The gaming industry is undoubtedly huge and will continue to grow and evolve...

>The gaming industry is undoubtedly huge and will continue to grow and evolve. We have seen games progress through our generations, from the original Pokémon Red and Blue, to the latest Call of Duty. However, all games are associated with being ‘bad’ for our health. Compared with the old social norms of outdoor activity, gaming is stereotyped as ‘lazy’ and a driver of aggressive behaviour. A recent study has shown this to be at least partially true.
>In a study of hardcore gamers (those who play 10 or more hours a week) compared to the general population found gamers to indeed be lazier.
>Hardcore gamers typically took three times as long to find employment than non-gamers. They also were found to be less ptoductive overall. This is an issue employers must deal with as lost productivity due to video games costs the global economy up to $500 billion a year.
>In addition, hardcore gamers reported an average of three close friends in their lives compared to a dozen for non-gamers. Hardcore male gamers had sex 68% less frequently than non-gamers; however, female hardcore gamers had the same amount of sex as female non-gamers. Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA than non-gamers.

Were video games a mistake?

Your thread is a mistake
Your life is a mistake

>Hardcore male gamers had sex 68% less frequently than non-gamers; however, female hardcore gamers had the same amount of sex as female non-gamers.

I really wish I was born a woman.

>female hardcore gamers

>No source
>Somehow this thread will reach bump limit

Sorry women, it's not any complicated neuroscience. Video games are simply better than sex.

>Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA than non-gamers.

So when I've called you guys fags, its been literal?

>10 or more hours a week

So does that mean my parents are hardcore TV watchers?

jesus christ they just keep adding more letters.

I'm trans, so technically I'm straight

>gaming is the cause, not a consequence
How can one possibly come up with that? Also,
>10 hours per week
I don't even

How long until it's LGBTQIAOP?

10 hours a day or 6 houes a day would be far better. DSM is a joke

Steam says i played 115 hours in the last 2 weeks. some are from a micromanagement shit game, so id say its 80, i leave it running a lot. Shit.

If you spend an hour and 45 minutes browsing facebook or watching youtube then you are an internet addict according to those standards.

>So does that mean my parents are hardcore TV watchers?
O-oy vey, user. There's absolutely nothing wrong with watching our prop-- errr television. That's what all normal, well-rounded individuals do! Make sure to tell your fellow Millenials to stop melting their minds with video games and to subscribe back to cable!

They'll have the whole alphabet and a few numbers at this rate.

>Steam says i played 115 hours in the last 2 weeks

How? What the fuck do you even play?
I'm only on 45 every 2 weeks


???????? quit it with adding more nonsense

>hardcore gamers
>10 hours

who wrote this pseudo social science bullshit.

Every time I chuckle to myself.

>A recent study showed that OP is 100% gay and loves to take cocks up his ass

What could this mean?

>pseudo social science
No redundancy please.

>Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA than non-gamers.
LGBTQIA isn't even a word, no source, heres your (you).

i hope this clicker heroes think adds up a lot of hours to my counting, really. well i leave it open all night long sometimes, but im not really sure on how much i play. lets say 4 cs games a day. sometimes is nier, sometimes other shit, but id say 5 hours a day, someday more, someday less. 5x14=70. ye id say 70/80 is more accurate than steam. my life rn is wake up, work, go home, eat, play, go work, go home, eat, play, go bed. This thread made me realize im a failure.


What the fuck is that?

First they took the rainbow now they're going for the alphabet.

>normies still reference call of dooty

really....... makes u think..........

>LGBTQIA isn't even a word
its an acronym dummy

>This thread made me realize im a failure.

You're not a failure, you're normal. Be less harsh on yourself, lad.

What the fuck does the QIA stand for?

>11 hours a week

Fucking what

Queer Incest-Anal

Sauce me up senpai, I want know if video games really do make people gay. That'd be a dream come true.

Queer, Intersex, Asexual

Queer interspecies anthropomorph I think

>female hardcore gamers had the same amount of sex as female non-gamers

>people play degenerate dumbed down and sjwfied mainstream nu-games
>become braindead faggots

Quantum integer anomaly

Weird, it's almost like the modern world molded a generation of people who just want to die, because everything has become meaningless

I thought the Q was Questioning? I think this is why most people stop at T

>500 billion a year in productivity costs
We did it Sup Forums, by being slightly lazier office rats we have costed the global economy 500 fucking billions, lets keep it up, soon we can make a true anarcho capitalist wasteland.

I don't think it's right to say video games are the cause of it, it's more like a tool to cope with some problem be it addiction, uglyness, antisocial, laziness, or even just bad luck. If videogames didn't exist time consumption would be in other media like card games/DnD like it was decades ago.

Where do Japanese people get these bookcases that have just enough height on their shelves for whatever they put in?

Isn't queer redundant since G is already there?

The fuck is Intersex??? Only having sex with yourself?

Asexual? We're mammals, not cells what the fuck.

but do they cause cancer?

the what now

Thank you user, i can get back to my daily routine then. Also, i think OP is bait, 10 hours a week cant be hardcore.

Welcome to current year

I just want games act and play like games again.

>Hardcore male gamers had sex 68% less frequently than non-gamers; however, female hardcore gamers had the same amount of sex as female non-gamers.

Grrl gamurs confirmed sluts

>female hardcore gamers had the same amount of sex as female non-gamers.

Life is fucking unfair.

>Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA than non-gamers.

I fucking knew that all of those trannies on Discord and in FFXIV threads weren't a coincidence!

What the fuck does I and A mean though?
Do they just keep adding letters to it or what?

>this really really bothers me for some reason


I mean it.
Be less harsh on yourself.

don't look up intersex on google images lad, it's like some hermaphrodite shit

I've been ignoring it because it's all so retarded. I'm bi (love cock) and trans are a huge fetish of mine but come the fuck on. You don't see me making up acronyms for made up orientations.

I think thats called an adjustable shelf

>>In a study of hardcore gamers (those who play 10 or more hours a week)


They literally are though. Look at any Twitch girl stream or hell, Lana Rain.

it shows just how foolish you are that you're going to make fun of it before even researching it.

Are you a child?

I'm a fag and you probably wouldn't be able to tell just by my interests and mannerisms(you just have to take my word for it I guess), but you'd be surprised how much just the "sex drive" part can affect your life. Not to get all Freudian, but sex pervades everything people do, even things that we don't think of as explicitly sexual. Anything that alienates you from other people makes you more likely to lapse into escapism, i.e. gaming. It also has some self-reinforcing qualities, think for instance how many weird interests/fetishes/etc. you developed just from browsing sites like this.

Speaking for myself, I actually "identified" as asexual and wanted nothing to do with that whole LGBTBBQ clusterfuck or sex in general for a long time. I still kind of do tbqh; I've decided I'm "gay" because I tend to find abstract aesthetics, attitudes, etc. which are "masculine" to be more pleasing than those that are "feminine," not because I like muscles and dicks and shit like that(although going back to the "reinforcing" part, I've developed a taste for those things after watching lots of porn). I imagine there's a correlation between people who have a more abstract/fluid conception of sexuality and people who just generally view the world in the same idea-focused manner. /blogpost

>Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIAWSZXCDERFVBGTYHNMJUKIOLP than non-gamers.

>It's a "correlation implies causation" pseudoscience bullshit being posted on Sup Forums
>10 hours a WEEK is hardcore
There's no way this expects me to take it as anything but a complete joke.

If i can't tell you're gay from your mannerism, and you have to tell me you're gay, then you're gay not a fag.

t. guy who fucking hates fags

>video games are bad
>watching television is not

really makes a man think

Not even making of it mate. Take your hurt feelings elsewhere.

shut up gay lord


You can be gay but not a fag, white but not a wigger, black but not a nigger, so on. If you dont go and do that shitty gay voice, act like you inhale dicks and so on, enjoy your shit you la la homo man in peace, shove it down my throat and you can honestly just go shove a drill in your dick.

>t. 17 year old closeted homosexual

grow the fuck up and stop basing your happiness and anger on how other people are acting.

>just act white and straight like me
>dialect doesn't exist
>anything outside of my own personal experience makes me extremely uncomfortable
>everyone else is the problem!
>pfft special snowflakes

>70 posterinos
>ctrf f source
>2 matches



Lefty detected. I didn't mention my happiness or anger, or implied anything about it. You're projecting, you triggered snowflake.

Im asking for you not to act like a exagerated stereotype, not to act white user. Whats with the sudden triggering?

Nice b8 but there are no fish in this sea

hate=anger buddy! hate is an emotion don't try to argue that

>t.guy who fucking hates fags
>bitch detected

>Trying to reason with leftists
>Not just laughing at them

Step it up, my son.

>that last image
Holy shit lol

>hate=anger buddy!

So you hate me then? Because I appear to have made you pretty angry.

>Hardcore gamers were found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA

First of all, what the fuck is IA
And secondly where is your source


everyone acts like an exaggerated stereotype that's just society buddy. In fact the shit your saying sounds like political views I had when I was 14 and I'm being 100% literal when I say that. Not shitty, I literally believed this shit like 10 years ago and thought it made me so much more pragmatic than everyone. All you're doing is feeding your own confirmation bias.
>resorts to pigeon holing people via american political spectrum

Its more fun to disect their reasons and in the rare times where it isnt bait, point out how bullshit it all is and convince them to change mentalities.

Redpilling is stupid, but so is bluepilling.

This post is the cherry on top of the kek, I can't take it anymore.

>everyone acts like an exaggerated stereotype

I shudder to imagine the snowflakes that comprise your social circle.

>Hardcore gamers were also found to be four times more likely to identify as LGBTQIA than non-gamers.

This is the most disturbing part.

Nah I don't hate you (those were your or other anons words), I am only pointing out the inconsistencies in your argument. Nice deflection though, maybe you should own up to you words. It'd be the responsible thing to do.

>everyone acts like a exagerated sterotype
No, they dont. Nowhere near "everyone", hell, if everyone was their steretype then racism would actually be justified sometimes.
>you believed what I believed when I was younger so what you believe cant be true
Nice argument

Their acronym is simply a clever metaphor for how bloated and cumbersome their ideology is become. As they struggle to accept more and more "oppressed" into their movement, the acronym grows and grows.

>I-i-i'm not mad or hateful!

Calm down, son. Nobody was even talking to you but you butt in full of anger and lefty nonsense.

I don't have a social circle. I have some really close friends (3) that I've known since child hood and my immediate family. I'm pretty introverted and keep to myself for the most part. Been that way my whole life

Nice assumption there though, pal.