast of a game you like?

I've seen plenty people love DMC's gameplay that also thinks Dante is obnoxious.

Its not a big deal.

Why did you post a blank image?

Maybe I just don't get it because I don't dislike any of the other characters except him.

Asides from the KH tier design he's not bad. That said, protagonists are pretty much always the shittiest characters in a game.

Bullet is the true MC

Is he /oursnek/?

Yes. Very.

I literally dislike every character in this game who's not Azarel. He also is 10x more fun to play than everyone else, and is the closest thing I can get to a new Fist of the North Star game by Arcsys.

>Terumi is a shitter
>Whaaa what an asshole
>Jin is a shitter
>Whaaaa what a fag
>Kagura is a shitter
>Whaaa what a douche
>Kokonoe is a shitter
>Whaaa what a bitch
>Ragna is a shitter
>Guys really he's not an edgelord he's a nice guy he just deals with a lot of shit seriously guys

Nah, fuck Ragna.

I approve.

I want Makoto to poop on my chest

She's a filthy animal so she would probably do it.

Well if you put it that way it sounds pretty bad. But it's not he and Sol are the same. Ragna is more like a stereotypical anime protag (which should've been apparent from all the blatant archetypes everywhere) while Sol is Gary Stu.

who here rachel?


They're shit for different reasons. They're both blatant wish fulfillment shitters but one is for the creator and one is for the audience.

Here come the waifufags, it was a nice thread.

I made this thread just to autistically bitch about how much I hate a character I don't think it was ever going to be a nice thread.

>one is for the creator
>doesn't end up with Noel
Does this mean Mori hates himself?

I'm obviously talking about Sol, who Daisuke admitted to being his self insert.

How do you fix Bullet?

I think you might also be homosexual

>wish fulfillment shitter for the audience
Now ya lost me.

She's perfect as is

thats for yourself to decide. think for yourself you dumb faggot.

He's definitely made to appeal to angsty NEETs who see themselves as being dragged down by society and nice guy losers.

But I'm curious what other autists think.

I think her problem is that she's too honest. What I mean is that she's like Naoto in that she can only come at you from the front and use footsies and frame traps to get her damage. In the same game where Carl, Litchi, and Arakune exist who can attack you from3 different angles at once. It's not fair for her.

Better normals and faster air dash forward.

Her A+B should have armor, also remove her heat up mechanic.

Just revert her back to CP1.1 Bullet. A lot of her changes since then were a little QOL and a little nerfing. If they kept a lot of her original ideas which was really strong +frames for various situations and then gave her the 360, fireball buffs and etc. she would be looking pretty right now.

You can combo off of 6c. Start round st max heat

Ragna had a hard life

>Susanoo tricks humanity into making robot girls in an effort to make a sword that can kill Amaterasu
>Sword ends up turning into the Black Beast and killing literally everything and an entirely new world has to be made
>Humanity not only starts making people from the Black beasts corpse but also starts making even more robot girls

So is humanity retarded?

always was.

Fortunately it's over. Hopefully the next BB doesn't have him.

Post your BB main or I'll eat your soul.

Hell even level1 heat would be acceptable

You should lose heat.

They really should let it just sit for a while. And the next BB should be different. Punished Carl will probably be a bit more like Relius looking at it that way though.


I generally liked him but CF kinda left a bad taste in my mouth. He felt "off."

He straight went from a dumb brute (in 3 consecutive games) to an INSANELY clever, planning protag who managed to jerry-rig situations perfectly within seconds. Sure, it somewhat existed in CS with Mu-12 but it was a "just fuck it" kind of deal. In CF he's outwitting Izanami of all people in wordplay like it's nobody's business.



ragna is one of the few "sane" characters in the game. everyone else suffers one form of mental retardation to another.

Time to boot up Alpha.





It's been like that since the first game. Blazblue is not a series of emotionally stable people. The only reasonably balanced people in this game are Tager, MAYBE Makoto, Bang, Valkenhayn, Kagura, and Naoto I guess.



Hades Izanami was pretty balanced for an asshole with a master plan. Terumi was...well he just wanted to watch the world burn.

Since Continuum Shift.

>Hades Izanami was pretty balanced for an asshole with a master plan.

My one peeve about Ragna is that he once mass murdered NOL soldiers and never got any comeuppance for it. I don't even remember anyone ever bringing it up.

Like I said, for an asshole with a master plan. If you're gonna be evil might as well roll with the paint you're given.

That got retconned. Apparently after blowing up several cauldronls he didn't kill a single person and it was all NOL propaganda. You'd probably think that's stupid and you'd be correct.

Izanami is all the death in the timelines caused by the fuckups of humanity that Terumi then used and put into Saya so she became really powerful.
She's not a real god, she's just a reflection of the (((origin))) and just as cancerous as she is. Terumi and Relius are the only guys in the plot who were really independent, Izanami just wanted to destroy because she was just the frustration of the (((origin))) made manifest, just as irresponsible as the dumb ningen who created her.

They were gonna die eventually.

I'm getting a commission for her pretty soon

Literally the most fun character in a fighting game.

>They were gonna die eventually.
dont forget to say that in curt





What court? This is a game where the government was stealing people's souls to build robot waifus in their basement. The only reason the NOL has to be mad at Ragna was because he killed them before they could.

I have to pick her up again even though I don't like her much in this game

It sucks that Susan sucks in this game. He has to work so hard to make himself a threat

Best girl

Nice main, edgelord.

I gave you one job you piece of shit. Save her, go back home, and live a peaceful life and you couldn't even fucking do that.


1. Make it so 5D combos off of 5C again.
2. Have her start the match in Level 1 Heat Up
3. Shorten the recovery time in her command grab

Done. That's literally all it would take to fix Bullet. The 5C > 5D nerf was fucking retarded because now she has to give up oki just to get a Heat Level midscreen which makes absolutely no sense.

The difference between her and Naoto is that Naoto actually has ways to get in on characters and escape pressure thanks to Sway Shift, Enhancer boosts, and a much better DP. He can also completely smash lifebars with much less resources than even the unga bunga characters in the game. In current tier lists he's not even considered a bad character, it's just his execution bar is so damn high that even the pros still drop his combos on a consistent basis.

What's funnier is that Terumi basically won in the way, except he didn't get to fuck over the (((origin))) while doing it.
>become super powerful
>tortue the origin's soul for eternity
>be only dominant force in the world
>create world with endless possibilities where no one intervenes like it was before the origin
>balance the origin's emotional bitchfits (shes a gurl get it)
>suddenly she stops intervening
>everyone gets every possibility, not just the good ones.

He sucks, it's true. Nothing is sweeter when you win though. His snowball-y nature lets him be deadlier than a lot of people give him credit for.


This version of her is my favorite. In CS, her Steins were doing 90% of the work for her and she really didn't have anything all too interesting going for her. Her CP iteration was fun but gimped hard because of SMP fucking over all her loops and screencarry by making 6C and 6B something that had to be used sparsely. In CF, she's an absolute monster with the tools to deal with everything, and has probably some of the scariest plays in the corner throughout the entire game.


Good to know they can't keep a consistent storyline.

Why is the purification rod getting longer with each game

I never imagined the reason for the time loops to be as silly as they were

>humanity made an emotionally unstable robot waifu who wants to be rescued by her hero
>Anytime something happens to ruin that for her she gets mad and reminds time again

Seriously how many form she have ? she have like 4

You're basically sayng all these NOL people deserved to die bcause they didn't know the three people running their org are evil fucks.

They have been really consistent, it's just CT that had stuff retconned, and even then it was just details about the characters rather than the story itself.

If Bullet has a level 2 heat her fireball should be like a travailing wall of fire.

She has 2.