Will you buy his game?

Juliafags don't even bother posting on my thread. Your retarded indian waife is not even in the game lol.

Lee or Violet?


What kind of a question is that?

I want Lili to poop on my chest


I did the unthinkable and pre-ordered, just like I did the last two Tekken games.


lili doesn't poop

I am buying Eliza's game

Anyway, I'm buying sexy sleepy succubus's game

Michelle Chang is Half-Chinese Half-Injun
Julia is her adopted daughter so she's not chinese, probably not even injun.

Why would a succubus be associated with chinese ancestry?

I think it's odd they made them an adoptive family while Michelle and Julia look so much alike that writing them as blood related or not wouldn't make a difference.

Played tekken tag today. I enjoy this more than any street fighter game.

I meant I thought Julia was half-Chinese
Eliza is just a character I'm hyped to play

Wouldn't want to make Michelle impure by implying she ever had sex. Same with Nina since Steve isn't a natural birth.

I bet they've regretted doing that to Jun ever since.

What sizes are her boobs in the customize character going to be? Will they charge for DOA or Senran Kagura level boobs?

Guys, was Michelle also put in cryosleep or something? Because how is she 20

While Julia is 18 at the same time???

>tfw complete shit at 2D animu fightan but fair reasonably well at 3D fightans

Tag games are non canon

it sad how afraid they are of old ladies.

The purityfag sect of waifuism wasn't a thing when these characters were created in the nineties though.

Tag games are set in a different and bizarre canon.

No, it's great, just have the female cast have perfect genes like the Tekken 1 dudes who are all close to 50 years old yet look 30 at most.

Just like Soul Calibur where all veterans haven't physically aged at all.

I'd assume it's like TR where she has two of the same custom with the small boobs and big boobs

I'm so damn ready for a new 1 on 1 tekken game, tagging isn't the worst thing ever but I much prefer classic.
The game seems like it will have a fair amount of single player content as well so even if online is bad for whatever reason this will be a solid purchase.

3D fightin requires more skill.

Maybe at the highest level of play sure, but for casuals 2d is a steeper learning curve.
You can mash shit out in tekken and feel like a champ but not in 2d.

So who is the token Julia replacement then?

i will never have my Michelle Yeoh representative.

We need more Lili posts actually

there's none so far


Guess I go back to playing Jack then.

Just wait to see who the Classic Characters DLC will be, if Julia isn't amongst them then it's time to just give up your main for some years till a TTT3 happens.

Why would i wanna play a granny when i can play a cute younger chick instead?

I noticed capcom fags are salty retards.

Anna will be first lady.
Julia is poop, her moveset will be sent to some Nigerian fighter.

Hopefully ones with depraved fetishes

Lei, Anna and Julia are the ones you see people request the most practically everywhere. Since Murray can't shut up about how they want T7 to last a long time with lots of updates, he'd be stupid to let Harada add in Ganryu instead. I'd say those 3 are pretty safe bets.

>he'd be stupid to let Harada add in Ganryu instead.
Who the fuck is Murray in the face of Harada's 3rd favorite character?

See that's my one problem with Harada. His prioirities when deciding who to add are skewed at best. First off, if he likes a character, it instantly has a better chance of getting in. Period.
Then he looks at pick rates, but he fails to understand that OP characters, like Bob was in T6, are picked more, because -newsflash- people like to win; and were he more nuanced like Lei, nobody would've ever picked fucking Bob. Ever. So not fucking wonder Bob was "more popular" than Lei. Still this does not make Lei any less of a classic character who is just as damn iconic as Yoshi or King.

I got tekken 7 pre-loaded on my xbox one and the wait is agony.

She is a vampire.

when's anna? I actually play her.

Lies, no one plays as Anna.

Sound like Harada is my kind of guy.

Fuck your stats m8.

this isn't GG and we're not talking about Bridget. People do play Anna.

Yeah I'm gonna buy it for PC since most people on there will probably suck as much as me, so fights will be at least somewhat balanced. Also waiting for someone to rip the OST already.
