Fire Emblem Heroes

Only 8 hours left before the Gauntlet is over, don't forget to use those fucking flags because it looks like there won't be another 3x. New Seals are finally here as well, Fortify Res 1 and Spur Def 1, so don't forget about getting those either.

Feels like Bow heroes are just shit now. Makes me sad because I just got 2 more Takumi's on top of the one I started the account with. Maybe someday there will be a reason to inherit Close Counter onto other units.

How do I even get that shitty 3* Barst into killing level 35 units?

>Feels like Bow heroes are just shit now.
Colorless as a whole is in the shitter right now, the only bright spot for them is Wrathful Staff for Healers. The -Owl tomes might go decently well with Close Counter, but you're still better off with -Blade memes instead.
Same as you do everyone else. Painfully grinding them up to about 40 with a party of other Level 40 units, preferably with a Healer and Dancer in the mix as well.

Go to lunatic 8-5 with a level 15 barst, use 3 teammates to kill everyone but the healer. Healer doesn't have a weapon.

They didn't put like ANY Fates neutrals in heroes. Like, wheres Mozu, Silas, Keaton or Kaden? Hell they couldn't even include any children from any game. And they still won't include any other FE8 or FE4 characters.

Echoes is gonna flop in sales, so stop advertising and give us more variety.

When is the next banner? I've got orbs burning a hole in my pocket and I don't want to waste them on the current ones.

May 30th

No idea, probably the Versus Lloyd banner? Not sure when they're rerunning Narcian, so it might be him first instead.

narcian isn't getting a banner
the only other banners before the 30th are Versus Lloyd and "Triangle Mastery" whatever the fuck that is

>"Triangle Mastery"
I actually forgot that was going to be a banner. My money's on it being a filler banner just stacked with units who have Gem weapons and Triangle Adept.

We're getting free orbs back once the gauntlet is over right?


Do I have what it takes to make a meme cav team

It'll work, but you kinda need a filler.

Gunter? Feed Jagen to Xander for his cav buff?

>triangle adept

More like SI fest. I'm hoping for some Hinatas too.

Put either Freddy or Gunter as your filler, they hit like a truck with cav buffs Cecilia can only do so much as your main green.

If you inherit some skills, sure. Xander / Ursula / Cecilia / Filler, you can pick Peri, Brave Axe Freddy, or Eliwood. You're missing the best buff (Goad Cavalry) but you should be okay.

>yfw you roll Oboro, Est, Beruka, or Sheeda

I'd say Gunter is the better filler, to get Hone Cavalary

>Not the classic Barst or Bartre roll

Tharja bros set your main guy to a blue or grey, I'm not getting the bonus and I don't want to stop using Tharja and lose bonus points

Barst has at least Fury 2 for those who couldn't get a Hinata and Bartre has Reposition.

Beruka has jackshit

It happened again. I don't know how I keep running into this shit.

What can your cav meme do against based Hector?

Use Xander?

xander kind of eats hector alive

>*unsheathes Xander*

I think you mixed those two up
I know Batre has smite, I used to have him push lucina across lava all the time

Fury 3 on Xander y/y?

thanks user

Eldigan and Xander can wreck Hectors shit.

The barst from the event is the first one I've ever gotten. Same case for when Catria was available.

Sure. Pair with Vantage if possible.

Yeah, I did, my bad.

>5*ing alfonse
Should've done Xander. He could tank those Hectors like a champ. Ryoma probably can, too. Just keep Fae close for that threaten attack debuff.

Reinhardt after killing something can have Drag Aura ready
Or Leo oneshots him when I want to be ""efficient""

What build do I give him? ATK+, HP-

I'm thinking in the long term here, the pain of inheriting shit onto fucking Alfonse is minor.


Yes but Alfonse is a long term investment, Xander probably wont be a bonus until after they redo his GHB or something, while Alfonse rotates every 3 arena bonus units along with Sharena and Anna.

Give his Wo Dao to Hinata

they are too good for this game

Yeah I want Panne

>wanting even more fates characters
Fuck off. They're over represented as it is. We don't need more.


>subhumans are too good
>posts the second worst subhuman

Fury 3 to get that desperation+reprisal bonus. Alternatively, Ardent Sacrifice.

Any Tier 17 faggots who've completed their runs yet? What scores did you get/what rank are you right now?

Reminder that if you're not battling until the last two hours you're doing your team a huge favor

>Robin catching up all on his own

Scored 4.796, exactly the same as last week. I'm ranked 2.601/4.258. Didn't expect to move a tier with that score but we'll see when the week ends.

Sasuga Robinfags.

At least Oboro is OK now, since you can get Rally Defense passed to Eirika for the quadra buff.

>all those people with leftover flags that were waiting for a 3x bonus that never came

This could just be Tharjafags slowing down to prevent Robin from getting another x3

Xander did nothing wrong


I had 2000 flags leftover and I've been pouring 50 every 30 mintues. I'm gonna panic if no x3 bonus comes.

Post that pic. You know the one with Tharja.

Killed his imouto

Just got Anna up to a 5* and is currently vanilla

>Is she worth building for?

>tfw no vantage trash to feed your good units

Reposition and fury

I don't save thargarbage images on my computer

Yeah give her Fury, Desperation, your special and reposition of choice and use her legendary's active to just fly around the map and meme on people

>implying Tharjafags are smart enough to do that
I doubt it my team is just a bunch of waifu bandwagoners who expected an easy win

It's not possible for a x3 bonus to come now, just start spending you fool.

Don't you like darkness?

Just give one of your units Reciprocal Aid and never lose to single color memes again.

Ryoma and Alfonse took care of them pretty easily actually, don't think I even had to use my Linde's Ardent Sacrifice for them.

>getting out tactic'd by waifufags


Why bother playing when free orbs are over?

Free orbs will come back you retard. Shut up and vote for now.

Corrin too.

Because they aren't, they're just stopped for the moment.

Personally I'm saving my flags to dump them at the eleventh hour. My wife will win.

>didnt have a single mission character leveld up
>now I have to waste all my stamina on grinding these shitters

This is painfully boring.

>already had a Barst at level 39
>Hana at 40
>multiple Donnels at 20+
>Draug at 15

was 2ez

Hopefully mkv will find some ways to use them for maps in the future

Doing this with 5* Robin, Kagero and A Tiki

It's mkv, he almost certainly will.

Cann the Fortify Res skill stack with the Fortify Res Seal?


Who would win in a fight?
Mkv. or ItchyBackside?

The strongest one is taken. In this case, Fortify Res 2 or 3 while the Seal is ignored.

Spur Res would stack, though.


>Have 3* Arthur
>Inherit the Emerald Axe into him
>Inherit Lance Breaker 1 and HP +3 1 too
>Have him kill lances 10 levels below him

They do this every month, a week or so without orbs causes withdrawl symptoms in the weak, and then they bring it back as usual to prep the next month

I got a +atk -spd Karel. he salvageable?

>can't go two arena matches without running into some faggot with a +3 or +5 Azura with Wings of Mercy
I'd rather fight a team of thundercocks then having to constantly deal with this cunt

You too? I had to double check the azura after I dismantled the rest of the team when she did outrageous damage to my (spring) xander on a defensive tile.

Turns out it was a +5 azura with fury 3 and 51 attack unbuffed.

>Eirika/Ephraim can give quad buffs now

>tfw not having either

Requires you to run Rally Def instead of Res though, but the damage might be worth it.

>not cav

shit, I didn't even think about that. I already gave my Eirika Rally resistance, I could easily switch it up with all the oboros I have lying around.

>already get quad buffs from units who can also fight on their own
thanks horses

>Eirika or Ephraim
>not able to fight on their own